"And a pretty good place for a trap," Allura said.

"I agree with Allura. Maybe we just fly away and have a relaxing brunch? Eggs benedict with hollandaise?" Hunk said nervously.

"What?" Keith shouted, furious. "We came all the way out here to find these people! We have to do this!"

"Okay, okay. take a chill pill," Lance said. Violet squinted at Keith. There was definitely something wrong with him; she resolved to find out what it was. Even if he still hated her.

Suddenly, there was a beep and a voice came over the speakers. "Hailing unknown vessel. Identify who you are."

"This is Voltron, defender of the universe," Shiro replied. "Ulaz sent us in the hopes that we could be allies."


"Two are allowed to visit the base. Come without weapons."

"Why must we be unarmed to see them? It feels risky," said Allura. "We shouldn't split the team up."

"We can't waste this opportunity. Shiro, get your lion ready," Violet replied, checking her blades. "Blacky's strong enough to resist the pull of the black holes." She looked down at her daggers. "They don't mean entirely unarmed, right?"

She looked up. Everyone was staring at her. "What?"

It was Shiro who answered. "Violet ... you can't go."

"What? Why?" She demanded. "This is our chance to form a new alliance. I'm not just going to stand by! Give me one reason why I can't go."

Lance sighed. "There are many reasons, Vi. One of them being that you'd never part with all your weapons."

"I could!" Violet said indignantly. "Look!" She grabbed her daggers, shucking them off, then took out her throwing stars and knives. Seeing the other paladin's unimpressed gazes, she groaned and drew her lasso and the hidden blades at her boot.

"Still not enough, Violet," Shiro said almost apologetically. "You could use a book as a weapon."

"I know. That's why I won't bring my book," Violet shot back.

"What Shiro is trying to say is that You could use anything to harm someone," Lance cut in. "You're dangerous, Vi, whether you're trying to be or not. We don't want the Blade of Marmora to be threatened by you."

"Threatened? Shiro's arm is glowy purple Galra metal and we're going to be entering the base in a space lion!" Violet cried. "How is that not threatening?"

"It's not just that," Allura snapped. "What if the Blade of Marmora recognizes you? You could've tried to take them down when you - before."

Violet's blood went cold, and she stopped. "I..."

"It's settled, then," Shiro said firmly. "I'm taking Keith."

"Wha - why?" Lance spluttered. "Keith is the least diplomatic out of all of us! He'd rather shoot these rebels than talk to them! It's like taking a rabid wolf into a den full of not rabid wolves!"

"Keith's lion is the most agile, and has higher heat resistance," said Shiro. "We won't be able to enter the base without it."

He nodded to Keith, and the two paladins turned and left. Violet stood at the bridge with the others as long as she could, hands curled into fists, before she lost composure and scrambled after them.

They were almost to the red lion's hangar when Violet caught up to them. "Shiro, please let me go," she said, walking backwards so she could face them. "I promise not to kill anyone. Or maim them. Or even scratch them."

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Where stories live. Discover now