"We must do it," Allura cut in, voice determined. "This is our only chance to save the Balmerans. I'm going to take one of the pods and fly to the surface to lead the Balmerans out."

"Princess, it's too dangerous," Violet protested. "The monster will crush you to pieces. I'm already at the surface - let me do it. I'm no use in Voltron anyways."

"Vi, are you sure?" Hunk said.

"I told you not to - gyah. Yes, I'm sure."

"Alright then," Shiro said. "Good luck, Violet. Paladins, focus on keeping the creature distracted."

The lions set off, provoking the monster and dodging its blasts. Violet watched them take off, then turned to Shay and her family. A rumble suddenly shook the earth; she placed her hand against the wall for support as the ground shook.

"We need to get all the Balmerans out now," she commanded. "Shay, Rax, Shay's grandmother - can you get word to the rest of your people?"

Looking dejected, Shay answered, "We already have. I am sorry, but ... we are staying here, on our planet, no matter its state."

"What?" Violet was shocked. Staying on the planet was suicide. Didn't the Balmerans want to fight for their home, for survival?

"We would rather die in our home than live as refugees in some foreign place," Shay explained. "We cannot let Voltron put their lives on the line to help us. It is our final request."

Violet's eyes narrowed. "No."

"We don't want your assistance," Shay said desperately. "I beg you not to do this!"

"I listened to what you had to say," Violet said. "Do me a favor and listen to me. I need all the Balmerans to hear me. Can you get a message across?"

"Yes, but so can you," Shay's grandmother said, stepping forward. "The Balmera has taken a liking to you." She gestured to where Violet had put her hand on the wall for support, and Violet turned to look. She recoiled at the sight; her hand was glowing gold where it came in contact with the earth.

"Say what you have to say," the old Balerman said. "We are listening."

Violet closed her eyes and placed her hand upon the wall again. Drawing a breath, she began to speak.

"People of the Balmera. My name is Violetta Evelyn Idalia, but you don't know me. I come with hope for your dying world.

"None of you have ever known freedom, but the oldest may recall stories of the sea and the stars. So take my word for it - your home is precious to you, but it is also your cage. I beg you now, for my friends and for all the universe: break free. Be free and know what freedom is, know what it's like to watch the sun rise over the desert and count the stars at midnight. Be free and rise up against the people who have enslaved you for so long. Join us in our fight, and live another day, for staying here is death. Believe me when I tell you that death is not a blessing, nor a noble sacrifice. It takes strength, and a lot of courage, to face it and manage to walk away. But we have that strength. We have that courage. The chance to be free is worth fighting for, even if you don't know how."

Quiet followed her words. Violet removed her hand and turned to see Shay's family looking at her with tears in their eyes. "Thank you," Shay's grandmother said. "For giving us reason to hope again."

"Yeah, Violet, that was awesome," Lance added from where he was currently attacking the monster. "Like, I was listening super intently, and I have a giant Galra creature trying to kill me. You even made Keith tear up."

"No, you didn't," Keith growled.

"He was tearing up a little," said Hunk. Violet's lips curled into a grin.

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