"Then go with Keith. Everyone suit up," Shiro ordered.

They set off, Lance, Keith and Hunk attacking the mining rings around the Balmera, Pidge flying around the shafts to find traces of the Balmerans, Shiro heading to take out the ion cannon.

As Violet and Keith flew among the Balmera, Keith said, "What did you mean by 'rough history?'"

Violet grimaced. "The black lion might, um ... hate me. A bit."

Keith didn't stop flying the lion, but it jerked to the side as he lost control for a second. "Violet the all-powerful lion whisperer, having a bad relationship with a lion? Impossible!"

"Oh, shut up. It's nothing, really. A while ago, I tried to control the black lion, and it ... shut me out."

Keith glanced at her. "You tried to control the black lion?"

"When Sendak was taking over the castle and Shiro was getting tortured," Violet explained. "I tried to urge the black lion to escape, to save its paladin, but it didn't reply. I got the impression that it didn't think Shiro was its rightful paladin."

Keith tensed. "That's stupid. Shiro's our leader."

"I know," Violet agreed. "But I got frustrated at the lion. Now I'm pretty sure that it's angry with me."

Keith started to answer her, but an image showed up on his screen of some kind of fire feature. "Are those ... lava lasers?" Violet asked.

"I think I know what Red's telling me to do," Keith said, and activated the image. The red lion opened it's jaws and shot fire from its mouth, destroying several of the mining rings. "Whoa! Did you guys just see that? I got fire power!" Keith yelled excitedly.

"More like lava lasers," Violet interjected.

Keith frowned. "That sounds lame."


Lance whined, "Hey! I want that!" Suddenly, the blue lion opened its mouth and breathed ice to stop a Galra tower from crashing on the Balmera's surface. Lance whooped. "Ice rays!"

"Death breath," Violet corrected.

"That sounds so much cooler than lava lasers," Keith grumbled.

Allura's voice came through their headsets. "Bad news, everyone. There are twenty Galra fighters ready to launch in a storeroom underground. They need to be destroyed immediately."

"Violet, Keith, Lance, you guys take care of the fighters," commanded Shiro. "Hunk, go free the Balmerans in the cells. I'll stay here with Pidge."

Following his orders, the red and blue lions flew down to the hangar. Violet, Keith and Lance left their lions and crept towards the hangar.

"There's only a few guards between us and the fighters," Violet noted. "Let's go get them." 

"Or," said Keith, "We could not do that. Because we can't cause a commotion that would alert more guards or hurt the Balmera. Remember?"

Violet crossed her arms. "Then what do you propose?"

"If we can get to the control room up there, we could close the hangar doors," Lance suggested, pointing. "The fighter wouldn't be able to get out."

Violet blinked. "That's ... a good idea."

They cut a path to the control room through the ceiling, knocking down the sentry operating it. Lance went to guard the doors, Violet keeping an eye on the ships below, as Keith fiddled with the control panel.

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Where stories live. Discover now