"It's okay, now, we have Raphael down stairs, would you like to ask him a few questions?" my da asks me. I look down at my hands, thinking whether or not I should. I eventually nod and follow my da out of the room. We move down the hall and into the front room of the pack house. He takes me outside and under the deck in the back. There's a door. He unlocks it with a key and opens the door. We walk in and lining the walls is cells. He takes me to the end of the hall and there's another door. He opens it and I see Raphael, otherwise known as Red Eyes, and Darwin is talking to him. 

"Why did you take my brother?" Darwin asks. 

"Because he needs to be punished! He is a terrible child and shall die for what he did," he replies to Darwin. My eyes go wide as fear strikes my heart. "Haha, I've succeeded in getting his submission, I have nothing else to say," he smirks and looks me dead in the eyes. First fear washes through me, then anger. This man almost killed my family and now he's smiling about it? I growl out and the man just keeps smirking. "I know you wouldn't hurt me, after all, you're still hurt from when your pack member attacked me. See the bond hurts," he says. I snarl at him and step closer. I grab his chin roughly. 

"I swear if you threaten anyone here, I will rip your fucking head off. I don't care if I die, as long as I drag you down to hell with me. I don't care if I get hurt, I just want my family and friends safe. If you make one more sound out of your mouth I'm going to rip your jaw off and feed it to you. I could easily break this bond as well," I snarl then let go and kick his chair over. A sore feeling comes to my shoulder but I ignore it and leave the room. I go to the living room of the pack house and grab Sean without a word. I literally just grab his sleeve. Then we go outside to his car and I get in the passenger side. "Hospital," I say. Sean nods and starts the car. 

We get there in a couple minutes and I walk straight to Shawn's room. I sit on the bed next to her and hug her. 

"Hey, whats wrong?" she asks me as I nuzzle my head into her neck. 

"I'm just stressed out. I need comfort," I mumble in response. I hear a baby cry and lift my head. 

"Well hey, this one has been really fussy since you left," she says, handing me Snow. I smile and take him from her arms. He quiets down as soon as I hug him to my chest. I feel his little hands play with my black t-shirt and I rub his back softly as Shawn rocks Lucien and Rose in her arms.

"What are we going to do when we get home? We can't have three babies in a no bedroom apartment," I say. Shawn chuckles. 

"That's a good point. Maybe we should start looking for a bigger flat," she says. I can't help but laugh at her Irishness.

"Hey babes!" I flinch when I her Cecile yell in my ear. I groan after bonking heads with her. 

"Ow, what the he- heck, Cecile," I grumble as I rub my head. Snow starts crying and I quickly comfort him by putting him in my lap and tickling him. His cries quickly turn to laughter and I can't help but smile at him. 

"Anyway, what are you doing here?" Shawn asks groggily as she snuggles into my back. 

"I found some nice flats you guys might like," she tells us, handing me a news paper. I look at it and see various ads circled. I read a couple of them. 

"Wow, not bad," I say. "But we'd have to check them out, first." 

"Well of course. So get your fat arses out of bed, because I'm tired of you sleeping at my house. I'm kidding. I love you guys, but come on!" she says, pulling me up. I groan and stand up and begin getting ready. 

Shawn and I have been out of the hospital for about a week now and I'm adamantly looking for a job while the girls take care of adamantly looking for homes. I want a house but Shawn seems to want a flat. I don't care, as long as its nice and good for the kids. 

"Ugh, I just remembered. I can't go, I have an interview," I say, face palming. I can't believe I forgot! 

"Okay, we'll go looking then," Shawn says as she gets out of bed. I pull on my pants and zip them up as I turn around. "You know, I'm really happy you don't care anymore, I think its cool," she says, running her hand over my abs. I chuckle. 

"Not in front of the kids. I don't want to scar them," I joke. She laughs. "I love you," I say and give her a kiss on the lips. I check my watch after pulling on my black button up. "I gotta go, bye hon. Bye babies!" I wave bye after kissing them all and I walk out of the room. I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth and I quickly shave and run a comb through my hair then switch from my glasses to my contacts. I finally got my contacts! Then I check myself in the mirror. I look pretty nice. 

I walk down stairs and go to the front door but stop when I hear Cecile talk to me. 

"Aren't you getting any food?" she asks. I shake my head. 

"I need to go. Don't forget to look at the houses, too, not just the flats," I say and walk out. Let's hope I get this job at Tescos.

Secrets: The Blood and the Chains (Editing in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now