"He's upstairs sweetheart, he might be moody, he always is on his birthday before the party." She warns making me nod. "Alright, thank you Julie." I smile before taking my shoes off and walking up the stairs and walking straight into his room to see him led bed watching American Horror Story.

"Hey! That's our thing." I pout making him turn and smile widely at me. "What ya doin here?" He smiles as he sits up in bed. I put my bag down and take my coat of and place it on top before walking to his bed and getting in.

"Your moody, I'm your friend and I don't wanna be a collage without your annoying arse." I say making him smile and lay back down before pulling me against him. I lay my leg over his and lay my head on his chest before getting comfy and watching the show.

"Thank you." He mumbles making his chest vibrate. We led in bed for hours just watching AHS until Julie came in. "Hi babies. Are you too hungry?" She smiles making me look up at Jack to see he's already looking down at me. "I can eat." I say making him smile.

"Yes please mum." He smiles. "You want hotdogs?" She asks making us nod. "Yes please." I smile. "Alrighty. I'll bring them up." She smiles before leaving.

"I love your mum." I sigh before closing my eyes. "She loves you. Everyone does." He mumbles as he plays with my hair. My phone starts ringing so I grab it out of my back pocket and see my mum calling.

"Hiya." I smile. "Hi baby, where are you?" She sighs. "I'm at Jack's house." I say making her sigh. "Why are you not at collage?" She asks frustratedly. "He didn't wanna go in so I came round here." I say calmly.

"Ivy, you can't keep skipping school or walking out of class in a fit of anger, or leaving when your sister calls you. If your not going to take collage seriously, then just drop out because I feel like they call me everyday." She says making me sigh.

"I am taking it seriously mum. Mr Clark was a dick. I've just been spending time with Jack." I say making her sigh. "Ivy, you know I love Jack but he's already got his career, he doesn't need to be in college. But you do, your only 17 and you don't know what you want to do." She says making me get off of Jack and stand up and sit on the floor.

"I do know what I want to do." I say making her scoff. "Oh yeah, what's that?" She asks sarcastically. "I wanna own a pub." I say making her scoff. "Then why don't you take business." She says making me roll my eyes. "I can do that after I've worked in a pub long enough, I can do a course online." I say making her stay quiet. "So do you wanna drop out?" She sighs. "No, it's only a few more months. I may as well get my A-Levels." I sigh.

"I'll talk to the collage. Please, take it seriously. I love you Ivy." She says making me nod. "Yeah, I love you too mum." I say before hanging up and running my hand through my hair. "Ivy." Jack mumbles as he walks over and sits next to me.

"I'm good." I sigh as I close my eyes and rest my head against the wall. "You want me to drop you at collage?" He asks quietly before pulling me into his side and holding my head to his chest.

"No. I'm here and I'm staying here." I sigh as I hug him a little tighter. "She's right, you know?" He asks making me sigh. "How so?" I ask as I relax at the feel of him playing with my hair. "I'm ruining you. I'm ruining your life, you should be at college doing what you want to do. I've got my life planned out and I'm pulling you away from yours." He says making me look up at him and scrunch my brows together.

"No your not. I'm choosing to be here. I never wanted to go to collage, I wanted to travel until I turn eighteen with my girls and then I'd get a job at the pub with my girls, back home. I'm here with you because I feel better. I feel like I'm home, and I'm so far from home here. You give me peace that I haven't felt in a while. I'd rather be here with you because with you, nothing matters, but also everything matters." I say making him smile and pick my up and sit me on his lap.

"I need you here with me because you make me feel normal, like I'm not Jack Payne who plays for Villa. You make me feel comfortable, needed, wanted, special, happy and whole bunch of other shit. I don't feel that very often." He chuckles making me do the same.

"You're my best friend. It's been a week and I already feel better with you then I ever have." He says making me pout and throw my arms around his neck and hug him. "Best friends." I say making him smile and hold my cheek. "Did the Ivy Lewis just admit that I'm her best friend?" He says sarcastically as I laugh.

"I can take it back if you want." I say as I begin to stand up but he pulls me back down and smiles. "Nope, once you've said it, ain't no going back." He beams as he stands up and keeps me against him as he walks back to bed and lays down with me led on top of him.

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