“Thank God!" I sighed and controlled my laugh. “I thought you will say no to this."

“When did I say yes?" He questioned me.

“But you indirectly said it right?"

“I said that falling in love is not a problem."

“So you don't support me in this?"

“No Nandita..."

“WHAT? But why?"

“I can't see you with another person. It's unbearable for me. So it's difficult for me to support you in this matter."

“What do you mean by you can't see me with another man?" I enquired getting a small hint of his statement.

“I mean what I said. You will---" Unfortunately his phone rang that moment. He excused himself to attend it. He talked in his language and I stood glancing at him.

“Hey, Roberto called me. I need to go now. See you later." Without waiting for my response, he walked out of my apartment. I sat on the sofa with a surprised expression.

“So did he mean that he loves me? He said he can't see me with another person. So it's clear that he loves me." When the truth hit me, I grabbed my phone and called Daksh.

I opened the door and saw Roberto and Alfredo with a serious look on their face

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I opened the door and saw Roberto and Alfredo with a serious look on their face. I frowned looking at them.

"Che cosa c'é?"
(“What's the matter?")

Papà vuole che torniamo.  Ha detto che il nostro nemico li sta turbando.  Hanno avuto informazioni che entrambi non siamo Quindi è facile creare scompiglio".
(“Dad wants us to come back. He said our enemy is troubling them. They got information that we both are not there. So it's easy to create havoc.")

«Ma ho detto che non verrò adesso.  Ho pianificato una cosa prima di tornare indietro.  E voglio che succeda presto". I exhaled deeply. "Altrimenti la perderò per sempre" I mumbled.
(“But I said I won't come now. I have planned one thing before I go back. And I want that to happen soon.")
(“Otherwise I will lose her forever,")

"Cosa hai detto?" asked Roberto.
(“What did you say?")

"NienteConvinci papà che solo tu tornerai.  Non me.  Puoi prendere anche lui." I said looking at Alfredo.
(“Nothing. Just convince Dad that only you are going back. Not me. You can take him also.")

Nessun capo.  Starò con te.  Non sei al sicuro qui". He said with a serious tone.
(“No boss. I will stay with you. You are not safe here.")

“Ho provato a spiegargli.  Ma è fermamente convinto che entrambi dobbiamo essere Dovresti chiamarlo e convincerlo." said Roberto.
(“I tried explaining him. But he is adamant that we both need to be there. You should call and convince him.")

My frustration increased and hesitantly I called my father. I tried convincing him but my efforts didn't do anything as I expected. As Roberto said, he is stubborn. I ended the call and looked at them.

"Vengo con te." I said looking at Roberto and turned towards Alfredo. “Ma prima voglio che tu faccia una cosa per me.  Voglio che tu tenga d'occhio Nandita.  Dovunque vada, devi seguirla."
(“I am coming with you.")
(“But before that I want you to do one thing for me. I want you to keep an eye on Nandita. Wherever she goes you have to follow her.")

"Cos'è successo Leo?" Roberto enquired.
(“What happened Leo?")

"Te lo dirò più tardi.  Ora, fai come dico.  Da questo minuto in poi, dovresti seguire Nandita.  E aggiornami".
(“I will tell you later. Now, do as I say. From this minute onwards, you should follow Nandita. And update me.")

Alfredo was hesitant at first. My safety is his priority. So he won't stay here without me. But I made him understand the situation. And finally, he agreed.

Prenditi cura anche di Alessandra.  E lei non dovrebbe sapere che stai guardando Nandita." He agreed.
(“Take care of Alessandra also. And she shouldn't know that you are watching Nandita.")

"Va bene.  Adesso preparati Roberto.  Dobbiamo partire il prima possibile".
(“Okay. Now get ready Roberto. We need to leave as soon as possible.")

He sauntered towards his room and I called one of my men to get the flight ready. When we were ready, Alessandra came back from the hospital as she had duty. We informed her about our travel. She was sad that she couldn't come with us but I assured her that we will be back soon.

We got inside our car and waved at Alessandra. The vehicle moved and took us to the airport. I stepped inside the jet and occupied my seat. Before the take-off, I messaged Nandita about going back to Italy for an urgent matter.

Intendeva sul serio?  Non posso crederci.  No... non dovrei lasciarla innamorare di un altro uomo.  Lei è mia.  Dovrebbe amarmiNessun altro.  Ma questo stupido caos la separerà da me finché non tornerò.  Devo finirlo al più presto.  Altrimenti, Nandita entrerà ulteriormente in questo.  Non posso perderla.  Lei è il mio amore."
(“Did she mean it? I can't believe this. No... I shouldn't let her fall for another man. She is mine. She should love me. Not anyone else. But this stupid chaos is going to separate her from me till I am back. I need to finish it asap. Otherwise, Nandita will step further into this. I can't lose her. She is my love.")

My phone chimed. I glanced at the new message from Nandita.

Happy and safe journey Leo. And thank you for clearing my doubt. We need to talk about this when you come back.

I stared at it for a couple of seconds not understanding what she meant.


Hey guys

☞ How was the chapter?

☞ Finally, Nandita understood Leonardo's love for her. Are you happy?

☞ But will she love him back?

LOVE OF VENGEANCE [ A Mafia Romance]Where stories live. Discover now