"You had a good day?" I smile while hugging her. "So much better. Katie and her friends are amazing. I asked mum and she said that Katie can come round tonight." She says making me smile and kiss her head. "Alrighty then." I smile as we walk over to Jack and Katie.

"I see your stealing my sister?" Jack smirks at me. "You can come round too, mum would love to meet you." Hazel says making me slap her shoulder as Jack smiles at us.

"I'd love to, but I plan on stealing your sister tonight." He says while staring into my eyes. "Oh really?" I ask making him nod. "Let's go to mine and I can get my car." He says making the girls smile and nod while I roll my eyes.

"Fine. But I'm paying for food." I say making Jack and Katie laugh. "He's never gonna let ya pay." Katie laughs as she links arms with Hazel and they begin walking ahead of us. "She's right." He smirks as he throws his arm over my shoulders and we begin walking.

"I'm not letting you waste your footballer money on me." I sigh. "Nothing is wasted on you." He smiles as we follow the girls to Jack's house.

We finally arrive at his house to see a black Mercedes A-Class. "That's my baby." Jack smiles as he traces his finger along the car. "Footballer money." Katie rolls her eyes as she waits by the door. "Get in then dickheads." He grins as he unlocks the car and the girls get in the back while I side eye him.

"I'm not a dickhead." I say making him smile as I open my door and he does the same. "Of course not, your my darlin." He winks before we both get in.

"Jack, Lemme connect." Katie says making him sigh before waving his hand around as she squeals excitedly. Not3s starts blasting through the car on full volume as they start singing along loudly in the back, while Jack rubs his face as sighs while driving down the road.

"Where am I actually goin?" He asks making me smirk. " Julius Close." I say making him nod as he turns the corner.

We finally arrive at our house, Jack parks in the road and they start getting out while I undo my seatbelt. "Where'd you think your goin?" He asks making me smile. "To get changed. These jeans are killing me. Just come in quickly." I say making him instantly shake his head.

"Parents hate me." He says making me squint my eyes at him. "Mine won't. Plus, I thought you were my best friend." I say making shake his head at me and turn the car off. "Don't leave me alone." He says seriously before we get out.

"I gotta change though." I say making him smirk. "I'll close my eyes." He winks before following me up the drive. I open the door and walk straight into the kitchen to see Hazel, Katie and my mum sat at the table.

"And who's this?" My mum smiles at Jack. "Mum, this is Jack, Jack this is my mum. Jack helped me out today and he's also Katie's big brother." I say making my mum smile as she stands up and pulls him into a hug.

"Lovely to meet you, sweetheart. Are you two staying for tea?" She asks she they pull away. "No, we're going back out. I'm just gonna change. You coming?" I ask him making him nod.

"Alright baby." My mum smiles before sitting back down at the table and talking to the girls. I grab Jack's arm and pull him up the stairs. "Your mums alright with me being up here, while you change?" He asks in disbelief as I chuckle.

"They know me and trust me. Plus, your just a friend. She might even think your gay." I shrug making him raise his brows at me. I laugh and pull him into my room and push him on the bed.

"Ooo, come on then." He smirks as he lays back while I roll my eyes and throw a pillow at his face as we both laugh.

"Your rooms kinda boring, ya know?" He says making me shrug. "We only got here a few days ago. I've just got the basics." I shrug as I dig through my draws. I pull out some gray sweatpants and a white oversized T-shirt.

"Turn around them." I raise my brows at him as he smirks before laying down and covering his eyes with his arm. I change quickly before smacking Jack in the stomach with pillow making him do a crunch and groan.

"What was that for?" He groans as he rolls around my bed while holding his stomach as I roll my eyes. "I didn't hit you that hard. Stop being a pussy." I say making him pout before doing grabby hands as I raise my brows at him in shock.

"Does that usually work on girls?" I ask making him nod while still pouting and doing grabby hands. "I need a cuddle." He says making me roll my eyes and walk over to him. He smiles and pulls me into his lap, I straddle him while wrapping my arms around his neck, while his slither around my waist making my stomach erupt in butterflies and a chill run down my spin.

"Better?" I asks as I play with his hair, his head is against my chest and I can feel him nod. "But don't let go yet." He says making me roll my eyes before standing up as he pouts at me.

"That face don't work with me boy, so get up because I was promised a fun night." I say making him smiles before grabbing my hand and standing up.

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