Chapter Eleven

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"Hey, Ma. I'm back, I just went home to make your favorite dish," Jasmine walked inside the hospital room, placing the container on the table before walking up to her mother's bed. "Hopefully one day, you'll be able to eat it without that stupid tube,"

The woman laid on the bed, her eyes closed.

There was no response.

Jasmine sighed, sitting in a chair next to the bed and grabbing her mother's hand. How did everything change so fast? She could still remember her mother's smile and now she could barely see her face because of the breathing tube. It broke her heart to see the only person she ever loved so vulnerable. So close to death and there was nothing Jasmine could do. The teenager felt her mother slipping away from her more and more every day. Her father left them at a young age and throughout her childhood, she always wondered what it would feel like to have two parents that loved each other but now she barely even had one.

Her mother was her best friend and she knew the love she had for Jasmine was more than anything else in this world. She didn't want to have to live without it.

She suddenly heard a knock from behind her and she turned around, spotting Reid who leaned against the doorframe. He walked inside the room, earning a confused look from his best friend.

"Dexter said you might be here," He handed her a bouquet, causing her to force a smile. His eyes traveled to the mother on the bed, before they widened. Jasmine opened her mouth to speak but he pulled her for a hug, keeping her close while her eyes began to blur.

"I don't think she's gonna make it. She's been on life support since-,"

"Hey, hey," The Maxwell whipped her tears and cupped her cheeks. "She will make it because she has you to fight for. Jasmine, you are the strongest girl I know and you get that from your mother,"

She pulled him closer and sobbed into his chest while he wrapped his arms around her. The pair stayed like that for a while, with no intention to let each other go. Reid understood she needed someone more than anyone and he was that person.

"I'll always be here for you," He promised, gently kissing her forehead. She smiled softly, "You better be."


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