Chapter 77- Bonnie and Clyde

Start from the beginning

"Then I'll keep coming, and I won't stop." Michael says getting up angrily.

"I'm saying if you come near her again, there will be danger for you." I say glaring in his eyes.

"Is that a threat?"

"Not by me." I say looking down at my drink. "By my sister, Rachel."

"Rachel?" Michael says as his head darts up in shock.

"Come near Tatiana again....and I promise, she's going to come after you." I say getting up grabbing my jacket. "And this is me warning a friend." I say as Michael glares at me.

Michael's POV

I grip the steering wheel as I furrow my eyebrows. There is no way, I will ever stay away from Tatiana. So what if Rachel spreads more things to the tabloids?

But Paul and Rachel? Related?

I shake my head closing my eyes for a second. I just seem to keep getting in crazy situations, over this girl.

And Tatiana is worth every second of it. She's the only one, I'd do anything for.

I swallow hard as I keep driving thinking of Paul's warning.

"What if he's saying this to keep you away from Tatiana?" I think quietly to myself. "I can't leave her. I love her, and if I ever get to hold her again...I'm never letting her go. I'm going to love her forever and I'm going to be hers and she will be mine."

I think about the night she first spent over. Her falling asleep in the movie theater, and I stole a kiss. All the times we held eachother, made love, and were together. I smile lightly staring at the road driving back to Neverland.

3rd person's POV

Winnie swallows hard feeling her heart racing out of her chest.

"Well it looks like our work was done for us..." Rachel smiles as Clifton's breath hitch. Both kids look past Rachel's shoulder as feeling their hearts sink. There is no way they can make a break for it. Rachel and Karen are blocking the way.

"Now why don't you hand that over...." Rachel nods to the tape in my hand. "Before someone get's hurt?" she smiles and cocks her head to the side gently. "And you know I don't want to hurt you Winnie..." she says as Winnie stays silent in total fear, and afraid to show it.

As for Clifton his hand was fidgiting behind his back opening the latch of the window behind them slowly. As he opens it, it makes a soft click making Rachl flash his attention to him.

Clifton pushes a shelf in front of them knocking it down fast, papers flying everywhere, and quickly pushes open the window.

"Winnie jump!" he yells as Winnie jumps out. It was a somewhat far fall, considering it was one story up. As Winnie jumps out, she lands the wrong way on her side hurting her arm. She closes her eyes and winces in pain.

"Get back here!" Rachel yells lunging at Clifton. She lunges at him and his glasses fall off. He pushes her hard and jumps out the window fast. He lands on his feet almost perfectly stumbling lightly and helps Winnie up as she winces in pain the tape clutched to her chest.

"Run!" he yells as they dash into a fast out of Tatiana's estate.

Our feet hit the ground hard as we run fast. As they run through Tatiana's garden to run out her estate, they slow down as they reach a street corner.

"A-are you alright?" Clifton asks breathing heavy looking at Winnie. Winnie winces in pain and looks down at her arm.

"I-I think I--" she begins to say and her words are immediately cut off by a loud screech. There was Rachel and Karen in their car speeding after them.

"Come on!" Clifton yells grabbing Winnie by her waist as they dart in a fast run the car chasing them. Their hearts race in fear as they keep running. As Winnie runs with Clifton by her side she sees incoming traffic. She grabs Clifton's hand and they dart across the street cars screeching to stops, and horns honking.

"Shit!" Rachel yells as she watches the kids run disappearing from her sight. "Those fucking brats!" she yells hitting her steering wheel in anger.

"What are we going to do know?" Karen asks looking over at Rachel as she breathes heavy.

"They are all going down." Rachel says her eyes dark. "Once and for all."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I literally did it in an hour because I wanted to update today!




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