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Yoongi's POV

"Look, babe! My song is #1 on Billboard Hot 100!" I said, running through the hallway, a huge grin on my face.
"Ooh, let's see!" I heard Jimin's sweet voice coming from the kitchen. I sped into the kitchen, and shoved my phone in Jimin's face.
"Careful, or you'll drop your phone in the sink!" He chuckled, moving the phone back so he could see it.
"This is amazing! It's the fourth week it's been on #1!" I said, jumping around.
"Hold on, let me finish washing up, then I'll look properly." Jimin finished washing up, and gave me a big hug.
"It's better when you give me hugs." He chuckled, his warm breath ticking the crook of my neck.
"Should we call the guys and tell them the good news?" Jimin asked.
"Why not? I'll call everyone." I said, taking my phone and calling Namjoon.
"Hey, Hyung. What's up?" He asked.
"Oh, nothing. It's just that 'Daechwita' has stayed on Billboard #1 for 4 weeks!" I said.
"That's great, man! Do you want have a home celebration, or meet up at a restaurant?" He asked.
"Hold on." I said, and turned to Jimin.
"Babe, should we celebrate at home or at a restaurant?" I asked.
"Um, if you were to go out to a restaurant, wouldn't you get spotted and mobbed?" He pointed out.
"Oh yeah, I'll tell Namjoon that." I went back to the phone.
"Hey, Jimin pointed out that we could get mobbed if we go to a restaurant, so a small home celebration will be fine." I said.
"Ok, I'll tell everyone else. See you soon." I hung up and turned to see Jimin making food in the kitchen again. I snuck up behind him and gave him a back hug, my head resting in the crook of his neck.
"Wow, you're really happy about this. I'm getting three times more hugs than usual." He chuckled, putting the knife down.
"So, should we get ready?" I asked.
"Sure. Let me finish making this. Go and get ready, babe." I pulled away from Jimin, and ran upstairs to get ready.


By the time I had finished choosing what I wanted to wear, Jimin came upstairs and got ready.

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We went downstairs, and Jimin went to the kitchen to get the food

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We went downstairs, and Jimin went to the kitchen to get the food. I cleared up the living room, and I set my camera up. I almost forgot to go live and thank my fans. Before I went live, I warned Jimin that I was going live. I turned on the camera, and waited for my fans to come on.
"Hey guys, I'm sure you all know that Daechwita has been on Billboard #1 for 4 weeks now. I was going to go live on the first week, but my schedule was packed. So, I'm sorry for the late response." I said.
I saw the comments on the live, saying how handsome I was, and how excited they were for me. Then I saw a comment that asked who was in the background.
"Who's in the back? Oh, that's one of my other co-workers. He's helping me celebrate with you guys. I have to go to the toilet, so I'll be right back." I went around the camera, and I saw Jimin preparing the food.
"Babe, go to the hallway." I whispered.
"Sorry, babe. I didn't mean to come into the frame." He apologised. "What about the dating rumours?" He panicked.
"It's fine. I'll just let the company deal with it, and anyone who says anything will be sued, ok?" I asked, pulling him into a hug.
"Yeah, ok." He returned the hug and I pecked his lips, and went back to the camera.
"Hey, I'm back. So, at 8:00, we'll do a toast to the song. For all of you underage fans, get juice. I will not be responsible for you guys drinking underage." I chuckled, and went to get a drink. When I came back, it was almost 8:00.
"5,4,3,2,1!" I counted down. I downed the shot and clapped.
"Congratulations, guys. Anyway, I'm going to celebrate with my family, as they've been calling me non-stop today, so stay happy, stay safe and enjoy the rest of your day. Bye!" I waved, and ended the live.
"Are you done?" Jimin asked.
"Yeah, I'm done. When is everyone coming?" I asked.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
"Coming!" I yelled, and went to the door while Jimin got the wine glasses out.
"Hey, Hobi, hey Jennie. You guys ok?" I asked.
"Hey, Hyung. I'm not too bad."
"That's great, come in." I moved out of the way so Hobi and Jennie could come in. I was about to close the door, but Jin Hyung and Namjoon came in.
"Hey, are we late?" Namjoon asked.
"No, not at all. If anything, Taekook are late." I rolled my eyes.
"No surprise there." Jin Hyung sighed.
"Anyway, come in." I said, making space for them to come in. I closed the door, and walked into the living room.
"Have you already celebrated with your fans, Yoongs?" Namjoon asked me.
"Yeah, and we almost got caught as fans saw Jimin in the back." I chuckled.
"Sorry, I didn't know I could be seen in the frame!" Jimin said, putting his hands up. I kissed his cheek, and went to answer the door, as I heard it ring.
"Hey, Hyung! Congratulations for being #1 on Billboard!" Tae said, giving me a hug.
"Thanks, Tae. Come in, we were just about to start." I let them in and closed the door.
"Ok, is everyone ready?" I asked.
We all got a glass of wine, and Namjoon had a mini speech.
"Ok, as you all know, we are here to celebrate Yoongi's song being #1 on Billboard Hot 100 for 4 weeks. Well done, Yoongi, and we hope that your song stays on for many more weeks. To Yoongi!" He said, and rose his glass.
"To Yoongi!" We said in unison, and drank our wine. Jimin gave me a kiss, and drank the rest of his drink.
"Congrats, babe." He whispered in my ear, his warm breath tickling my ear lobe.
"Thanks, babe." I chuckled, and kissed his cheek.
"Are you two going to stop eating each other's faces, or do we have to leave?" Hoseok asked, rolling his eyes.
"Baby, relax. We were like that just a week ago." Jennie laughed.
Hoseok rolled his eyes again and we laughed at his facial expression.
"Ok, ok. We'll stop." Jimin laughed.
"So, let's get this party started!" I said.
Namjoon turned on the music and we all started dancing.


The night went successfully, and everyone else left. I had just finished washing up the last plate when I felt a small pair of arms wrap around my waist like a koala.
"Hey. Are you almost done?" Jimin asked, his breath tickling my ear again.
"Yeah. I just need to dry this plate, then you have my full attention." I chuckled.
I dried the last plate, then turned to Jimin, who was sitting on the kitchen table.
"Are you done now?" He asked with a pout.
"Yes, I'm done." I smiled, squeezing his cheeks. We left the kitchen and went to sit down on the sofa.
"What do you want to watch?" I asked, resting my head on top of his.
"I don't mind. How about Tangled?" He asked.
"Sure." I turned on the movie, and for the rest of the night, we sat cuddling next to each other.

Surprise! I know I said that the epilogue was the last update for this book, but I wanted to surprise you guys with a new update. Anyway, a bit of an update on the new book, I've written the first few chapters, but I won't reveal anything more until it's been heavily edited. So, with that being said, vote, comment and follow me! Thank you for reading and I might see you in another chapter!

Serena 💜

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