Chapter 20

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Yoongi's POV

"Joon? Do you have my headphones?" I called out to him, then I remembered that he's at Jin Hyung's apartment. I genuinely miss having him around. Kinda like Jimin. Letting my curiosity get the better of me, I called Jimin, as I was bored out of my mind.
"Hello?" I heard his sweet voice on the other end of the phone.
"Hey baby. Whatcha doing?" I asked, unable to stop myself from smiling.
"Just finishing some work. You?"
"Yeah, same here. Would you like to come over?"
"Am I not allowed to see my boyfriend?" I asked with a smirk.
"Of course, but I can't be bothered to come over!" He whined.
"Lazy. Please come over?" I said in the cutest voice I could.
"Fine, but I expect some aegyo when I come." He said.
"See you soon. Love you." He hung up. I quickly got up and cleaned. I only had a few minutes to make the apartment look decent.


I had just finished vacuuming when I heard a knock at the door. I sprinted towards the door and opened it.
"Hey, Chim." I greeted him.
"Hey, Yoongs. Where's my aegyo?" He pouted.
Sighing, I did the best aegyo I could, cringing the entire time.
"Ok, I'm satisfied. Can I come in?"
I let him in and closed the door. Jimin took off his coat and was wearing a low cut top that revealed his torso.
"So, why did you want me to come over?" He asked.
"I wanted to see you. Is that illegal now?" I smirked.
"No, but I'm bored now." Jimin pouted again.
"Let's watch a movie!" I said quickly, trying not to look at Jimin. He knows exactly how to make me go crazy, and I don't like it.
"What's wrong, baby?" Jimin asked, feigning innocence.
"N-nothing. It's nothing." I turned on the TV and we watched a movie. Jimin kept playing with the zip of my jeans, giving me a playful smile.
"Jimin. Stop. Now." I warned him.
"Stop what?" He smirked again. "I'm not doing anything."
"Never mind." I sighed and tried to ignore Jimin. The final straw was when Jimin started trying to reach into my trousers. I couldn't ignore the growing lump, and I pinned Jimin's hands above his head. He tried to struggle, but most of my strength was driven by my lust for him.
"You're not going anywhere, so there's no point in struggling." I smirked and ran a finger down his half naked torso. I noticed the bulge in his trousers, but I wasn't letting him go any time soon.
"Aw, need to go to the bathroom, baby?" Jimin teased.
"You need to relieve yourself too. Admit it. You missed me." 
He free his hands from my grasp sucked on my bottom lip and ran a finger down my chest, all while looking up with a smirk. I couldn't take it anymore, this was the day that I kiss Jimin again, regardless of those stupid rules he set. I held Jimin's head and smashed my lips against his. He, surprisingly, kissed back. We stayed like this for a good few minutes.
"You broke one of my rules." Jimin said with a smile, catching his breath.
"You pushed me over the edge." I protested.
"Oh well, I wanted you to react like this. It was funny seeing you go insane." Jimin admitted.
"So, am I truly forgiven?" I asked with pleading eyes.
"Do some more aegyo for me, and maybe I will forgive you." Jimin finished with a smirk.
Sighing, I did my cutest action possible, which earned me a kiss from Jimin.
"Ok, you are now truly forgiven."
We kissed again and finished the movie.
"Now I know why you wanted me to come over." Jimin laughed.
"Maybe." I smiled and kissed his nose.
"I've missed your kisses." He said to me.
"Me too, baby, me too."


"Bye. See you tomorrow." I waved to him and closed the door.
I sighed contently. Jimin finally got rid of the rules, and I'm free to kiss him again. Soon after, Namjoon came back.
"Hyung? I'm back." He came in and took his shoes off.
"So, how's Jin Hyung?" I asked.
"He's fine. I have one more date to go until I ask him out. I have a good feeling that he'll say yes." He smiled.
"I do, too. You two are literally made for each other." I rolled my eyes, and he playfully hit my head.
"Hyung! We're not that bad!" He protested.
"Yeah, sure. Anyway, when you two start going out, I'll start inviting people to the wedding." I smirked, earning another punch from Namjoon.
"Oh yeah? Well-" Namjoon was interrupted by a knock at the door.
"Coming!" I opened the door, only to be slightly annoyed by the person at the door.
"Oh, hey Oli." I greeted him, the tone of my voice the opposite of what I was thinking.
"Hey, Yoongi! Is Jimin home?" He asked.
"Uh, Jimin doesn't live here. He just visits." I explained.
"Oh. Is he moving back in?"
It then dawned on me that Jimin said he would move back in, but he hasn't yet.
"Well, it's up to him."
"Oh ok. Maybe he's not moving back in because he's scared that you might accidentally cheat on him again. It makes sense, to be honest." He said with a slight smirk.
"Yeah, we're pretty much besties now, and he told me all about your little argument. I felt so sorry for him, and I really hated that it was you who broke his heart." He finished with a nonchalant shrug.
"He did? He didn't tell me about you, though. How do you know Jimin?"
"He asked me for help to find garlic bread at the shop I work at." He proudly stated. "We've been friends ever since."
"Ok. You're saying it like you're jealous. You're not jealous, are you?"
"No, no, of course not. I'm straight, after all. You guys are the cutest!" He clapped his hands together, while I awkwardly smiled.
"Anyway, I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll be on my way." Oli smiled again, but his smile didn't reach his eyes. He sighed and walked off.
"Well, he's definitely something."
I closed the door, and walked back into the room.
"Namjoon, has Jimin told you who Oli is?"
"No, Hyung. This is the first time I've heard of him."
"It's like he's obsessed with Jimin. He's always asking about him." I said, worried. The last thing I needed was for a creep to come and take Jimin away from me.
"Do you know who else might know about this?" I asked Namjoon.
"Try Tae. He's best friends with Jimin, so I'm sure he would have told him something."
"Do you not remember what happened two days ago?" I asked with a sigh.
"Yeah, but Kook said that he was just feeling nervous for the audition he had in London. Just try it. I'm sure he's calmed down since then."
With a sigh, I picked up my phone and found Taehyung's contact.

                                                     Yoongi 🖤
                                                         Hey Tae
Tae 💚
Why are you texting me?
                                                     Yoongi 🖤
                                            Oh, there's just
                         something going on and I
             was wondering if you could help
Tae 💚
Depends on what it is
                                                     Yoongi 🖤
                                       Do you know Oli?
Tae 💚
                                                     Yoongi 🖤             
                               Jimin's alleged bestie?
Tae 💚
I am Jimin's bestie! 🤬
                                                     Yoongi 🖤  
            So he hasn't told you about him?
Tae 💚
Tell me who this soulmate-snatching bish is!
                                                     Yoongi 🖤
                                                  Calm down!
             He's always asking about Jimin,  
                      and I'm worried about him
                       Do you mind coming over?
Tae 💚
Say no more!
What time?
                                                     Yoongi 🖤
                                                  Is 15:00 ok?
Tae 💚
See you soon

"Well, that went well." I sighed. "He's coming over soon."
"Ok, I'll start clearing up. This apartment is a mess."
Namjoon started the washing up, and I cleared the dining table.
Yay! Another chapter! Anyway, like I said in my post the other day, this is my first and last fanfiction that I write. Another reason is that I'm getting less and less motivated to write because I'm not getting as many views as before. Now that the sad stuff is out of the way, I think this is around half way, maybe more of the story, so yeah 💫. Anyway, vote, comment and follow me!! Thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter!!

Serena 💜

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