Chapter 18

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Yoongi's POV

I walked back over to Jin Hyung's apartment and knocked on the door. Jimin opened the door with a smirk.
"Hey babe. You ok?" He asked.
I was about to ask why he was smirking, but then I noticed that Jimin was wearing a revealing dressing gown that he bought a few months ago.
"Like what you see?" Jimin asked with a smirk.
"I-uh- can I come in?" I stuttered, getting caught off-guard.
"Of course! Come in!" He moved away from the door and walked into the living room.
"Hey Joon, hey Jin Hyung. Sorry for walking out." I apologised, scratching the back of my neck.
"It's ok, Hyung. Jin Hyung and I have just been watching movies. Hobi just went to bed. He's had a busy day."
"I feel like I'm about to collapse." I admitted.
"I set up another bed in my room. You can go up there and sleep if you like." Jimin came back into the room.
"Ok, night guys." I went upstairs to Jimin's room and laid down. As tired as I was, I can't seem to fall asleep. My mind was racing with thoughts about what Taehyung said. It's true that I wasn't planning to tell Jimin about Oli, even though he's just a fan. Jimin's not mad, right? I was too busy with my thoughts to notice Jimin standing in the doorway.
"Having trouble sleeping, babe?" He asked.
"Yeah, I guess. Also, I'm sorry for not telling you about the guy at my door the other day." I blurted all my thoughts out at once.
"Yoongi, calm down. I'm not mad, just curious. What happened?"
"You're not mad?" I said, incredulous.
"No, I just want to know what happened." He came in and sat down on the bed next to me.
"So, I was visited by a fan. I'm still not too sure how he found out where I live, but I'll talk about that later. He just asked me to sign his album, and he gave me his number." I explained.
"Did he tell you his name?" Jimin asked.
"Yeah, he said his name is Oli."
"Wait, Oli? What did he look like?" Jimin turned to me suddenly.
"Um, short brown hair, green eyes?"
"Ok, it's a small world. I know Oli too." Jimin said with a smile.
"So you're definitely not mad?" I asked, still sceptical.
"No, I'm not!" Jimin smiled. "Also, don't let whatever Tae said get you down. I've forgiven you and that's what matters." He gave me a hug and said,
"I love you."
I could have sworn I felt my heart rate increasing.
"Anyway, I'm going to go to bed now. Don't stay up for too long." Jimin then moved his head from the crook of my neck to inches away from my face. I noticed his lips again, and I slowly leaned in. Then, Jimin smiled and put a finger on my lips.
"No kisses." He slowly pulled away from my face with a smirk. Curse you, Park Jimin!
"Love you." He said and laid down on his bed.
"Oh no, I forgot to take off my dressing gown!" Jimin slowly took off his dressing gown, making sure I saw his every move, all with a smirk on his face. That's when I couldn't take it anymore. Some form of power surged through me, and all my self control disappeared in the blink of an eye. I grabbed Jimin and pinned his hands above his head. I got on top of him and stared into his eyes. Jimin didn't react.
"Don't ever do that again, Jimin." He still kept the smirk on his face.
"Do what?" He feigned innocence and smirked again. We stayed like this for a while. I eventually got off of him and cupped my hands around his cheeks.
"I love you so much, Jimin. Don't torture me like this." I stared into his eyes, then his lips. I leaned in to kiss him, but he pulled away again.
"You know I'm not going to kiss you yet. When you've learnt your lesson, I will finally get rid of the rules." He then sat on my lap and looked deeply into my eyes.
"Sorry, this position is really uncomfortable." He then started moving around on my lap, still with a smirk on his face.
"Ok, I'm done now. Oh dear, now I'm tired and I want to go to bed. Night, baby." He got off my lap with a smirk and went to bed. I went to the bathroom to relieve myself, and got into bed. Why must you torture me like this, Jimin?


I woke up the next morning, my still racing from what happened last night. I looked over into the next bed to see Jimin still sleeping. He looked so peaceful when he slept. His lips were slightly parted, his hair in his face, but somehow, his skin was glowing, like he was an angel that had been sent from the heavens. I wanted to kiss him so badly, the restraint is killing me. I moved some of the hair from his face and placed my hand delicately on his cheek. He moved slightly, so I retracted my hand away from his face. He was starting to wake up, so I slowly moved back.
"Babe? Are you there?" Jimin asked sleepily.
"Yes, baby. I'm here." I moved closer to Jimin and cupped his face with my hands again.
"Did you have a nice time last night?" He asked, the smirk returning to his face.
"I hate that you know exactly what to do to me to make me go crazy." I said with a sigh.
"I love it!" He then got up to get dressed.
"I suggest you leave the room. It's for your own good."
He turned to me.
"Yep, will do." I quickly left the room. It then hit me that I don't have anything to wear. Well, Jimin and I wear the same size clothes, so I can borrow some of his clothes, so I knocked on his door.
"Babe? Are you done?" I asked.
"Yep, you can come in now."
I opened his door, and I really wish I didn't. There stood Jimin, topless and in tight jeans that hugged his butt and his legs. I stood there in the doorway, unable to speak for a few seconds.
"Like what you see, baby?" He turned to me with a smirk. I just stood there, my mouth agape. I wanted to kiss him so badly, and he was making it so hard to resist. I simply couldn't take it anymore, so I walked closer to him, like a predator advancing on its prey. He backed into the wall, and I put my hands either side of his face so he couldn't move.
"Jimin, you have no idea what you're doing to me. Please stop."
"No. I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm making you suffer." He smirked and snaked out of my grasp.
"No kisses for you yet, baby. I want to see you suffer more." He said and put a top on.
"Oh, babe? Can I...borrow some of your clothes?" I asked, my cheeks a light pink.
"Sure. Here you go." He handed me this outfit.

"Thanks, babe

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"Thanks, babe." I took the clothes and went to the bathroom to get changed.


"Morning guys, how is everyone?"
I walked in to find Jin Hyung and Namjoon sleeping together on the sofa. I found this too cute, so I quickly took a picture of the two, and saved it. You know, for blackmail material. Jimin soon walked in to find the two asleep next to each on the sofa.
"Aren't they the cutest?" Jimin gushed, taking a picture of the two.
"Should we make breakfast?"
"Sure, we should make some for Hobi, too."
We spent 20 minutes making breakfast for everyone, and the smell wafted through the apartment. Soon after, Hoseok came downstairs.
"Morning, guys." Hoseok sleepily greeted us.
"Shh, Hyung. Look who's still asleep." Jimin giggled and pointed to Namjoon and Jin.
"I thought they were dating already?" Hoseok questioned.
"Nope. Joon is still too chicken to ask Jin Hyung out." I explained, then I covered my mouth, just realising that I revealed Namjoon's not-so-secret crush.
"Oops." I blushed and Jimin playfully hit my arm. The older two were starting to get up, so we set the table and got the food out.
"Morning Joon, Jin Hyung!" Hoseok greeted.
"Morning, Hobi." Jin Hyung said, rubbing his eyes.
"Well, can we eat?" Jimin impatiently asked.
"Sure. The food smells great." We sat down and ate breakfast.


"Well, Yoongi Hyung and I best be off now. Thank you for letting us stay over." Namjoon hugged Jin Hyung and Jimin, then put his shoes on, with me following suit.
"See you later, babe." Jimin winked at me and followed me to the door.
"So, what's up with you and Jimin?
Namjoon asked me.
"He's trying to tease me. The restraint is killing me." I sighed.
"How are things with Jin Hyung?" I immediately saw Namjoon's cheeks go pink.
"Well, I asked him on that date and we're going next week."
"That's great, Joon!" You've already started sleeping together!" I smirked, only to see Namjoon's confused face.
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh, you'll see." I unlocked my phone and showed Namjoon the picture. He froze, his cheeks a deep red. I laughed a at him and we walked back home. Namjoon opened the door and walked inside. I was about to walk in when I saw a flash in the corner of my eye. I turned around, but the figure disappeared. Was that Oli?
Yay, another chapter! This chapter is also SOO long, but it didn't make sense to split it like the last chapter. Also, that not-so-fluffy scene between Jimin and Yoongi was the closest thing to smut that isn't smut, because I'm not writing about two of the members getting down to it. Sorry! Anyway, vote, comment and follow me!! Thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter!!

Serena 💜

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