Chapter 14

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Yoongi's POV

We walked into the cafè in silence. I looked around to see that nothing has changed. The whole cafè had a cosy theme running, and a whole load of memories came flooding back. A waitress came up to us and guided us to a table by a window.
"What can I get you gentlemen to drink?" She asked.
"I'll have a black coffee, please." I asked the waitress and she wrote the order down.
"I'll have a mango and passion fruit smoothie, please." Jimin ordered and the waitress went off to get our drinks.
"So," Jimin begins. "I believe I didn't give you a proper chance to explain yourself, so talk." He said, looking out of the window.
"Jimin," I started, tilting his chin so he had to look at me. "I am so sorry. I had no intentions of hurting you this deeply. I wasn't in the right frame of mind and therefore wasn't thinking straight. My actions from two days ago were unacceptable, and you have every right to me angry at me. Just please don't leave me. I genuinely can't live without you. There hasn't been a single day that has gone by when I wasn't thinking of you and how I'm going to make everything right. I could make it better, I could hold you tighter. You helped me when I was at one of my lowest points in life." I took his hands in mine, and he didn't take them back. "I need you, Jimin. Come back to me, please." I pleaded, my eyes welling up with tears. I looked deeply into his eyes, and he was crying too.
"I will come back to you, Yoongi." He finally said and I breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the tears from my eyes. Jimin did the same.
"However, there will be a few rules that I will set in place."
"Ah, ok." I said, waiting for what he would say next.
"First things first: No kissing." He said with a smirk. I was about to respond, but the waitress came and gave us our drinks.
"Thank you." Jimin thanked the waitress and she then asked what else we would like. We gave our order and the waitress went to prepare it.
"So, no kissing?" I asked with a pout.
"Nope." He said, still with a smirk.
"Next rule: No inappropriate touching."
My mouth hung open. Is this the same Park Jimin that I fell in love with?
"But-but-" I stammered.
"No buts!" Jimin replied, still with a smirk on his face.
"Any more rules?" I huffed.
"Oh yeah, I'm moving back in, but I will stay with Jin Hyung for another week and when I come back, we're not allowed to sleep in the same bed." The smirk on his face only got bigger as my eyes got wider.
"Who are you and what have you done with my Park Jimin?" I jokingly asked and Jimin chuckled.
"I'm here, your actions just broke the old me." He stated matter-of-factly.
I nodded in agreement, as it is my fault I can't can't kiss him.
"So, when are these rules being abolished?" I asked as cutely as I could.
"Acting cute isn't going to make me abolish the rules any time soon." Jimin smirked. "And I will relax the rules when I feel like you've learnt your lesson."
I groaned, knowing that Jimin is going to make me suffer on purpose.
"Quick question, Yoongs," he began, and I could feel my heart melting as he called me by my nickname again. "Why did you get so drunk in the first place?"
"Oh, uh, the reason is kinda embarrassing." I admitted.
"We have pretty much all day." Jimin reasoned. I was about to continue, but the waitress came back with our food. We thanked her again and began eating.
"So, can you tell me the reason now?"
"Ok, so, you know that I'm an underground rapper, but somehow, my songs got out for the rest of the world to see." I paused to have a forkful of my food. I swallowed what was in my mouth, then I continued.
"Then, I received a lot of threats and it got me down a lot more than I thought." I looked at Jimin to see how he was taking all the information in.
"You can kinda guess what happened next."
"Yoongs, I would have helped you through this, and you know that. Alcohol is not your friend, and I don't want you drowning your sorrows with it, understand?" He looked up at me.
"Yeah, I understand now." I admitted.
We quickly finished our meal, tipped the waitress and walked out to our cars.
"It was nice seeing you today to clear things up." I said to Jimin as he was about to get into his car. I pulled him closer, our lips almost touching. My eyes were drawn to his lips, so soft, so plump, so kissable. Jimin smirked again and said, "Don't break the rules, or you will have to suffer for longer."
I pulled away from his face in defeat and hugged him.
"I love you." I said, my words muffled in the crook of his neck.
"I love you, too." He responded.
"Can I come over tomorrow?" I asked.
"I'll have to ask Jin Hyung." Jimin replied.
"Talk to you later." I waved goodbye and walked to my car. I was about to get into my car when I realised that I didn't give Jimin his flowers. Since luck was only in my side for a bit today, Jimin had already driven off. I hopped into my car and drove home, thinking about what I should do next. However, the feeling that didn't leave was a smile on my face and a warm feeling in my heart.
Yay!!! Yoonmin is back together!!! Finally!! I loved writing this part because YOONMIN ARE BACK TOGETHER!! Also, this chapter is almost 1000 words long. Stay tuned, because there's some drama coming up in the next few chapters. Also also, STREAM BUTTER!! Anyway, you know what I'm going to say. Vote, comment and follow me!! Thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter!!

Serena 💜

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