Chapter 27

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Jimin's POV

I woke up the next morning with a headache and my brain fuzzy. Yoongi was on my lap, Tae and Jungkook were sleeping on the sofa, and Namjoon and Jin Hyung were sprawled out across the floor like a starfish. Memories of last night suddenly came back. We were playing the Spin the Bottle, and those two started making out with each other. I think at one point, I was flirting with the sofa, and Yoongi was licking my abs? Without waking Yoongi up, I made my way over to the kitchen to get the hangover tablets. I found them, and quickly took one. I was about to leave the kitchen when I saw a creepy message written on the wall.

Yoongi must die.

I shuddered, knowing who wrote the message. As I walked back to the front room, everyone started to wake up.
"Hyung, do you have any hangover tablets?" Jungkook whined.
"Yeah, they're in the cupboard."
"What a party, huh?" Tae said with a sleepy grin.
"Do you even remember anything?" I laughed.
"No, nothing."
"I found the medicine!" Jungkook took the medicine, then passed it around.
"Note to self: Buy more hangover tablets." Jin Hyung reminded himself.
"So, guys, how was your kiss yesterday?" Yoongi finally spoke, smirking.
"What are you talking about?" Jin Hyung started blushing. Yoongi then showed them the picture he took of them kissing. We were all falling over with laughter as the two turned bright red.
"Well, um, I-"
"It was definitely an experience, right?" Namjoon Hyung said, blushing hard.
"I'm going to frame this and keep this for when you two get married." Tae said in between laughs.
"It's not funny!" Jin Hyung tried to compose himself, but Namjoon Hyung stayed frozen to the spot, looking as if they were about to kill us. Just then, there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it!" I ran to the door and opened it.
"Oh, hey, Oli! How have you been?"
"I've been great, thanks. Is Yoongi ok? I heard what happened."
"Yeah, he's fine. How come you're here?"
"Can I not visit my bestie?"
I cringed at his words. "Of course you can, but it's a bit early for that, isn't it?"
He shrugged and continued.
"Anyway, I was wondering if you guys wanted to come to a theme park with me?"
I hesitated for a second.
"Um, I'll have to ask everyone first." I left the door and went to go and ask everyone.
"Guys, huddle up."
"Why are we doing this?"
"It's Oli at the door, and I don't want him hearing this."
"Ah, smart."
"So, he wants to invite us to a theme park. Should we go?"
"Yes, so he doesn't suspect anything." Namjoon Hyung added.
"Ok, I'll go back and tell him."
We stopped huddling and I went back to the door.
"Ok, the guys said that they would be fine with it. When do you suggest we go?"
"Um, in two days' time. Is that ok?"
"Yep, that's fine. See you then."
"Bye!" He smiled, hugged me then walked off.
"Ok, so in two days, we're going to the theme park with Oli. Mark your calendars."
"Already done. I may be a bit late because of dance, but I'll try and make it on time." Hoseok Hyung said.
"This is completely unrelated, but when are you guys finally getting together?" Yoongi teased, making Namjoon and Jin Hyung blush again.
"Oh, shut up, Yoongi! Must I remind you of how many times you were going to ask Jimin on a date, but chickened out in the end?"
Yoongi then turned bright red, and I started laughing again.
"Aw, so you and I could have been together sooner if you didn't chicken out?" I laughed.
"You know how it goes, right? It's not that beast to gather enough confidence to ask someone out." He explained.
"So, I can't relate, so I'm going to to change the subject. What are we doing about the Oli thing?" Hoseok Hyung asked.
"We'll meet up with him and act like nothing's wrong. Just act how you would usually act, and he won't suspect anything." Namjoon Hyung explained.
"Ok, let's go back to our places and freshen up."
Before we left, I heard a scream coming from the kitchen. I quickly rushed down to investigate. It was Jin Hyung, and he stood in fear at the mess on his wall.
"Who did this?"
"Who do you think, Hyung?" Jungkook came into the kitchen.
"H-he broke in? I feel faint, Namjoon catch me!" Jin Hyung fainted and Namjoon Hyung swiftly caught him and put him on the sofa.
"We'll wait until he wakes up, then we'll go."
Yoongi and I walked into our apartment to find lots of pictures with Yoongi's face carved out, or death symbols on his eyes. I ran to all the pictures and quickly tore them down.
"Babe, are you ok?" Yoongi asked, coming into the room.
"Babe, someone broke in and put pictures of you with your eyes carved out."
"We have to go to the police! It's not safe!" Yoongi reasoned.
"We can't! Who knows what Oli will do to it! We can't risk it."
I walked out of the room and went upstairs. As I walked up the stairs, it started to smell. I grimaced and followed the smell, and it led to our bedroom. I opened the door and found a dead rat on the bed with the words 'Yoongi must die' with its blood. I screamed and ran out of the room, tears streaming down my face.
"Babe, what's wrong?" Yoongi came up to me, worried.
"There's a d-dead rat o-on our b-bed."
"Jimin, we have to go to the police. It's not safe anymore. Either that or we move away."
"Wait, what?" I looked at him in disbelief, quickly drying my eyes.
"I've been thinking about it for a while now, well, when you first received the email, I was thinking of moving away."
"Babe, we can't just run away from our problems, we have to face them. I suggest we go to the police."
"What if that doesn't work? What will we do then?"
"I don't know, but we shouldn't move away. That's the worst case scenario."
"Fine. Should we tell the others?"
"Yeah, sure. I'll call someone to remove the rat."
I sat down on the sofa while Yoongi called an exterminator. I quickly texted Tae.
Jimin 💖
There's a dead rat in the apartment
Tae 💚
Who did this to you? 🤬
Jimin 💖
Guess who?
Tae 💚
I am about to throw hands
Was it really Oli?
Jimin 💖
He hates Yoongi
I get caught up in it too
Tae 💚
I'm coming over for soulmate cuddles
                                                     Jimin 💖
                                                See you soon
"Tae's coming over, is that ok?"
"Yeah, sure. Can I have a hug?"
I cuddled up with him and waited for Tae to come over.
Hey, I'm back with another chapter! I'm sorry for not updating as often as I was. I've been losing motivation to write, and I have school on top of that, but I'll try and upload more. Thank you for still reading my story, and like I said, I will try and upload more often. I have also realised that I'm getting closer to the end of the story. I'm not too sure how many chapters are left, but I'll let you guys know. Anyway, vote, comment and follow me!! Thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter!!

Serena 💜

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