Chapter 6

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Yoongi's POV

I walked through the streets with Namjoon, the chilly air blowing against our cheeks. Soon after, we arrived at the cafè, being greeted by the warmth of it.
"Should we sit here?" Namjoon asked me.
"Yeah, it's fine."
We walked to a table placed by the window and sat down. We placed our jackets on the back of our chairs, and a waitress came over and asked us for our order.
"I'll have some samgyeopsal, please. Yoongi? What would you like?"
I only realise that I was lost deep in thought when Namjoon smacks my arm.
"Hyung, you zoned out. What would you like to eat?"
I haven't even had time to look at the menu, all my thoughts have been about making amends with Jimin.
"Um, I'll have the kimchi stew, please?"
"Right away, Sir!" The waitress smiled and walked off.
"Thinking about Jimin again?"
"Uh, yeah, I am."
"Hyung, you need to stop thinking about him, just for a bit. Jimin will come back, ok? He didn't say that he wanted to break up, did he?"
I was about to answer, but the waitress came back and asked us if we wanted any drinks.
"Can I have a black coffee, please?"
"Can I have a cappuccino, please?"
The waitress wrote our orders down and left to get them.
"Hyung, you didn't answer my question."
"Oh, yeah."
"So, he didn't say that he wanted to break up, did he?"
"Exactly. He's just more than slightly annoyed."
I slowly clapped and rolled my eyes.
"Thanks for that, Captain Obvious."
Namjoon just rolled his eyes and chuckled at my actions.
Soon after, the waitress came back with our order and we started to eat. I ate a lot quicker than anticipated, and I was finished with my meal in under 5 minutes, not caring about how hot it was. Even Namjoon looked at me in a weird way.
"I guess I was just hungry?" I responded to Namjoon's judgemental look with a shrug. We finished our drinks, paid the bill and walked out of the cafè, our lungs filling up with the cold air outside.
"Joon, can we just walk around town for a bit?"
"Only for a bit. We have to finish that song for the company in 3 days, remember?"
"Oh, shoot."
I had completely forgotten about that song deadline. Without another word, Namjoon and I sped back to the apartment, and got started on the song.
"No no, the lyrics should go something like this." Namjoon commented.
"I think it's good," I shrugged. "It's quite relatable if you ask me."

You're gone
I'm a mess
What to do
Without you

Your smile
Your laugh
Your touch
I can't live without it

What can I do?
You won't do anything
Please come back to me

"It's only relatable if you've gone through the same thing, Yoongi." Namjoon deadpanned.
"I'm not changing it." I stubbornly shot back.
"Fine. We'll take both of our lyrics to the company, and we'll let the rest of the team decide. Deal?"
"Fine. Just don't cry when they accept my lyrics."
"Ha! You wish!" Namjoon playfully hit my arm, and that was the start of our play fight. Even though we're in our 20's, we still act like 7 year-olds, and I wouldn't change that for anyone. Jimin loves it too. Jimin. Jimin. I think I'm starting to go mad without him.
Surprise! Another chapter today! I'm still really happy about this story being #6 out of over 1000 stories. Seriously, I had a pretty crappy day today, so this made my day. Thank you guys again 💖. Anyway, thank you for reading, and I will see you in the next chapter!

Serena 💜

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