Chapter 30

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Yoongi's POV

We arrived at the theme park, which looked more like an abandoned carnival than a theme park. No-one else was around, and it was eerily quiet.
"Well, here we are."
"Is this the right place?" Jin Hyung asked, looking around the empty car park.
We then saw Oli running up to our car, with a big smile on his face.
"Hey, guys! You came! I'm so happy! Thank you so much!" We got out of the car, and he gave all of us a hug. Then he stopped and turned to me.
"Where's Jimin?" He asked.
"Oh, he got sick. It's a shame, but we didn't want him to spread it to anyone, so he's not here." I explained, and I saw the anger building up in his eyes.
"Oh, what a shame. Oh well, let's just wait for Tae and JK."
We waited for another half an hour, before we saw Jungkook's car pull up next to ours.
"Hey, sorry we're late!"
"Did someone get their hand stuck in the toilet again?" Hoseok laughed.
"Shut up! It was ONE time!" Jungkook punched Hoseok's arm, and Hoseok kicked him back.
"Ok, enough fighting! Let's go in." Namjoon said, looking uncertain.
"Why is no-one else here?" Tae asked.
"I rented the place out for just us. How is it so far?" He asked.
"Um, it's cool. I like the old, abandoned feeling of this place."
"I know right? It makes it so creepy, but you can trust this place, guys."
"Ok, then."
I saw rats crawling around the food carts, and the ride operators didn't fit in with the theme of 'old and creepy'. The whole place seemed off, and I turned to Namjoon.
"There's something weird about this place. Look at the ride operators and the guards. They don't fit the theme that's going on."
"It looks like they're part of a gang or something. It's weird, you're right, Hyung."
I looked around still, and most of the rides looked too old and dangerous to actually ride. Over to the left was a rollercoaster that looked like it would collapse with a light breeze.
"So, are there any rides that you want to go on?" Oli asked us.
"Um, let's go on the boat ride." I suggested.
"Sure. Let's go!"
Oli led us to the boat ride, and the operator looked at me like I was something he scraped off the underside of his shoe.
"Right this way, please." I sat in the boat with Hoseok, and he looked more scared than anyone here.
"Hyung, when can we go home?" He whispered to me in a shaky voice.
" I don't know. We can make up an excuse or something so we can leave earlier."
"Please keep your hands and feet inside the boat at all times. Have fun." The operator said it in a tone that was anything but fun. The boats jolted forward, and we started going through a dark tunnel.
"I can't see anything."
"It adds to the experience, Hyung!"
"I have a bad feeling about this."
The boat was swishing from side to side, and I felt like I was about to fall out of it. Hoseok was also clinging to my arm for dear life, and I couldn't see his face, but I'm sure he was scared.
"Get ready, guys! We're going down!"
"Oh no."
I jumped as the boat went down a steep water slope.
"I think I'm about to pass out." Hoseok grabbed my arm and held it tightly, probably cutting off my blood circulation.
"Hobi, it's ok. We'll make it out of this alive."
"Namjoon-ah! I'm scared!" Jin Hyung screamed in the dark. While all of this was going on, I faintly saw pictures of Jimin and Oli pasted onto the walls and I shuddered as I saw my face cropped out of the pictures again. We finally reached the bottom of the slope, and the boat crashed, and we almost fell out of the boat. I wanted to get out of this place as fast as I could, but the ride felt like it was going on forever.
"We're almost at the end of the ride." Suddenly, the boat came to a stop.
"Is it the end of the ride?" Hoseok asked, shaking.
"I'm sorry, guys, but the ride seems to have malfunctioned."
"Oh no! How long are we going to be stuck here?" Tae asked.
"I don't know. Does anyone have their phone?"
"I do."
We all turned our torches on, and looked around where we were. There were more pictures of Jimin and Oli. I looked at the other wall, and it had the words 'Yoongi must die' written in spray paint. I shuddered, and tried to act like I hadn't seen them.
"Um, Oli? Why are there have pictures of Jimin on the walls?"
He turned around to us, looking for an excuse.
"Oh, no reason! It's for a project."
"Sounds kinda suspicious to me." Namjoon said, deep in thought.
"Speaking of Jimin, do you think he'll get better quick enough so we can all meet up?"
"Uh, we're not sure. Jimin needs to get rest, and colds like that can be spread easily." I shrugged, hoping Oli would believe me.
"Ok. Let me know when he does, ok?"
"Yeah, ok."
"Ok, moving on, CAN WE PLEASE FIND A WAY OUT OF HERE?" Hoseok shouted, his distressed voice echoing in the tunnel.
"Oh, yeah. I don't know how to get out of here."
"That's just great! Now I'll be stuck here until people forget about me." Jungkook started fake crying.
"Don't cry, Kook. We'll find a way out of here, ok?" Oli tried to reassure us, but he had an unusually happy expression on his face.
"Ok, I'll see if I can call someone from the outside."
Oli stepped out of the boat and started walking towards the exit.
"Don't follow me, guys. Stay in one place."
I waited until I couldn't hear Oli's footsteps and turned to everyone else.
"Something's wrong about this place."
"You don't say? We're stuck here! I'm probably going to die in here!" Hoseok screamed.
"I'm with Hobi on this one! What if no-one gets to see my handsome face again?"
"Hyungs, calm down. No-one is going to die here." Jungkook spoke up.
"Thank you, Jungkook." Namjoon said.
"Hello? Can you guys hear me?" It was Oli's voice.
"Yes! Now get us out of here!" Hoseok shouted.
"I'm afraid I can't do that."
"Why not?" Namjoon asked.
"Well, you see, you guys have been keeping me from seeing Jimin, and I can't have that. The very moment I laid my eyes on him, I knew he was the one. However, a small issue was that Jimin already had a boyfriend, and that was none other than Min Yoongi. So, I had to get thinking. That's how the car crash happened. Unfortunately for me, Yoongi survived. Then I thought of this idea. This isn't a real theme park, it was a trap to keep you here while I look for Jimin with no interruption."
"What about the emails?" I asked.
"Oh, I had someone else send those, it wasn't actually me. Well, I wrote them, and someone who lived near Jihyo sent them to frame her."
"You're evil. How could you put Jimin through all of that? Just wait until he hears about this!"
"He won't be hearing about this, because you will be staying here while Jimin and I live a happy life without you. Also, there's no signal down here, and the exit is blocked, so have fun."
Then it went quiet. We all looked at each other, shocked.
"Ok, I take back what I said about not dying in here." Jungkook said, shaking.
"I told you! We're gonna die!" Hoseok screamed.
"Guys, don't panic. I'm sure someone will come and rescue us."


It was coming up to 7 at night, and we were all huddled together in the cold tunnel.
"Hyungs, I'm scared. What if no-one comes for us?" Jungkook said.
"That's not true. If Jimin is still safe, then he'll know that something's happened and will come and rescue us." Namjoon tried to reassure us, but it was useless to think positively at this point. We sat and waited for someone to come and save us.
Yay, I'm back! I'm not gonna lie, it was kinda boring not uploading yesterday, but it gives me time to sit back, write and edit the chapter before I upload it. I've already written the next few chapters, and the next chapter gets pretty dark, so proceed with caution. It's nothing too bad, but I'll put a warning at the start of the chapter anyway. I think that was everything, so vote, comment and follow me!! Thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter!!

Serena 💜

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