Chapter 32

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Yoongi's POV

We had spent about 30 hours in this tunnel, with no food and no water.
"Hyungs, I know that this is really inconvenient, but I'm hungry."
"Me too, Kook. I'm sure we'll be able to get out of here soon."
"Oh, yeah. Guys, I know this is isn't the best place to say this, but Namjoon and I are dating."
I turned to face Jin Hyung.
"Y-you're what?!" I shouted, my surprised voice echoing through the empty.
"Yeah, we were waiting to tell you, but I guess now we can just talk to each other about things."
"Wow, congratulations, Hyungs. Let me know the details if we get out of here." Jungkook said.
"Also, I realised something. If we don't make it out of here, who knows what Oli could have done to Jimin? What about Chan and Jihyo? What will happen to them?"
"Don't think like that, Yoongs. We will get out of here, I'm just not sure how yet." Jin Hyung patted my shoulder.
"Should one of us go down to the exit and see if we can find a weak spot?" Hoseok asked.
"I'll go." Namjoon got out of the boat and started walking towards the exit.
"I'll come too, Hyung!" Jungkook got out of the boat and followed Namjoon. Meanwhile, I looked at everyone else hungrily.
"Would anyone mind if I took a bite off of their arm?"
"Are you seriously asking that? No way!" Jin Hyung moved away from me.
"Relax! I was joking."
"It wasn't a funny joke, Hyung."
"Jin Hyung, you can't say much. You're jokes aren't funny."
"I'm this close to biting your head off!"
"Try me, Hyung!"
"Come at me!"
"Guys, calm down!"


"Oh yeah? Well, remember when I said that I liked your food? I actually hated it! It tasted like burnt tyres!"
"You had seconds!"
"No, I fed it to your fake plant!"
"No wonder the apartment smelled like burnt tyres for weeks! It's funny though because you went to the apartment and the burnt tyre smell came."
"Oh no you didn't!"
"Oh yes I did!"
"Please stop arguing! It's giving me a headache." I groaned. This was the 7th argument that has gone on in the space of 2 hours.
"Oh, shut up, Cat Expert! You made all of us look like idiots when we had to dress up like cats for that one drama lesson!" Hoseok angrily said.
"Look, I know we're all annoyed, tired and hungry, but we and be arguing like this."
"Cat Expert! Cat Expert! Cat Expert!"
"Coming from the person who said that the Sun copied him!"
"Says the one who thought that waffles and pancakes were the same thing!"
"IT WAS A MISUNDERSTANDING!" Our voices were overlapping and they echoed through the tunnel.
"Guys, please stop. The arguing is too much now. Besides, where are Jungkook and Namjoon?"
We stopped arguing to think.
"I thought they were going to look for a weak spot in the exit."
I really hoped that those two found something, because I didn't have enough dirt on Hobi to win the argument.
"Ok, so, why don't we play a game?"
"Ok, what game should we play?"
"How about Guess the Song?"
We all nodded in agreement and started playing.


"Um, Rollin' by Brave Girls!"
"Tae has another point!"
"Ok, my turn." I started humming the tune of Kick It by NCT 127.
"Uh, isn't that Kick It by NCT?"
"Which NCT subunit, though?" I asked with a smirk.
"Is it NCT DREAM?"
"Is it NCT 127?" Hoseok asked.
"Yep! Hoseok gets a point!"
"Me next!"
He started humming the song, and it helped that it echoed in the tunnel, so it was easier to hear each other.
"Ok, now guess the song!"
"Is it Kill this Love by BLACKPINK?"
"Jin Hyung gets a point!"
Just as we were about to start another round, we heard footsteps coming from the end of the tunnel.
"Hyungs! We found a weak spot!"
"That sounds like a good song title." I pulled out my phone and brainstormed ideas that came to my head.
"Hyung, can you tap the boat?"
"Sure. Like this?" He started tapping the boat at a steady pace. "Ooh! Hyung, can I join?"
"Sure. Clap your hands like this."
I showed Tae the pattern he needed to clap in, and he followed it.
"Ok, Hobi? Do you want to join in?"
"Yeah! What do I have to do?"
"Make the weirdest noise you can."
"Really? Ok." Then Hoseok made a noise that sounded like a cross between a cockerel and a horse.
"That's cool. Keep making that noise and keep in time to everyone else."
I then recorded the sounds for later.
"So, does no-one care that we can get out of here?" Namjoon brought us back to reality.
"Sorry, Hyung. We were making music!"
"Wow, Yoongi. Using the guys to make music?"
"It's not my fault that I'm more creative than you." I shrugged and smirked.
"Anyway, as fun as this is, what's more fun is getting out of here." We left the boat and followed Namjoon and Jungkook down to the exit.
"Ok, so, we need to lift this part for all of us to get out. Then, once on the other side, one of us can push the button."
Jungkook lifted the piece of corrugated metal and Namjoon go first. He pushed the button, but nothing happened.
"Kook, it needs Oli's handprint. I can't let you guys out like this."
Jungkook let the rest of us go first, then wiggled himself through. I winced at how bright it was outside, even though it was night time.
"How did you do that, babe?" Tae asked.
"There was another piece of metal that I used to hold this piece of metal up, and I slid through." Jungkook explained, tapping the side of his head.
"So, can we go now?"
"Yep, let's go."
We walked out of the ride, but before we could take another step, we saw the rides were filled with guards.
"This will be difficult to get out of." Hoseok whispered.
"There's another way we can go out, but it's a bit gross."
"You're not saying..?"
"Yes, Hyung. We go through the rubbish."


After a gross trip through the rubbish chute, we got to the car park, and our cars were still there.
"Wow, I'm surprised Oli didn't get our cars taken away." Tae rolled his eyes and went to his car.
"Where are we going?"
"We're going to my apartment. We need to check up on Jihyo and Chan."
"Also, can I stop off at home so I can get a change of clothes?"
"Yeah, be prepared for the smelly car ride home."
We got inside the car and Jin Hyung drove me back to my apartment, and I ran inside and grabbed some clothes, then got back into the car.


Jin Hyung got the keys for the door and went inside. Jihyo and Chan were running around, trying to call the police.
"Guys? We're back."
"You're alive!" Jihyo came up to us, but turned back around once she smelt us.
"As much as I love the fact that you're back, I do not like the new smell you've brought along with you."
"We were so worried! The last thing we remember is Jimin going upstairs, and Jihyo Noona and I were playing Just Dance. Then two men come in and knock us out." He explained.
"The other man must've taken Jimin too!"
"He's not here?"
"No, we were locked in a fake ride so Oli could come and kidnap Jimin."
"What should we do? We don't even know where Jimin is!" Hoseok started panicking.
"I think there's a way for us to get there."
"How?" Jin Hyung asked.
"So, do you remember the necklace I gave to Jimin for his birthday?"
"Oh yeah, it was the necklace I was going to get for him. I think it was a soulmate necklace?"
"Tae! Now is not the time!"
"It may or may not have had a GPS tracking device hidden in it."
"Usually, I would scold you for doing things like this, but I won't now if this leads us to Jimin."
"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"
"How will we all fit in one car?"
"More importantly, we need backup!"
"Should we go to the police first?"
"Yeah, let's go. I'm sure they'll let us borrow a minivan or something."
"Wait! We need to change first!"
We got changed, got into our cars and drove off to the police station.

Hey, I'm back! Sorry this chapter is later than usual, I was eating late with my family. Anyway, this chapter feels like a filler, but the drama is coming next chapter! I think that was it?? 😅Anyway, vote, comment and follow me!! Thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter!!

Serena 💜

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