Chapter 33

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Jimin's POV

I woke up the next morning with my hand handcuffed to the bed again. I tried sitting up, but my sides hurt from where Oli kicked me. I winced in pain, and moved around slowly to a comfortable position without causing myself too much pain. Then Oli came in, but this time, he had a belt.
"Morning, baby!" He said cheerfully, his smile not reaching his eyes.
"H-hey, babe." I mumbled.
"Anyway, I'm not letting you go until you receive your punishment for not doing what I said yesterday."
"You kicked me until I passed out! I think that's punishment enough!"
I spoke back, and received a slap from Oli.
"Don't you dare talk back to me. You will receive a punishment, and it starts in the basement." He removed the handcuffs from my wrist and forced me to stand up.
"Ahh! Stop! It hurts!" I cried, tears welling up in my eyes.
"Every time you complain, I will hit you with a belt."
Oli took the belt and hit me with it 5 times. I was trying my best to hold back my cries, so I put my hand over my mouth.
"Now, shut up and keep walking." He grabbed me and pushed me out of the room.


We made it to the basement, and Oli pushed the heavy door open. It creaked open and he shoved me inside. This place suddenly became familiar as this is the same basement that I cleaned yesterday.
"Babe, please don't say you're leaving me here." I cringed when I said the word 'babe'.
"I am leaving you in here until I think you're ready to come out." Then he slammed the door shut, locking it as well. I ran up tho the door, ignoring the pain in my ribs, and pounded on the door.
"Let me out! Please! Let me out!" I continued to pound on the door until I started feeling sleepy. Ever since I was brought here, I've been feeling a lot weaker than usual. Maybe Oli did something to the food, or that chloroform is in my system. My pounding became knocking, then it stopped, as I slowly passed out again.


"Jimin, babe. I'm here for you. I will find wherever you are being kept, and I will rescue you, ok? Just hold on. I love you so much."
I woke up with tears streaming down my face. I had a dream about Yoongi coming here to save me, and then we rode off on a horse into the sunset. My thoughts were interrupted by someone trying to open the door. I dried my eyes, and moved away from the door. It was Oli again, but with two pairs of handcuffs.
"I've had enough of you banging on the door." He sighed, dragged me over to one of the walls, and slipped my hands inside one of the handcuffs, locking me to the wall completely.
"I'm not coming back for a while, so have fun in here. Oh yeah, I almost forgot this." Oli then found some duct tape and put it over my mouth, while putting a device next to me.
"Now you can struggle and yell all you want, but no one will hear you, and if you do struggle, this device will turn on and give you an electric shock." He left the basement again, leaving me in the dark.


Oli wasn't lying when he said that he wouldn't be back for a while, and he locked me in a position where he knew my ribs would hurt. If he's my boyfriend, then why is he treating me like this, like I'm his servant? I moved my hands around and my right hand came free. However, I forgot about the device and it gave me an electric shock. I screamed in pain, and slowly moved away from it, so I wasn't in reach. I massaged my wrist quickly, and moved around to a position where it was less uncomfortable. I took the duct tape off my face and threw it away. I just didn't know what I was going to do before Oli came back.


I wasn't sure what time it was, but Oli came back with an unusual smile on his face.
"Hey, Jimin! Did you sleep well?" He asked, coming over to take the handcuffs off.
"Wow, smart baby! I see you managed to get out of the handcuffs." He pecked my lips and picked me up to carry me out of the basement. He brought me to a room that had handcuffs on the bed, and the whole room looked creepy. Oli placed me on the bed, and locked my hands and feet onto it.
"Oli, what are you doing?" I asked, my voice shaking.
"We've never made love before, and I'm going to change that today." He got closer to my lips, and kissed me passionately. I couldn't kiss him back, he wasn't Yoongi. Oli's kisses were passionate, but not my kind of passionate. Oli started kissing my neck and jawline, looking for my sweet spot. Unfortunately for me, he found it, and I let out a moan. I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning anymore. Oli continued to kiss my neck and stopped at my chest.
"S-stop, Oli. I don't want to do this."
"Be quiet and let me please you." He looked up and took off my top.
"You're so beautiful." He continued kissing my chest and touched my nipple. I jumped at his cold hands. He sucked on my nipple, and rubbed his finger over the other.
"Ah, s-stop. Please." I whimpered.
Oli got off me and got more duct tape to put over my mouth.
"No more complaining." Oli got on top of me again and continued to kiss my abs.
"Wow, I didn't know you had abs, baby." He ran his tongue down my chest and stopped at my trousers.
"Can I?" He smirked.
I vigorously shook my head, and I tried to protest, even with the tape over my mouth, tears escaping my eyes.
"Aw, I'm sure that's a yes." He unzipped my trousers and pulled them down my legs. Oli then took my feet out of the handcuffs, and removed my pants and trousers, leaving me naked.
"You're so beautiful. You won't regret this, baby." He took my length in his hands and started pumping up and down. I cried as Oli's touch was harsh and painful.
"Do you like that, baby?" He stopped pumping and pulled out his own length, that was already hard. My eyes widened in terror, and I started screaming, trying to get out of the handcuffs.

(A/n: I am not going into any more detail, as this is gross. I'm sure you can guess what happened next)

Oli left the room, sweating, and I laid there, shaking with tears all over my face. I felt so gross when Oli was inside me, and I desperately wanted Yoongi back. Where are you, Yoongi?
Hey, I'm back! Like I said in the post from yesterday, today is a double upload day! Thank you guys again for over 300 reads. Anyway, I wanted to mention something quickly. What Oli does to Jimin in this chapter is rape, and it is illegal, and the matter should be taken seriously. I put it in this chapter to raise awareness, as it is a real problem in this world, regardless of the gender. Also, I will stress again that this is fiction. I would not want this to happen to anyone in this world. I probably did a really bad job at that, but I tried. 😅
Anyway, moving on, vote, comment and follow me!! Thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter!!

Serena 💜

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