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Yoongi's POV

I gave Jimin another hug as I collected my luggage to board the plane.
"I'm gonna miss you, babe." I said, giving him a peck on the cheek.
"I'll miss you, too. However, you're finally living your dream, and that dream is to tour the world. I'll be fine, I promise." He pecked my lips and gave me a final hug.
"Have fun, bud. You've earned it." Namjoon and I did our secret handshake, and we hugged.
"We're gonna miss you, Hyung." Tae said, giving me a hug.
"Yeah, but I'll be thinking of you guys when I perform."
"Please let me come with you!" He begged.
"I'll be the Agust V to your Agust D."
"Tae, if you come with me, who will act in that new mafia drama?" I asked with a slight smirk. Tae pouted and stopped begging me.
"You're so lucky, Hyung. We'll be watching your performances, even though we're not actually there." Hoseok said, giving me a hug.
"This is the last call for Japan. May the people who are waiting for this flight come to Terminal 7." I heard the person over the loudspeaker say, and I left everyone to board the plane.
"Stay safe!"
"Good luck!"
"Have fun!"
"Don't forget us!"
"I love you!"

Jimin's POV

We waved Yoongi goodbye and left the airport. I went to my car and waited for Tae, Namjoon and Jin Hyung to get in the car.
"Are we all ready?" I asked.
"Yep. Let's go."
"Where's Hoseok Hyung?" Tae asked.
"He's gone apartment shopping with Jennie, as it's their 3-year anniversary, so they're going to move in together." Namjoon Hyung explained.
While I was driving, I heard Yoongi's song being played on the radio. I hummed along, and remembered when Yoongi showed me all the songs he wrote while we were on a break.
"Aw, Jiminie! Yoongi Hyung's song is playing! Turn it up!" Tae asked. I followed his request, and turned the music up. Soon enough, we were all singing along.

All right, 반복된 시소게임
이제서야 끝을 내보려
All right, 지겨운 시소게임
누군간 여기서 내려야
누가 내릴지 말진 서로 눈치 말고
그저 가는 대로 질질 끌지 말고
이젠 내릴지 말지 끝을 내보자고
반복되는 시소게임
이젠 그만해

I sighed contently, and the song slowly ended.
"So, who am I dropping off home first?" I asked.
"Me! My apartment is another block away." Tae said.
I arrived at Tae's apartment, and he got out of the car.
"Thanks for the ride, Jiminie! Why can't we all hang out today?" He pouted.
"I told you, I have to go to the office today, Jin Hyung has to check business in his flower shops, and Namjoon Hyung has to go to his studio." I said.
"Well, I don't have work for another week, so I'm going to be bore out of my mind!" He pouted.
"We'll visit you at some point, bud." Namjoon Hyung said.
"Bye, Tae!"
I drove off in the direction of Namjoon and Jin Hyung's apartment.
"Oh, Jimin? If you ever feel lonely, our door is always open." Namjoon Hyung said with a smile.
"Thanks, Hyung. I might come over from time to time, so be prepared." I chuckled.
I arrived at Namjin's apartment, and they got out of the car.
"Thanks for the lift, Jimin." Namjoon Hyung said.
"No problem. See you later, Hyungs." I waved them goodbye, and drove down to my office.


"Hey, Chim. You ok?" Chan asked, giving me a hug.
"Hey, I'm good. How well has the new menu gone down with customers?" He asked.
"Sales have been going up more and more. I can tell that people like the menu." I said, walking towards my office.
"Ok. I'll see you later."
I went into my office and opened my emails. I saw the emails that Oli sent, and deleted them all. I deleted some of my older emails, and got to work.

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