Chapter 4

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Yoongi's POV
He. Left. Me. What am supposed to do? He said he doesn't want to see me, like I was that much of a nuisance. Well, I did unintentionally cheat on him. However, he never said he was breaking up with me. I just need to redeem myself. I walked into the apartment and closed the door, where Namjoon was waiting for me with a fresh mug of coffee.
"Shall we talk?"
" He left me, Joon. What am I supposed to do?"
Namjoon didn't say anything, deep in thought, then he said,
"You know, you really messed up."
I gave him the ugliest look I could muster.
"Well nah, Sherlock. Thanks for stating the obvious." I sarcastically commented.
"Would you like me to help you?"
"Yes. I will do anything!"
"Then keep your snarky remarks to yourself, and we can properly talk."
I narrowed my eyes, before agreeing.
"The scariest thing I saw today was Jimin just staring at me with cold eyes. I wouldn't have minded if he yelled at me, swore at me, anything, but he didn't." I shuddered.
"Yeah, he's just cold."
I gave him another look before answering,
"I know. I was the one who dated/ is still dating Jimin, mind you."
"And I was there with you, back in college, when you didn't have enough confidence to ask Jimin out, so we spied on him and Jin Hyung. Then you mustered up all the courage you had and asked him out in front of the whole school. Remember that?"
" Oh yeah..." My voice trailed off as my eyes filled with tears at the bittersweet memories.
"It's just... I love him so much, and I don't want to lose him over a stupid mistake."
Namjoon listened in silence and patted my shoulders, trying to reassure me.
"There, there, buddy. Jimin hasn't stopped loving you, he's just really, really, really, really, really annoyed at you."
"Wow, I had no idea. I couldn't even tell." I shot him another look.
"Alright, alright, I get it. What I'm trying to say is that you should give him time to calm down, maybe wait a few days, then go to him with flowers, and explain that everything was a mistake and that you can't live without him. Sound like a plan?"
"Sounds like a plan." I smiled a watery smile, but there was still so much hurt behind it all.
"Do you want to let it all out?"
I couldn't hold it in anymore. I responded with a sob, letting all my tears flow down my face and onto Namjoon's shoulder. I ended up crying for an hour. Once I was done, Namjoon said,
"Do you want to go out for lunch, Hyung?"
"Yeah, sure."
Poor Yoongi! I don't like this part of the story, it's too sad to write about Yoonmin not being together. Oh well, it gets happier later on in the story, anyway. Thanks for reading, see you in the next chapter!

Serena 💜

Yoonmin Forever (COMPLETED) ✔︎Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz