Chapter 36

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Yoongi's POV

Jackson drove up to a dilapidated apartment that was old and looked haunted.
"This must be where Oli's keeping Jimin. Are we ready?" He asked.
"Wait! I have a question! Tae, remember that necklace that had GPS tracking? Why did it not lead us to Jimin?" I asked.
"It was very expensive, but it doesn't work if the person is underground." He explained.
"Wait a minute, are you saying that Jimin's d-dead?!" Hoseok panicked.
"No! Not my baby cousin! Jackson, we have to go now!" Jihyo panicked, already getting out of the van.
"No, there's no way. Calm down, Noona. Knowing Oli, he would have kept Jimin alive." Namjoon tried calming Jihyo down.
"Are we ready to go in now?" Jackson asked.
"Yeah, let's go. We should act quickly. We have back-up just in case Oli tries anything."
I looked out of the window and saw the police vans pull up behind us.
"Ok, we are outside of the building, and are waiting for a signal from the captain." Jackson said through a walkie-talkie.
"On my signal," we could hear the captain speaking through the walkie-talkie.
We immediately sprang into action. We jumped out of the van and ran towards the building. Jackson broke the door down and ran inside. I went with Namjoon and Jin, and Hoseok went with Tae and Jungkook. Chan and Jihyo went in together and ran to the right to fend off any guards coming.
"Ok, Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin will go to the left to look for Jimin, and Hoseok, Tae, Jungkook, Chan and Jihyo will come with me and stun the guards. Ok?" He looked around.
"We're ready! Let's go!" I said, running with Namjoon and Jin to look for Jimin. We checked the rooms in the corridor, but there was no sight of Jimin.
"No Jimin in these rooms. Let's keep looking." Namjoon said as we made our way down the corridor. As we turned the corner, we saw two guards coming our way.
"Did Jackson tell you how to work this thing?" Jin Hyung asked.
"Yeah. Pull this trigger back and press this button to release it." Namjoon put his hands on Jin Hyung's hands and showed him how to work the stun gun.
"Ah, ok. Let's go!" We turned the corner and stunned the guards that were passing by. We ran down the corner and saw more guards coming, so we loaded our guns and stunned them all.
"Who would've thought that this was actually fun?" Jin said, taking a breath.
"Yeah, it was fun, actually. Anyway, let's not lose focus and go and look for Jimin." We walked down the corridor and went further and further downstairs.
"How far do these stairs go down?" Jin Hyung complained.
We kept walking down the stairs until we came to a corridor.
"Finally!" I said, out of breath. We walked down the corridor and came up to a door that said 'KEEP OUT'.
"I wonder if Jimin's in here. This is the first door that says something on it." Namjoon pondered.
"I hope he's ok."
We opened the door, and what I saw broke my heart. Jimin's wrists were bound above his head, with bruises all over his chest and legs, with tear stains on his cheeks. He was asleep, but something told me it wasn't pleasant.
"J-Jimin?" I stuttered.
"Oh my gosh. I hope he's ok."
I was about to run to Jimin, but I felt a sharp pain in my head.
Then it went black.


I woke up slowly, my head still hurting.
"Hello, Yoongi." I recognised that voice.
"O-Oli?" I asked groggily.
"The one and only. Anyway, I've got to give it to you, well done for getting out of that theme park and finding me here. You must really love Jimin, huh?" He chuckled evilly.
"Where am I? Why are you doing this to us?" I asked, trying to get up. I then realised that it was useless, because I was bound to a chair.
"Because you've kept Jimin away from me for too long. Everything would have been fine if you had just died in that car crash!"
I looked at him in disbelief.
"So you did try and kill me!" I said, anger boiling up inside me.
"Yes, and now that you're here, I guess I'll just have to kill you once and for all." He cocked his gun and aimed it at my head. I braced myself, but I heard a gunshot from behind Oli. He fell to the floor, revealing Hoseok, Jihyo and Jackson.
"Hyung! You're ok!" Hoseok said, running in to untie me.
"Where are Namjoon and Jin?" I asked, massaging my wrists.
"They hid before Oli came in, and they're currently fending off the guards with the rest." Jihyo explained, reloading her gun.
"He's not dead, he'll just be unconscious for a while." She sighed.
"Anyway, let's go and meet up with them. You ok, Yoongi?"
"Yeah, I'm good, but I'll be better when I see Jimin."
"Enough with the lovey-dovey stuff and let's go!" Jihyo rolled her eyes and ran off down the corridor. We followed Jihyo and went downstairs to find everyone else fighting the guards. We cocked our guns and helped them.
"Hyung! You're ok!" Tae said while kicking a guard.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Where's Jimin?" I asked, hitting another guard.
"He's in the room down the corridor." Namjoon said, shooting a guard.
"Go, Hyung! Go and save him!" Hoseok said.
I shot at another guard and ran down the corridor to where I saw Jimin. I opened the door, and saw Jimin slowly starting to wake up.
"Y-Yoongi? Is it you?" He asked me.
"Jimin, baby, I'm here!" I said with tears in my eyes. I rushed to untie him and pulled him into a tight hug.
"I thought I'd lost you." I said in between tears.
"I never lost hope, though. I knew you would come for me." He sobbed.
"Did he do anything to you?" I said worriedly, checking his face.
"I'll tell you about it later." He said shakily. "Can we go, please?" He asked.
"Of course. Let's go."
We walked out of the room and saw everyone else collapsed on the floor.
"That was so tiring!" Hoseok said, sitting up.
"Yeah, back up isn't coming for a while." Jackson said.
"Anyway, let's get Oli and take him in."
"Looking for me?" We turned around and saw Oli with a gun. Jackson shot a pipe to cause a distraction, and I disarmed Oli and pointed the gun at his head.
"It's over, Oli." I said, determined.
"It's fine by me," He said laughing.
"If you pull that trigger, we all die!" He said, and pulled a remote out of his pocket.
"This thing sets off a bomb underneath this building. Kill me, or try and escape, and we die." He said with a chuckle.
"No!" I shouted, still pointing the gun at Oli while holding Jimin closer to me.
"Just give Jimin to me, and we can get out of this...alive." He chuckled again.
"Guys, what will we do?" I turned to everyone beside me.
"I can just go back to Oli, you guys. Really, it's no problem." Jimin spoke up, his voice hoarse.
"No, I won't let you go again. I made that mistake one too many times, and you've had to pay for it. I'm not letting you go."
"Agh! This display of love is sickening! I could spare you, but it would be more fun to kill you. If I can't Jimin, then no-one can!" Oli pressed the button and ran off.
"No! Ok guys, before everything is blown to smithereens, let's go!" We all started running towards the exit, and the floor started giving out underneath us.
"Keep going, don't stop!" I yelled while jumping over a piece of floor.
"How much further until we get to the exit?" Hoseok yelled.
"I can see it!" I yelled.
I waited for everyone to run past and out of the building, and I was about to run out, but I saw Jimin was stuck in the floor.
"Jimin!" I ran over to help Jimin get his foot out of the hole.
"We only have a few more seconds until this place blows up. Just go without me!" He said, caressing my cheek.
"No! If you're going, then so am I. But first, I'll try and get us out of here. This may hurt a little bit."
I pulled on Jimin's ankle, and he winced in pain.
"Sorry, baby."
With enough strength, I managed to get Jimin's foot out of the hole in the floor.
"Can you still walk?" I asked.
"Yeah, kind of."
"I'll carry you."
I put Jimin on my back and started running towards the exit. Suddenly, I heard a massive explosion behind me.
"I love you, Jimin."
"I love you, too, Yoongi."
Then everything went black.
Yay! Double upload! Anyway, like I said in the previous chapter, it's one more chapter, then the epilogue, then this story is over. It's been just over a month since I started uploading this, and I'm really happy with the attention this book received. I also might end up writing another book, but I'm still not sure yet. This is completely unrelated, but I'm still really happy about having over 100 followers! Thank you so much! ❤️❤️ Anyway, vote, comment and follow me!! Thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter!!

Serena 💜

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