Chapter 21

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Jimin's POV

"Hey, Hyungs." I greeted them while taking off my jacket and shoes.
"Where did you go, Minie?" Hoseok Hyung asked.
"I just went to visit Yoongi. Where were you the other day?"
Hoseok Hyung started blushing, which was weird, because I've never seen him blush before.
"Oh, you know, out and about." He nervously chuckled.
"Hyung, you're like me. Terrible at lying." He blushed even more. I chuckled and Jin Hyung came back into the room.
"Hey, Jimin. How's Yoongi?" He asked with a smirk.
"How did you know I visited Yoongi, Hyung?" I asked defensively.
"I have ears. I can hear your conversation with other people, you know?" He smiled.
"Anyway, he's fine." I was about to go upstairs when I received another email from an unknown sender. I started shaking once I saw the message.

You can't hide from me. We are supposed to be together, no matter what. You will be mine. I can see you. You look so scared, asking yourself who I am. Aw, how cute. That loser doesn't deserve you. You're too precious for him. We will be together.

I screamed and dropped my phone. Jin and Hoseok Hyung immediately came running.
"What's wrong?" Jin Hyung asked worriedly.
"H-Hyung, s-someone is s- stalking me." I stuttered, on the verge of tears.
Hoseok Hyung gave me a hug, and rubbed my back.
"We'll go to the police later today, ok?" Hoseok Hyung reassured me.
"This i-isn't the first time t-this h-happened." I stuttered again.
"What do you mean, Minie?"
"There's a-another message from the s-same person."
Jin Hyung looked through my emails, and saw the email.
"You should have blocked the contact."
"Don't do that, Hyung. We need it for when we go to the police." Hoseok Hyung reminded him.
"Hyungs, I feel strange."
Then everything went black.


"Jimin? Jimin? Wake up!"
I slowly opened my eyes, my head spinning.
"H-Hoseok Hyung?"
"What happened?"
"You passed out after receiving an email from someone."
The past moments came flooding back to me.
"Have you gone to the police yet?"
"No, not yet. Do you want to come with us?"
"Yeah, I suppose I have to come."
I squirmed, the memories of the emails still vivid in my head.
"What have I done to deserve this?" I started crying again.
"Don't think like that, Minie. People do bad things, and innocent people don't actually do anything. I'm afraid that's just the way the world works." He quoted a lyric from one of my favourite songs.
"It ain't funny, it ain't pretty, it ain't sweet." I finished the line.
"Oh, and I'm afraid that's just the way the world works."
"But I think that it could work for you and me." We finished the song while laughing.
"I'm glad I was able to cheer you up a little bit." He hugged me and left the room.
"Jimin, we're going to the police station now. Are you coming?"
"Yeah, I guess so."
I got off the sofa and put my coat and shoes on.
"Let's go." We walked out of the door, and ran into Oli.
"Hey, bestie!" He engulfed me into a hug.
"Hey, Oli. What are you doing here?"
"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out today."
"I would love to, but I can't right now. We're going to the police station." I briefly explained.
"Oh no. What happened?" He worriedly asked.
"Someone's stalking me. We're getting the emails checked out."
"That's terrible. They could be watching you right now. Go quickly!" He almost shoved me down the stairs, but I caught myself, and made my way down the stairs.
"Are we all ready?" Jin Hyung started the car and we drove to the police station.


Just as we were getting out of the car, I received another one of those creepy emails.

Don't even think about stepping into that police station. I have the power to blow it up right this very second. Tread carefully. I still need you alive.

I started violently shaking, and I could feel the colour drain from my face.
"H-Hyungs. Don't go in."
Jin Hyung turned around.
"Jimin? What happened?"
I was shaking so much, I dropped my phone again. Jin Hyung picked it up, and read the message.
"Hobi, I don't think we can go to the police." He handed Hoseok Hyung my phone, and drove back home.
"Oh no, Jimin, things will be ok. Just believe me." He gave me an awkward hug and my phone back.
"Jimin, would you like me to call Yoongi?" Hoseok Hyung asked me.
"Y-yes please, Hyung." I stuttered.


I was sitting on the sofa, and there was a knock at the door.
"Coming!" Jin Hyung yelled.
"Hey, Hyung. I heard what happened. Where's Jimin?"
"Yoongs!" I ran up and hugged him.
"Hey, baby. Are you ok? Why didn't you tell me about this bothering you?" He asked, worried.
"I didn't think it would get this bad." I admitted.
"You should have told someone, though. At least we know now." Jin Hyung patted my shoulder.
"Is Namjoon home, Yoongi?" Jin Hyung asked.
"He said he was going out somewhere. Didn't say where, though."
"That's what Hobi said!" Jin Hyung pouted.
"Does he not like me?" He asked, still with a pout.
"Wait, how do you know?" I asked.
"I can tell. Hoseok is like Namjoon. They're both terrible liars." He shrugged.
"Anyway, I'll be upstairs. See you later." He walked out of the room.
"So, why did you want me to come over?" He asked me.
"I needed more comfort."
"I'm sure Jin Hyung is getting tired of me visiting." He chuckled.
"Oh, it's been over a week since that... incident." We both shuddered as we remember that unpleasant memory.
"Oh yeah, would you like me to move back in?" I smirked.
"Depends if I want you back." He returned my smirk.
"Do you... want to help me pack?" I asked.
"Should we ask Jin Hyung first?"
"Sounds like a plan."
"Ahh! My Jiminie is moving back in with Yoongi! I'm gonna be so lonely!" He fake pouted and hugged me.
"You know what to do if anything happens, right?" Jin Hyung reminded me.
"Of course, Hyung." We hugged and Yoongi walked to my room.


"I think that's everything. When do you want to move your things, Jimin?" Yoongi asked.
"Maybe when you go. I can come with you."
We sat on the bed, and Yoongi looked deeply into my eyes. Flustered, I looked away, but Yoongi turned my chin so I looked at him.
"Don't hide your face from me. You're beautiful. Remember that." Then he leaned in and kissed me deeply.
"Thanks, babe." I thanked him, my cheeks still a bright pink. He kissed me again and we started moving my suitcases downstairs. My phone buzzed and I quickly picked it up. I heaved a sigh of relief when it was Bang Chan.

Bang Chan 💫
Hey Jimin
Do you want to meet up today?
Jimin 💖
I'm sorry, but I can't
I'm moving back to Yoongi's
Bang Chan 💫
Would you like some extra help?
Jimin 💖
If you don't mind 😅
Bang Chan 💫
Does Yoongi still live at XXXX?
Jimin 💖
What time?
Bang Chan 💫
Is 15:00 ok?
Jimin 💖
Yeah that's fine
See you soon
Bang Chan 💫
See you soon ☺️

"Is it that creepy email person again?" Yoongi asked, slightly worried.
"No, it's Bang Chan."
"Ok! How is he?"
"He's been dating Felix for about two weeks."
"I know nothing that goes on!" Yoongi fake pouted and I pecked his lips.
"It's ok. I only found out when I wen into work the other day." I chuckled at my boyfriend's cuteness, and moved the last suitcase. There was a knock at the door, and Yoongi went to answer it, revealing one of the last people I wanted to see.
"Hello, Oli."
Heyy, it's another chapter!! Sorry it's a bit late, I am really busy with revision and studying, and some of the chapters this week and possibly next week may be slightly delayed, as I have end-of-year exams coming up. Anyway, things are starting to get interesting, so you do not want to miss these next few chapters. Anyway, vote, comment and follow me!! Thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter!!

Serena 💜

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