Chapter 25

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Jimin's POV

I can't believe it! Yoongi and Oli are having a lunch together so Yoongi can get to know him better! I don't know why he doesn't trust him anyway. I understand that him touching me was a big deal, but it has never happened again. Oli is honestly a great person, and I want Yoongi to see that, too. I told Yoongi have a shower and get dressed.

Yoongi finished getting changed and came downstairs

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Yoongi finished getting changed and came downstairs.
"Hey, babe. You look nice." I kissed his cheek.
"Thanks, babe."
"Oh, thank you again for giving Oli a chance. He really is a good friend, I think you just have to get to know him more."
"Yeah. I think I just gave an unfair judgment. Is he still available for lunch today?"
"I think so. I'll text him now."
Jimin 💖
Hey Oli
Are you still available today?
I'm still free today
Where am I meeting with Yoongi?

"Where will you meet up with Oli?"
"Uh, is TDOONG Cafè ok?"
"I'll double check with him."
Jimin 💖
Is TDOONG cafè ok?
Yeah sure
I'll see Yoongi at 12:30?
Jimin 💖
Have fun!
Thanks 😊
Can't you come too?
Jimin 💖
I have to go to the office
Maybe next time
Jimin 💖
Bye! 💜
"Ok, he's meeting you at 12:30. That's in 5 minutes. Are you ready?"
He got his jacket on and was about to walk out of the door.
"Yeah, I'm ready. However, I'm missing something."
"What is it?"
"A kiss from you."
"Very funny, Mr. Min."
He smirked and I kissed his cheek.
"Ok. I'm ready now." He pecked my lips and walked out of the door.
Meanwhile, I went upstairs to get dressed.

I was about to get my suit on when I saw something in the back of the wardrobe

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I was about to get my suit on when I saw something in the back of the wardrobe. It was a picture of me with Yoongi's face carved out, and horrible things were written on there. However, what scared me the most was what was written on
the bottom of the picture.

Yoongi must die.

I quickly ripped it off the back of the wardrobe and put it in the bin. I shrugged it off, hoping that this was just a sick joke.


"Hey, Chan. Thanks for the help the other day."
"No problem, Jimin. How come you're here today?"
"I don't know. Yoongi's gone out with Oli, and I wanted to come in." I shrugged.
"Wait, Oli?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Isn't that the same Oli that likes you?"
"He doesn't like me, Chan. He would have told me, right?" I scoffed and walked down to my office.
"Oh yeah? We'll see. Also Jimin, people don't exactly tell you that they have a crush on you until they're ready, so it's possible."
I playfully rolled my eyes and started working.


It was lunch, so I went down to Chan's office and knocked on the door.
"Yeah, I know. I'll get back to you soon. Ok, bye."
He hung up and looked up at me.
"Excuse me, sir? I believe you didn't schedule an appointment with me. I am a very busy man, you know?" He laughed and got up to hug me.
"Want to go out for lunch?"
"Why not? Should we ask Noona?"
"Yeah, sure."
We walked to Jihyo Noona's office and knocked on the door.
"Hey guys. What's up?"
"Would you like to come to lunch with us, Noona?"
"Sure!" She smiled and joined us. Chan suddenly stopped and turned around.
"Oh, um, if it's not too much trouble, could we invite Felix?"
"The more the merrier!" Jihyo Noona said and went over to Felix to ask if he wanted to join our lunch. He accepted and we walked out of the building and to a cafè nearby.
"Should we go here?"
"I don't mind."
"Yeah, I'm hungry so I don't really care!"
"I agree with Noona!"
We laughed and walked into the cafè.
"Hi, table for four, please."


"So, Noona, are you full now?" I asked, finishing the last of my meal.
"Yep, we should make this a thing from now on."
"Yeah, it's nice, this little group."
I finished my drink, paid the bill and left the cafè.
"We're just in time, lunch break is almost over."
We walked back to the office and we said our goodbyes. I turned on my computer and received another email from the anonymous sender.

Hello Jiminie,
I missed you a lot today. We've both been so busy with work, and other things. I see you've been a devising a plan to stop me from trying to see you. I would never let that happen, I love you too much for that. It's all because of Yoongi. I must say, I'm a huge fan, however, if he separates you and I again, he will get what he deserves. He must die.

I quickly switched my computer off and ran my hands through my hair. Who is it sending the emails? Is there a possibility that it could be Oli? No, he's a good friend, right? I'm starting to go insane. Wait a second. I turned my computer back on and re-read the email. I stopped when it mentioned something about a fan. I thought about it over and over. My eyes widened at the realisation. Oli is sending the emails! It makes so much more sense now! The touching, the long hugs, the looks I saw him give Yoongi, and he also mentioned that he was a fan who knows Yoongi personally, and none of his fans know him personally! I wanted to run out and tell everyone, but I don't want to tell too many people and alert Oli that I know. Then it hit me. Oli is with Yoongi. I ran around the office until I reached Chan's office.
"Chan! Chan! I know who sent the emails!" I ran into his door, out of breath.
"Woah, woah, calm down. What did you say?"
"I know who sent the emails!" I said, half happy, half worried.
"You do? That's great! Who is it?"
"I KNEW IT!!" Chan started running around the room.
"Tell Yoongi! Tell Yoongi!"
"I can't."
Bang Chan suddenly stopped running around the room.
"He's with Oli at the moment."
"Oh no. We have to go, NOW." We rushed out of the room and ran out of the building to our cars.
"Did he say where he was going?" Chan asked me.
"I think TDOONG cafè?"
"Ok. See you soon."
I started my car and drove to the cafè. On the way there, I received a call from Jin Hyung.
"Hey, Hyung. How are-"
"Jimin, you need to come to the hospital."
"WHAT?! WHY?!"
"Yoongi got hit by a car."
Nothing like a cliffhanger for a comeback! I'm sorry for not uploading, I had so many exams, and I was revising like crazy. The good news is that they're almost over, so I'll have a bit more free time. Oh well, I'm back now and I might post tomorrow, who knows? Anyway, vote, comment and follow me!! Thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter!!

Serena 💜

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