Did Someone Call For Agent Loki? - Part 2

Comenzar desde el principio

Mad Titan. Loki spoke of his title, not his name. You weren't eager to find out why.

The room was dark, but it was lit very well. It looked a little barren since the room lacked any personal decorations or little forgotten trinkets. In short, it was a room that hadn't been lived in. At least, not for a long time.

There was no bed, and it didn't look like the room extended into a full house. There was only a large couch in the middle of the room with a coffee table in front of it, a kitchen with no running taps but with cupboards you assumed were filled with food, and a bathroom which you hoped had sanitary products.

Loki snapped his fingers, opening the cupboards that revealed food and fresh products. He grabbed himself a packet of biscuits and poured himself a glass of water from a pitcher.

“What is that?” you asked, pointing to the biscuit he's eating.

Loki shrugged. “It's just a biscuit, nothing fancy. It's safe for you to eat if you want to have a try.”

He offered you the packet and you grabbed a biscuit. Biting it, you found that it tasted like vanilla, nothing foreign. Good. You could at least have a little bit of familiarity while you hide away on a planet universes away from yours.

You had sat on the sofa, a glass of water in your hands that you may or may not regret soon.

“Where do we go if we get found?” you asked. It was necessary to ask at this point.

“Os Novalta,” answered Loki. “An apocalypse happens on the planet this week— a flood— I believe. If I detect the TVA before they stepped foot in this house, we'll have a good few days of quiet before fleeing again. They cannot detect changes on the timeline if it happens near a natural apocalypse, unless it's incredibly drastic.”

“How much quiet will we even get?”

“It's a planet filled with meadows and forests and mountains and lakes and mellow wildlife. We'll be at peace there, at least for a few days.”

You pursed your lips in consideration. “Meadows, haven't been in one in a while,” you said airily. “I would feel pity if it's beauty gets wiped out by a flood.”

“Then pity you shall feel. I've seen the aftermath, it's devastating. So enjoy Os Novalta as much as you can.”

You furrowed your brows at him, as if saying ‘While being chased? Really?’

“Well— minus the getting chased part,” Loki added.

You stood up to put your empty glass in the sink, now making a trail for the wash room.

“Now how do I take you off?” you said it quietly to yourself but somehow Loki heard it.

“I'm afraid you don't have time,” said Loki as his tablet simultaneously glowed gold with his speech. “They're here.”

You wrinkled your face in frustration to Loki, even though that frustration wasn't aimed at him. He reached his hand out for yours and you took it immediately, following him through the portal he managed to create.

The two of you left Nidavellir while the TVA tried to bring the door down. They found an empty room, deserted of both your presences.

“Damn,” said Mobius, a little impressed.


You were thrust into a big field of grass, unceremoniously falling on the ground. Loki must've pulled you a tad too hard there.

When you raised your head from the ground, you saw fields upon fields of grass decorated with flowers you've never seen before. The sun hit the dewdrops on the little plants and it almost looked like they were twinkling as they danced with the flow of the air.

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