He looked back before hopping into the little puddle of hot spring water, then he was sent into the mortal realm.

It had also been night when he arrived at Midgard. The streets were empty but a few people still littered the pavement, perhaps walking home from doing hours of work.

Loki used his seidr to conjured himself some Earthly clothing. He'd really come to favour their tailored and angled suits as opposed to the more comfortable styles of clothing like sweaters or tunics. He'd worn something black, something that would camouflage him from prying eyes, even though he already knows Heimdall could sense his magic on Midgard.

While he was walking, he saw a group of men running away from a seemingly normal woman. She also wore dark clothing, a fluffy maroon turtleneck and a very long black wool trenchcoat.

Loki was far enough to not see the woman's features but when he walked closer, he noticed it was someone he shouldn't have seen.

Someone who should've been long dead.


Scaring those men away gave you a little high of happiness. A dose that could sustain you for at least a couple decades.

Your night has gone better, it had been boring but those cowardly men made your body thrum with joy.

You lifted your head from staring at the pavement, you once had a smile but you wanted no one to notice now that you held your head high.

And just when your night was getting so much better, a man from your past comes strutting back.


Of all the people you've met, made acquaintances with, befriended, hated, and loved, he stood out the most.


Because he was responsible for your "affliction."

And you despised him since then.

Your face morphed into a scowl, your feet now stamping instead of stealthily walking down the pavement.

"You." You grabbed Loki by the collar of his suit. A blade already in hand, you swiftly pulled him into the nearest alley.

"You're alive," Loki said in disbelief. He wasn't threatened nor scared by your weapon. He was surprised to see you alive, and it made you so very angry.

"Yeah, no shit," you retorted. "You did this to me."

Loki furrowed his eyebrows. "Did what?"

That stung. "You really are an asshole. I should just drive this blade into your neck and be done with it."

He broke into a smile. "You can't kill me."

"Can't I?" you taunted. "Shall we test that theory?"

Loki wasn't affected by Midgardian made bullets or blades, but he does know they could leave a bitch of a mark.

"Stop!" said Loki, a little panicked. "I don't have a clue why you're angry at me."

"Why don't we start with the fact that you left me all alone? England, October 30, 1659. Lord Bram's castle. Ring any bells?"

Loki clenched his jaw. "Of course," he answered. "But how are you alive?"

You made your eyes go dark red and your fangs come out as far as they could. Loki's face contorted into confusion, then concern, then pity.

"You know what I am." You took the blade from his throat, sheathing it afterwards.

Loki couldn't speak.

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