Don't You Dare Die On Me

Start from the beginning

You threw Loki a glare which he wasn't shy to return before nodding at Thor. “Has he said why?” you asked.

Thor shook his head. “Only that it is of importance. I think, little tigress, this might be your first mission.”

Your eyes widened in shock before confidently smiling. “Finally.”


The Allfather was sat on his throne, his bright blue eye followed Thor as he walked down the gold tiled floor. You and Loki had been on either side of the Thunder God, and while scanning the room, you saw that Sif and Fandral had also been called upon by Odin.

The three of you bowed before joining Sif and Fandral. Odin cleared his throat before speaking.

“The wannabe king wants to wage war upon the crown,” he started, looking displeased, almost insulted. “He has far too many followers than anticipated. See to it that when he rallies his men, when he roars for battle, it ends then and there where the fight is held. He and his men cannot reach the city, understood?”

“Yes, father,” said Thor.

“Jarl is assembling his men at the border of Nastrond, Northeast from the palace as you may be aware. Intelligence suspects he'll be waging war in a few weeks, so we must prepare.” Odin clenched his fist angrily. The Allfather had many enemies, most of them had attempted to kill him either on the battlefield or within the walls of the palace. He's used to threats and pretenders trying to seize the throne. But somehow, Jarl Broksson ignites angry fire in his veins.

How dare he make threats and assemble an army against the man who helped him stay alive?

Odin knew of Jarl's father, and when he'd gotten news that one of his old lieutenants was dying and in need of money to save himself and his family, the Allfather didn't hesitate to lend a helping hand. After all, what was a few golden bars compared to his golden palace?

If Odin hadn't helped, Jarl Broksson would've been starving on the streets with a poor mother and a dead father.

How dare he?

“Lady Sif, I entrust you with the firearms. You will be assisted by General Helvar.” Sif nodded at the Allfather's instructions. “Thor, Fandral, and Loki, you will be in the front lines. You know what to do.” They all nodded.

Odin moved his gaze to you. “And mortal, I suggest you dispose of the stragglers. After all, this is your first battle in Asgard. We are different.”

Different as in stronger, denser, harder to fight.

“Of course,” you said before bowing shallowly in respect. “I'll try to get used to it, my king.”

Odin sighed. “Dismissed.”

You all bowed before walking away from the Allfather's presence. You could see how the Asgardians' concern appear on their faces. The thought of someone having enough power to have Odin call on them for assistance is unsettling, considering the fact that nobody has challenged the king in a good half a millennia.

You, however, walked the halls with slight anger to your steps.

Taking away the stragglers? Fighting cowards is nothing.

Odin knew you had strength, agility, and the talent to fight well, but he has given you an assignment for children.

Loki looked sour as always. Probably tired of being sent to another mission by Odin. However, you did not miss his smirk when the Allfather gave you your task. He probably thought you got what you deserved, which was nothing.

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