I saw Chase's hand start to move closer to me and he rested it on my thigh. I immediately slapped it but he didn't budge and just made his grip tighter. 

"Are you seriously doing this in the middle of class?" I whispered angrily. This caught the attention of Luna, Marco and Coal who looked over to see his hand on my thigh. 

"Leave her the fuck alone." Luna said looking back at Chase. 

Chase just grinned. I wanted to wipe that fucking smirk off his face so bad. Coal watched as I started to dig my finger nails into his skin until he finally released his grasp. I made him bleed. I was filled with pleasure. Okay I'm not a serial killer but I do know how to het a man off of me. Well, most men...

"Fucking bitch." Chase said under his breath. I looked over to see Coal smirking as he turned his attention back to the teacher. When the class ended I waited for Chase to leave before i got up with Luna. Before I could get too far I felt a grasp of my wrist pull me back and turn my around. 

"You good? I saw Chase." Coal says.    

"Please, as if you give two shits." I said as I turned around, only to be turned back around by Coal. 

"I'm being serious Miller." Coal says. 

"As if, we hate each other. I'm not going to fall for it Coal. It's probably part of some prank you guys have planned." I said turning around, to be turned back around AGAIN. 

"He's not worth your time Soph." Luna said trying to pull me back. 

Coal scoffed. "Seriously Miller? God I don't even know why I asked. I was trying to be nice but your just to caught up in your own head to realize that." He said letting go of my wrist. 

I tense. Maybe he's right, but I can't let my guard down, not in front of him, not in front of the whole fucking hallway. 

"Coal I swear to god if you say one more thing I'm going to scream." I start to walk away but thne of course. I hear this agitating voice. 

"I was trying to be fucking nice to you how many times do I have to say it for you to believe it? God your so stuck up Sofia." He says in an annoyed tone. 

"I'M STUCK UP? ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW COAL?", I yell at him, walking closer to him. 

Were inches away from each other. 

"Yes Sofia you are. If your trying to imply that I'm the one who's stuck up it's not working." He growls. 

"FOR FUCK'S SAKE COAL. You think everyone but yourself is the problem and I'm tired of it." I say and I take a step closer but trip on a backpack laying on the floor and fall on top of Coal. Suddenly my hands fall to his chest and his hands grip my waist tightly not letting me fall anywhere but on top of him. 

"If you wanted to ride me you could've just asked." Coal said smirking before throwing me off of him. As soon as I was about to punch him we heard footsteps growing closer and closer until my eyes met with Principal Perkins. We both quickly jumped to our feet and started smiling, ear to ear. 

"My office, NOW." he exclaimed before turning around making his way back to his office. I groaned and turned around to see Luna and Marco standing next too each other with smirk expressions on their face as they watched us follow behind Principal Perkins. 

Once we made it too his office he gestured us to the two seats in font of his desk. We both silently took our seats before looking at each other and rolling our eyes.

"Now, I've heard of a rivalry between the baseball team and softball team. I respect both of your dedications to the team. But things of this matter will not be tolerated in this school building." he went explaining the rules and guidelines we must follow and how he felt disrespected. 

'To end this conversation, you guys are not hold any more pranks, or verbal fights on school grounds, understand?" We both nodded and we stood up and walked out the door. 

"This is all your fault you know." Coal said as we walked down the haul, as far apart as possible. 

"I would have yelled if you didn't provoke me." I said sternly. 

"Can't handle yourself huh?" Coal said chuckling. 

I rolled my eyes, turning down the hall of my next class, which he didn't have thankfully. 


"It's finally Friday." Alyssa said as she came into the locker room. 

"I can't wait for the weekend, no softball practices, and no school." Luna said grinning. 

"Lucky you." I said rolling my eyes sarcastically, they all just stared at me. "I'm kidding guys, chill out." I said. They all let out a breath. 

"What are yall's plans?" Riley said. 

"I'm going up to my lake house for the weekend." Alyssa said. 

"I will be doing nothing but sleeping." Luna said and we all let out a laugh. 

"How bout you Soph?" Alyssa asked. 

"Hmmm, I think I'll go to the club." I shrugged. They all gasped.

"A joke. I'll be studying at my dad's request!" I said rolling my eyes, for real this time. They all patted my back as we made our way to the gym for practice. Practice went pretty smooth, I was tired as fuck but pushed through with my hungover ass. 

That night I laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling. My brother's death, Luke's death, wasn't really my fault was it? I ask myself this everyday, hoping to find an answer for why he left me. He left me and my mother alone in this fucking house with my dad. It hurts so much. Whenever I see my body, I think about the abuse, I think about my brother trying to stop him, until he left, and there was no one to help me anymore. I slowly closed my eyes, day dreaming of what my life would be like if he was still here.



ugh the sexual tension between them is just *chef's kiss*

don't worry their moment is coming... TURN IT UP

Covered By Her Scarsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें