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chapter twenty-seven, permanent tattoo.


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AS SOON AS I SEE OLIVE AND JASPER PREOCCUPIED IN THE LUNCHROOM, I LAUNCH MYSELF TOWARDS ISAAC'S TABLE. He left my house early in silence this morning, to ensure that no one at the McCall's would notice his absence, and we haven't spoken since. But, he's not why I'm here.

Plus, as I said last night and as I have to keep reminding myself, I am still angry with him. He played with my heart! That's not okay!

Priorities, May, hurry up.

My eyes go straight to Scott and Stiles who sit next to one another, questioning, "It's happening to you guys too, isn't it? The thing that happened to me last night."

"I've been having nightmares, and I'm sleepwalking." Stiles admits, relieved to get it off his chest.

"I don't know what to do." I breathe out in anxiety, "I don't want another video of me screaming bloody murder like a crazy person to go around."

"There's a video?" Lydia questions, surprised she hadn't seen it yet.

I shrug, "Sort of. Jasper and Charlie made everyone get rid of it."

"Aren't they so sweet." Isaac comments bitterly and I glare at him, replying: "Be nice."

I do my best to get back to the point, "It's messing with my mind, its messing with what's real. I keep seeing myself inside that cage from my dad's room, with my mother just screaming and snarling. One second I'll be in one place, then in another the next."

"It's exactly what Deaton warned us about." Scott adds, "I keep seeing myself as an Alpha-beast-type thing, I come this close to turning and revealing myself."

I look to Stiles, "what do you see?" I wonder if we all see different things — whatever is affecting us the most, I'd guess.

I'm afraid of my mother and whatever that cage my dad previously had was for. I'm afraid of being trapped with her, with no way out. A constant reminder of how unwanted she makes me feel.

Scott's afraid of revealing his wolf-side to the public because they obviously wouldn't enjoy that very much. He's also afraid of turning in front of people because he's an Alpha now, who knows what that would entail?

And Stiles? I'm not sure. Everyone has issues, but I don't think I could pinpoint Stiles' if I tried. He's well-hidden.

"It's just these dreams that are so real. I can't tell when I'm making up and when I'm inside my own head."

Maybe a fear of being forgotten? Being trapped in a reality where nothing is true, no one is there to help you...

I don't have time to think about it as I can sense Jasper's presence the second he gets up from his seat. I'm not sure what his problem, or Olive's, is with Isaac's group, but I'd rather not get in the middle of it.

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