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chapter ten, locker talk.


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OLIVE WAS SICK TODAY AND THAT MADE MAY'S HANGOVER EVEN WORSE. Sure, if Olive was there, May's hangover probably would've been even worse than it was, but not having her there made the hangover all she could focus on.

And the pain and feeling of wanting to vomit being the only thing her mind could focus on seemed even worse than just feeling those things with Olive as a distraction.

Plus Olive being absent at school meant May's phone would go off about a billion times with texts from Olive just so she could update the girl on whatever she was missing.

She really wasn't missing anything that interesting.

So, May's day had been dreadfully boring until Lydia Martin leaned against the locker next to hers and Allison Argent stood behind her.

The last time she'd interacted with them was at Motel California.

"So I hear you're something unidentifiable." Lydia went right to what she wanted, not even a hello spared.

May offered a tight-lipped smile, "I'm just a normal person, Lydia."

"We know you're trying to give up the supernatural life," Allison's voice made her turn around, "but come on, you have to be some missing puzzle piece for us, right?"

"You sound like Stiles now."

"Maybe Stiles is right for once," Lydia cringed, "Ew. That's wrong to even say."

"Look," May shut her locker, "if you want to talk to me, we can talk about something else. Anything other than the supernatural that you all find yourselves obsessing over."

"'Obsessing' isn't the word I'd use," Allison frowned.

Lydia cut in, following May when she tried to walk away to lunch. "Okay. Then should we talk about your date with Jasper Green?"

"How do you know about that?" May stopped in her tracks with a scrunched nose, giving the two girls time to catch up.

"Stiles." They both responded in unison, as the three continued their walk to lunch together.

"Of course, and Isaac probably told him." May groaned, "I'd like for my name to never leave their mouths ever again."

She didn't mean it, but she wanted to mean it.

"Well, with this newfound friendship," Lydia suggested, "we could help that become a reality."

May wondered if Lydia realized that they had only just walked ten, maybe fifteen, feet together. There was nothing between them but walking down a school hallway and a past traumatic memory.

Not much of anything that would make itself out to be friendship.

But, May wanted the help, "Oh, please do."

Siren - Isaac LaheyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin