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chapter twenty-two, lost my mind.


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YOU WOULD THINK SCOTT WOULD BE A BIT FASTER, KNOWING WE WERE TRAPPED IN A ROOT CELLAR. But, no. I actually think he went slower after learning from Stiles that he needed to come get us, and with a ladder.

My eyes look out on the scene underground as we wait for Scott, seeing the family reunited. Stiles looks undoubtedly happy to be next to his dad, and Melissa looks just as happy as she talks to the both of them.

The only dismal one in the room is my dad, who looks at anything but me. And even the things he does look at receive a blank stare.

My eyes burn into his skull, hoping that'll make me feel like I've been reunited with my dad and not whoever this man ignoring me is. I didn't even get a thank you for saving him.

Not even a hello, for fuck's sake.

Isaac sits next to me, the two of us still trying to process what just happened as the ground was caving in on us. My powers worked. I was able to get Stiles here.

Stiles said he heard my voice, like a breeze passing by. Which means I charmed the winds — I did the exact thing Isaac told me I could do. And I helped, for once.

"I hope you know how cool that really was," Isaac's voice is low so no one else can eavesdrop, "This," he refers to the reunion, "wouldn't have happened without you."

I shake my head, "Don't give me credit for things like that. You're the reason the ground didn't cave in on us, entirely."

"Just accept my compliment for once," he rolls his eyes and I stifle my laugh.

My head turns, looking at him, "Thank you... for lying to me."

He looks at me with the side of his lips perked up, shaking his head. "Really?"

"Really." I confirm, clearly amused.

He narrows his eyes at me, searching my face as his tongue rolls over his front teeth. His eyes move from feature to feature, counting each freckle and remembering each flaw.

The intensity makes me look away; cheeks having turned a bright red. I no doubt look like a pure tomato.

"Stop that."

Isaac acts innocent, "What? I didn't even do anything."

"I don't like when you.." I look back at him and he's still doing it! What is wrong with him? "That! I don't like when you do that!"

His eyes flood with amusement, acting clueless still. "What are you talking about? I'm not doing anything." He looks down at my lips.

Instinctively, I cover my face with my hands. Why is my heart beating so fast right now? And why is Isaac doing this? Being so nice and so heartfelt-y. He's bringing a smile to my face that I can't erase.

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