420. Riddler

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"So I was right? This is your level of magical expertise?" He asked. "Pretty much, yeah." Sunset said with a shrug. He jumped and blushed when Rainbow hugged him again. "That's cute." Sunset scoffed. Cameron nervously chuckled, and patted Rainbow's head. "Yeah, real cute couple you two are." Kitty rolled her eyes. Cameron growled, and looked behind him from the side, glaring at her harshly. "I hate to agree with the bad side here, but if Blaze meant what he said to our darling Rainbow, it's quite clear that you, might just be a close second to him for her." Rarity said with a softer smile.


"W-why?" He stammered. "Well, for one big thing, it seems that your realtioship and trust has really built up a lot over the past two weeks. Especially after your rather....ahem, interesting introduction..." Rarity said, trying to be kind with her words. "Go ahead and say what you wanted to say. I was an absolute dickhead that day. So much, in fact, that I had to remove the horrific parts from my memory..." He said firmly.  "You can do that?" Pinkie asked with wide eyes.


"Yes. And so can she. When you are a vampire, you go through different stages. She's a stage two vampire, while me, being as old as I am, am a full vampire." He said. "How old are you?!" Kitty demanded again. Cameron slowly pryed Rainbow's arms of of him, and turned to face Kitty Preen. He walked towards her with his hands behind his back. "You never asked nicely, and manners are key. Especially when dealing with an experienced vampire such as myself." He said, with a mysterious glint in his eye.


"I...would you KINDLY tell me your age?" Kitty said with a ride tone. "Hm. How old do I look?" He asked with an unsettling grin. "Uh...I don't know? 33? 34?" She asked. "Not bad. In human years, I am indeed 34 years old. Well done." He said sarcastically, applauding her. "O...kay....so you ARE older than us. All...of us." Kitty said. "Oh, I'm MUCH older than all of you." He laughed, telling Rainbow telepathically to search for Blaze with her friends. She nodded and helped them sneak by.


"How much older? You said you were 34?" Kitty asked with a huff. "I am. In human years, that is. Remember, I am a vampire, with THOUSAND year knowledge." Cameron said in a riddle like tone. Rainbow and her friends walked through a couple hallways, quickly getting lost. "I don't think we're gonna find Blaze....I'm sure she's hidden him well in a house like this...." Rainbow said with a sad sigh. "You aren't one to give up like this, Rainbow." Sunset said, gently putting a hand on her shoulder.


"That's because I now hate my life. I miss being a single 16 year old with a easy life. All I had to worry about, was singing, sports, and kicking magical ass. No kids, no romance, no vampire shit." Rainbow groaned. "You poor thing! We were all bound to grow up and have kids at SOME point in our lives! Even girls like you." Fluttershy exclaimed, hugging Rainbow tightly. "I...I'm fine. Just....I don't even know at this point..." She said.


Fluttershy hugged her close as they walked on for a while, but Rainbow was forced to push her off. She saw her best friend's sad face, but she really couldn't be bothered to pet her up because her mind was running a million miles a minute. Rainbow stayed ahead of the group, and suddenly froze stone cold in her tracks.




A/N: Onto book 5! :)

Also, I just wanna take this moment to thank each and every one of you for sticking around on this story adventure! I dont know why you did, but I am happy nonetheless! And I also want to make sure that you subscribe to my YouTube channel, and help me reach my new goal of 400-500 subscribers! (Link is in my bio!)

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See you guys in book 5!!

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