31. Letting the Cat Out of the Bag

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"What?" Joel said, a look of disbelief on his face.

Emily held her left hand up.

"Surprise," she said, showing him the plain gold band on her ring finger.

"Oh my bloody God!" he exclaimed. "You two went and eloped! Holy shit! When? Where? Why? Emily, I can't believe this. Holy crap. Seb, you're my brother. Congratulations guys. I am so happy for you!"

He surprised Seb by pulling him into a bear hug. Then he jumped up and hugged Emily.

"You're not mad?"

"Emily, I'm just happy that you're happy. And I'm not surprised."

"You're not?"

"No. Not in the slightest. Eloping is such an Emily thing to do. Yes, I would have been proud to be there, but I'm so happy. You and Seb are made for each other. And I will be super proud and happy to walk you down the aisle in June.'

Emily started crying with happiness. She had been so worried that Joel would be upset.

"Hey, don't be soft sis, it's OK." Joel turned and looked at Seb, his arm still around his sister.

"Welcome to the family Seb."

"Thanks Joel."

"So what are you guys doing? Are you telling people? Making some big announcement?"

"We're going to announce it at the team dinner tonight. We just thought you deserved to know first."

"I can't wait to see the look on people's faces. Joe is going to flip! He's said from day one you two would get married."

"Really?" asked Emily, laughing.

"Yeah, honestly. He's been shipping you two the whole time."

"He'll be insufferable."

"When isn't it?" Seb said, remembering all the animal sex jokes.

"True," said Joel. "Look, I'm going to have to shoot off. I need to get changed for dinner. See you there."

After the door closed behind Joel Seb pulled Emily into his arms.

"See I told you it would be alright."

"He took it well. So did your family. I feel bad that we didn't ask people but they're all so happy for us."

"That's because they love us."

They stood hugging, both nervous about that evening's announcement. At the moment it all just felt like a fairytale. Once it was out in the open, it would feel more real.


Seb stood up at the end of the table.

"Excuse me everybody, can I have your attention please?" All eyes turned to face him. He smiled at everyone. They'd hired a whole restaurant as the whole team were in attendance. He raised his voice to be heard.

"First of all I want to thank you all for your continued hard work. Our goal is within reach. Just one last push for these last five races. We can do it." They all cheered.

"Also, while I have you all in the same place there's something I'd like to share with you all. Well, we would." He reached out and held Emily's hand.

"Before we flew to Austin we had a little break in Hawaii and while we were there we kind of got married."

The whole team gasped in shock. Then someone started clapping. Soon the whole team had joined in.

"About bloody time!" shouted Joe. "Well done you two, well done."

"Congratulations Sebastian and Emily," said Otmar.

"You kept that bloody quiet you sneaky devils!"laughed Harry.

Kara just grabbed Emily who was sat next to her and hugged her tight.

"Oh Ems, I'm so pleased for you. "

"So as it's media and set up day tomorrow I know we can't go mad but we'd love it if you could join us for a glass of bubbly."

Seb signalled the waiter and he brought over the champagne that he'd pre-arranged. Also on the tray was a sparkling apple juice for Emily.

After the glasses of champagne had been handed out, Joel stood up.

"I'd like to say something. Emily, I am so proud of you. I really am so happy that you have found love with Seb. I've never seen a couple so much in love with each other. I'm proud of you too Seb, proud to call you my brother. So raise your glasses. To Emily and Seb."

"To Emily and Seb," the team echoed.

Emily took a sip of her apple juice. She noticed Kara looking at her strangely.

"What's up?"she asked.

"Funny looking champagne."

"I didn't feel like drinking."

"Didn't feel like having a drink to celebrate your marriage?" Kara raised an eyebrow. "Does this mean what I think it means Mrs Vettel?"

Emily looked around and saw no one was paying any attention to her and Kara. She nodded.

Kara covered her mouth with her hand.

"Oh my God. How far?"

"14 weeks, well just over."

"Oh my God. Does Joel know?" Emily nodded.

"Yeah, he's been sworn to secrecy. I'm not going to be able to hide it for much longer. I'm getting a right bump now. "

"I am so excited for you. Can I be honorary auntie?"

"Of course."

Kara beamed, chugging down her champagne. This was the best news ever. A new Mrs Vettel and a new baby Vettel. Such fantastic news.


Thursday evening Seb and Emily were eating dinner out with Britta and Antti. Media duties were done for the day and they had headed to a nearby pizzeria.

All of a sudden Britta's phone started going mad. Lots of notifications started coming through.

'What now?" she mumbled. She picked it up and scrolled through, cursing under her breath.

"What's up?" Seb asked.

"Looks like the cat is well and truly out of the bag. Your two are trending on Twitter. Probably all other social media too. The fans spotted your ring in the press conference Seb."

He laughed sheepishly.

"They don't miss a thing do they?"

"Even the journos are speculating. What do you want to do? Ignore or confirm?"

Seb looked at Emily.

"If we leave it they won't give up. Confirm and they'll soon get over it."

"She speaks sense Seb. I know you don't like them knowing your personal business but I think it's best."

"OK, I'll leave it in your hands."

Britta tapped away on her phone and within ten minutes had compiled a statement confirming the marriage.

"I'll get this sent to the team to issue. It should be out in the morning."

"Media shitstorm incoming," laughed Antii.

"Ah, fuck the media," Seb cursed screwing his face up. He didn't care for them. He never had but they were a necessary evil. All he cared about was his family and his friends. They were the ones that mattered. He squeezed Emily's hand under the table. She squeezed his back. He wondered how much shit the media were going to drag up but as long as they had each other it was going to be alright.

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