32. Breaking News

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Remembering his buzzing phone, he pulled it out of his pocket.

Yep. Britta. Seven missed calls!

"Has Britta rang you Antti?"

"Dunno, I left my phone back at the hotel."

Scott and Brandon headed off. Seb waved goodbye as he put his phone to his ear, ringing Britta back.

"Oh at bloody last," she snapped. "I've been trying to get hold of you."

"So I see. Sorry, I was running."

"Seb. You have a problem. A big problem."

He heard the seriousness in her voice.

"Britta, what is it?"

"There's an article been printed in the British press. A woman from Alpine is claiming to have had a sexual relationship with you whilst you were dating Emily."

Seb shot upright in his seat.

"What the fuck,? I haven't slept with anyone else since I met Emily. It's all lies."

"She claims that you slept together in Imola and that you've been pestering her ever since."

Seb was completely puzzled.

"I wasn't dating Emily until after Joel's stabbing. Even so I never had sex with anyone. Is her name Talia?"

"Yes, that's it. Talia Underwood. Why would she say these things Seb?"

Seb sighed. He felt his anger rising.

"Britta, you should know me. I wouldn't lie. I did not have sex with her. I admit, I took her back to my room with the intention of having sex with her but I couldn't do it. I told Emily this. Shit. Emily. Britta, I'm sorry I have to call Emily before she sees this."

"Seb, she already has."

"Fuck, no. I need to talk to her."

"I believe she is on her way to the Alpine hotel to confront this Talia."

"Fuck. Which hotel are they in Britta?"

"The Hilton Mexico. Seb, don't do anything stupid....Seb!" He disconnected the call and set off running.

"Seb," Antti called after him, but Seb was long gone.


Emily woke up and was disappointed to find the other side of the bed empty. She found a note on the pillow.

Gone running with Antti. Will see you later beautiful. I love you
Seb xx

She smiled and pulled herself upright in bed.

She picked up her phone and started scrolling through Twitter.

She froze as she saw someone had shared an article about Seb. She couldn't believe what she was reading.

She choked back a sob. Surely this couldn't be true. She recognised the woman pictured. She was the Alpine woman that Seb had taken to his room in Imola. He'd sworn he hadn't slept with her. They weren't together when it happened but had he lied to her all along? And he'd made such a performance over her not telling him about her and Scott. She took some deep breaths. She knew getting upset wouldn't be good for the baby.

She didn't know what to do. She began to panic. She had to know the truth. She needed to speak to this Talia.

She rang Kara's number.

"Alright Ems?"

"Kara? I need a favour. I need to know what hotel Alpine are staying in. I know you know that Georgia girl. Can you find out?"

"Emily? What's wrong?"

"I take it you haven't seen the news on Twitter. Some Alpine bitch claims to have slept with Seb and says he's been pestering her ever since."

"Who? "

"Talia something."

"Oh her. She's the paddock bike. I don't think it's wise for you to go chasing after her in your condition."

"Kara, either you tell me what I need to know or I will go to every hotel in the vicinity until I find out."

Ok, give me 5 minutes." Emily hung up. She quickly pulled a pair of leggings on and put on her bra and a vest top.

She let herself out and headed down to the lobby. She had just got there when Kara rang her back.

"The Hilton. I'll meet you in the lobby. If you're going I'm going too."

"That won't be necessary." She hung up.

Emily headed to the front door.

"Emily," she heard Britta call. She stopped and turned.

Britta saw straight away thsat Emily had seen the article. The look on her face gave her away.

"Emily, I'm sure there must be an explanation. I'm trying to get hold of him."

"Save it Britta. I'm going to go and see this Talia. I want to hear what she has to say for herself. I'll deal with him later."

She turned and headed out of the hotel and down the street in the direction of the Hilton.

The Strength Within (Sebastian Vettel)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang