27. A Very Important Date

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"Promises, promises,' she joked.

"Juat you wait for it liebling."

"I'll look forward to it."

"At this rate you're going to spend most of the time in Hawaii naked and tied to the bed."

Emily felt a stirring between her legs.

"That sounds like something I might like to try," she said, winking at him.

"Seriously? If I'd have known that was something you'd be up for I'd have asked earlier."

"Kinky," she said. Seb chuckled. Emily's sex drive was definitely on the up with this pregnancy and it had been high enough before! He was going to need all his stamina and strength to keep up with her.

"Come on, eat up. We have a date to keep."


Seb and Emily headed back to the car, Emily holding her scan pictures tightly in her hand.

"I told you everything would be OK," he said, smiling at her.

"He's just perfect, isn't he?"

"Yes, she is."

Both had fought to hold the tears back when they'd seen their baby on the screen. The due date had been altered to 22nd April after measurements had been taken.

"I love you Emily. You, the baby. My girls. You four are my whole world."

"You soppy bugger," she laughed. "I love you too champ."

"Even if I don't win the title?"

"Yes. But you will. You've got the best team."

"And the sexiest strategist," he said, winking at her.

"Flattery will get you everywhere."

"I truly hope so."

They stopped at a small Italian restaurant on the way back to the house and had a spot of lunch. That afternoon the girls were coming over to spend a few hours with them before Seb and Emily flew to Hawaii, so they didn't stay long.

Arriving back home, Emily tucked the scan photos into a pocket in her suitcase.

She sat down on the bed and suddenly felt a wave of sadness pass over her. She thought of Jacob, and what could have been.

The door knocked downstairs and she heard Seb greet Carla and the girls. She didn't want to face them yet, she needed to snap out of this mood. She should be happy. The baby was healthy. She was happy, but she couldn't get Jacob out of her head.

There was a tap on the door and Carla popped her head around.

"Hi, Seb said you were up here. I just wanted to say hi, I'm heading shopping for a few hours. Emily, what's wrong?" she said, noticing tears running down Emily's cheeks.

She sat on the bed next to Emily and put her arm around her.

Emily didn't know why but she felt like she could trust Carla. Funny really, that she was thinking of confiding in Seb's ex-wife.

"Carla, I'm pregnant," she blurted out. Carla was visibly shocked.

"Does Seb know? Are you not happy sweetheart?"

"Yes, he knows. We had our first scan today. We plan on telling people after Brazil. I am happy, I really am."

"So why are you sat here on your own crying?" Carla said, kindly.

Emily hesitated before deciding to trust Carla.

"I lost a baby at 17 weeks years ago. Jacob. I'm just scared, I feel guilty, like I'm replacing him. Or on the other hand, will I love this baby as much as I loved him? "

"Oh sweetheart. You deserve to be happy. You're not replacing him. He'll always be your baby. No one will ever replace him. I've never lost a child but I know that fierce love. He will always be your first, but you will love this baby just as much. Everything will be ok, you have Seb. He's the most supportive expectant dad going. Does he know how you feel?"

"We spoke about it in the beginning but I don't like worrying him so I just put on a brave face. Most of the time I'm OK, but I get moments like this. I think the scan brought it on."

"I really think you need to talk to him." Emily nodded. There was a noise at the door. Both of them turned their head and saw Seb stood there. It was obvious from his expression that he'd overheard.

"Carla, can I have a moment with Emily please?"

"Sure, I'll go down and play with the girls."

She lay her hand on Emily's shoulder as she stood.

"Emily, why didn't you tell me how you're feeling? We're supposed to be a team. "

" I'm ashamed Seb. Ashamed I might forget Jacob, ashamed I doubt the strength of my love for this baby. I can see how happy you are. I didn't want to ruin things for you."

"I'm happy because we're happy, or so I thought."

"Seb, I am happy. I just get small moments like this when I think of him. It doesn't happen often. You have healed me. I love you, you know that."

"Yet you'd rather tell Carla your feelings than me?"

"Seb, I'm sorry. You're right. I'm just so used to relying on myself. I'm not used to having support, apart from Joel of course."

"Emily, I totally get it. I don't want you forgetting Jacob. He was, will always be, a part of you but this baby...she's our little miracle. And I know you will love her. I believe in you Emily. I love you."

Emily fell into his arms.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Just promise me you'll come to me whenever you feel down."

"I promise."

He kissed her head and hugged her tight.

"Now come on. Dry your tears and let's go tell these girls they're going to be big sisters."


Leah and Klara had been over the moon hearing the news. They'd both agreed with their dad that it was going to be a girl and had spent the best part of the afternoon suggesting names.

"I like Heidi, Sophia, Margot, Katie and Elisabeth," said Leah, excitedly.

"I like Aria, Annabelle, Isabelle and Olivia," added Klara.

"No boys names?" asked Emily, laughing.

"No point, it's definitely a girl," laughed Seb.

We'll see," said Emily. She sat on the couch watching Seb play barbies on the floor with the girls. He really was a fantastic dad. Whatever the baby was it would be blessed. She smiled. She really was the luckiest girl in the world.

The Strength Within (Sebastian Vettel)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu