"Yes." Emily burst out laughing.

"Thank you Joel."

"For what?"

"For sending Seb to stop me from making a big mistake."

"I sent him to talk some sense into you, not to have rampant animal sex with you whilst the team were waiting to debrief!"


"Bye Emily, I just had to call, haha." He hung up laughing his head off.

"This isn't going to be forgotten in a hurry, is it?" she asked. Seb shook his head, silently laughing. He pulled her into his arms.

"I can't believe you really asked me to marry you."

"I can't believe you actually said yes. I'm the luckiest man alive."

"So, we're both in agreement that we won't tell anyone just yet?"

"Not yet, but soon. I want everyone to know. And I don't intend on this being a long engagement, I'm telling you that now."

"Maybe just family and close friends for now?"

"I can live with that," he murmured, cupping her breasts, and kissing her neck. "Now shut up and kiss me. I'm sure we have time for one more round before we have to check out."


It was Wednesday evening in Budapest. Emily had met Joel, Demi, Kara and Harry for dinner. Seb would just about be landing now. Britta was picking him up at the airport and Emily would see him back in their room. The team had cancelled her room as Seb had insisted she stay with him from now on, and she wasn't arguing with that.

Joel was still teasing Emily about her and Seb5s motorhome session. Demi slapped him on the arm and told him to pack it in.

"She knows I'm only pratting about Demi. Seriously, Emily, I'm so happy you guys are back together. You belong with Seb."

"You don't know the half of it," she said before she could stop herself. Everyone's eyes turned to her.

"What do you mean?" Joel asked.

"OK, so we weren't going to say anything but I am so excited I have to."

"Oh my God, you're pregnant aren't you?" Joel gasped.

"No for fuck's sake Joel. We only got back together like three days ago."

Kara rolled her eyes.

"What is it Emily?" she asked.

"Seb. He asked me to marry him. And I said yes." Demi and Kara shrieked in excitement. Harry looked shocked. Joel just stared at her, his mouth gaping open.

"Emily, that is just the best news ever! Congratulations!" Demi said. Kara and Harry echoed her Congratulations.

"Joel, say something," Emily said.

"I can't. Or I'll cry. I'm just so happy Ems."

"Guys I need to ask for you to keep this to yourselves for now. We haven't told Seb's family. It's still all so new. Maybe after the summer break we'll go public."

"You're going to Switzerland with him, aren't you?" asked Harry. She nodded.

"Yes, and then to Cornwall after that."

"Oh Emily. Mum would be so happy," Joel said, wiping a tear from his eye. Emily stood up and sat in the empty space next to her brother. She put her arm around him.

"I love you Joel. And you will get to be an uncle now to Seb's girls."

"Things are going to change a lot, aren't they?"

"Yes," Emily said. "But you'll aways be my brother." He hugged her tight.

"He'd better look after you."

"He will."

"And please, no more animal sex in the motorhome. I might hear next time and I'd be scarred for life." Emily punched him in the arm. They all started laughing.

Joel was right. Things were going to change, but their friendship never would.


Seb excited the airport, dragging his case behind him. He saw Britta waiting for him in a black DBX. He put his case in the boot and jumped in besides her. She greeted him but was still a bit off with him after how he'd spoken to her at Silverstone.

"Britta, I owe you an apology. I was was rather harsh last weekend. I'm sorry." Britta tried to keep the grin off of her face.

"Really? And why was that Sebastian?"

Well, he didn't really know what to say to that. He felt his cheeks turning red. Britta burst out laughing.

"Sebastian, I know full well what you were up to. The whole motorhome did. I'm so pleased you and Emily resolved things, but next time maybe leave the physical reconciliation until a more appropriate time and place."

"Of course," Seb said.

They drove on for a few minutes in silence.

"I asked Emily to marry me," he blurted out. Britta slammed on the brakes.

"What?"she cried.

"She said yes. We're engaged."

"Oh Sebastian, congratulations! I am so happy for you both."

"It's a secret though. We need to tell my family. So keep it to yourself. I will tell Antti tomorrow though."

Britta couldn't keep the smile off of her face. This was the best news ever. It was so good to see Seb happy again. He and Emily were perfect for each other. It was so good to see them find their way back to each other.

Seb smiled as he thought of seeing Emily again later that evening. He had missed her so much these last two days. He really was so lucky to have her back. This time nothing would tear them apart.

The Strength Within (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now