15. The Unexpected Dinner Date

Start from the beginning

"Can I think about it Seb? I'm honoured you've asked me but I need time to think."

"Of course darling. Oh look, there's some tuna ones here," he said, holding them up, looking proud of himself. Emily smiled and went to take the container. He snatched it back, out of her reach.


"If you want one, you'll have to pay the price."

"Oh yes, and what's that?"

"A kiss." She shuffled closer to him.

"Pucker up then Vettel," she said, then she leant over and kissed him.


Media day was in full swing and Emily headed to the motorhone to
get some lunch. Entering the dining area she immediately spotted Norbert and Heike Vettel sitting at one of the tables. She wasn't aware what Seb had told them about her, if anything, so she didn't know whether to approach them or not.

The decision was taken out of her hands when Norbert stood up and beckoned her over. She headed over, shyly.

"Hello, you are Emily, aren't you?" he asked in broken English. She nodded. The next moment Norbert had thrown his arms around her, pulling her into a big bear hug. "I remember seeing you before. Fabian was teasing Sebastian about you. I know you and my son are dating again. He is happy again. He was so sad without you."

"It's early days yet Herr Vettel, but things are going in the right direction."

"You must meet his mother. Heike, this is Sebastian's Emily." Heike Vettel smiled up at Emily, saying something in German.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak German, besides the basics I learnt at school."

"Heike does not speak good English. She said thank you for bringing a smile back onto Sebastian's face."

"Oh I see you've already met," said Seb, appearing behind Emily.

"Yes, I remembered Emily from before. You two make such a beautiful couple. Oh I know you're not officially a couple. But you will be, mark my words. Now come sit and have a drink with us." Emily sat down. She already liked Norrbert and Heike. It was easy to see where Seb got his looks and personality from. He looked a lot like Heike but had Norbert's outgoing personality.

Heike said something in German to Seb which brought a scowl to his face. He said something back in his mother tongue. Emily didn't understand a word of it but whatever it was seemed to affect Seb's mood for the rest of the lunch break. Emily decided to leave it till later to ask him about it. She hoped it wasn't anything to do with her.

That evening Seb and Emily cuddled up on his bed watching a movie on Netflix.

"What were you and your mother speaking about earlier that made you so cross? Just tell me to mind my own business if you like, I'm just nosey. You seemed pissed off."

"Oh that," he said, sighing. "She just told me that there's someone going to be here tomorrow that I'd rather wasn't."

"Oh. Can I ask who?"

"Carla and Peter."

"Carla? I thought you were on good terms now? Where are the girls?"

"We are, but I just don't want her stirring anything. I still don't trust her 100%. The girls are with her parents. They're here because Peter's company are in talks about a sponsorship deal with Alfa Romeo."

"You may not even see her then."

"Apparently she wants to have dinner with Mother and Father tomorrow night. And with us. She wants to meet you. "


"Yes, she wants to know what you're like. I can understand I guess. She wants to know you before letting you into the girls' lives. I just don't want any bullshit."

"Seb, it's fine, I understand where she's coming from. I'll come to dinner."

"You will?" She nodded. "Thank you liebling." Emily didn't feel so sure inside. This was going to be nervewracking. What if Carla hated ber? What if she didn't want her around the children? This could be make or break.

Seb grabbed hold of Emily's hand and led her into the restaurant. She spotted Norbert and Heike sat at a table near the back wall. Sat with them was the tall, slender, blonde that Emily recognised as Seb's ex wife and a dark handsome man who must be Peter. Carla and Peter stood as Seb and Emily approached.

"Seb, hi," said Carla.

"Carla, Peter," he greeted them. He pulled a chair out for Emily, next to Norbert. "This is Emily. Emily, meet Carla and Peter."

They exchanged hellos. The waiter appeared and took drink orders.

The evening progressed smoothly. Carla seemed nice enough. Emily found Peter very easy to get along with. Seb was in a sullen, brooding mood though and wasn't very talkative.

After they had finished dessert Emily excused herself to go to the toilet. After she had finished she came out and found Carla leaning against the wall waiting for her.

"Emily can we talk please?"

Emily nodded, it had to happen sooner or later.

They headed out to the terrace and sat down.

"So, Seb is a right ray of sunshine tonight isn't he?" Carla said, with a small laugh.

"Tell me about it. Men. I'll be honest Carla. He didn't want to come."

"I didn't think he would. I'm going to be straight with you. Seb's my oldest friend. I treated him badly, but I want nothing more than to see him happy, and for a while he was. Then he lost you. I saw how miserable he was. I don't know what happened but I know he's happy now you're back in his life. A happy Seb is good for my daughters. They worship their dad. I just want to know if you're serious about him before letting you into their life. I don't want them to get used to you for you to leave again. Surely you understand my point?"

Emily nodded.

"Of course. I totally get it. I'd be the same. Truth is Seb hurt me big time. I didn't think I could ever forgive him. But I did. Because I love him too much to lose him. So yes, I'm serious."

"I believe you. I see the way you look at him. But I needed to hear it from you."

"Carla, he means the world to me. I know how much he loves the girls and I would never do anything to come between them. They will always be his priority."

Carla smiled. Emily smiled back. She was actually beginning to like Seb's ex wife.

"Heike told me Seb invited you to stay in summer break."

"He did. I told him I'd think about it. I'm scared, I mean we're not officially together. Is it too early?"

"I think you should come. Even if you're just introduced as a friend for now. It will be fun. We can get to know each other, you and the girls can get to know each other. And I can tell you all the embarrassing stories Seb tries to forget." Emily laughed. She realised there was nothing she'd like more.

"OK, I come. I'll tell him tonight."

Carla grinned. She liked this girl. Seb had finally met his match.

Seb saw Emily back to her hotel room. They lingered at her door.

"Seb," she said.

"Yes liebling?"

"I'll come to Switzerland." His face lit up.

"Seriously?" She nodded. He pulled her into a hug. He was so happy. This was one step closer to getting her back where she belonged.

The Strength Within (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now