12. First Date: The Remix

Start from the beginning

"Mandy, this is amazing, thank you so much," Emily said, taking in the fairylights and flower garlands lining the aisle between tables.

"Don't thank me. Thank loverboy here. He sent his instructions via Joel."

They reached the table. There were several mini tealights arranged in the centre. Seb pulled a chair out for Emily. She smiled at him as she sat down.

"OK kids, what are you drinking?" Mandy asked.

"Iced water for me Mandy," Seb said with a smile.

"I'll have a Orange juice please Mandy."

"Exactly the same as last time," Mandy chuckled as she headed back to get their drinks.

"Seb, this is amazing. Thank you for thinking of this."

"I just wanted to take things back to our first date. This time however, I won't end the evening by being a jerk."

Mandy returned and placed the drinks on the table.

"There you go kids. Your food will be out in about ten minutes."

Emily looked at Seb questioningly.

"I already put our orders in," he said. "Cottage Pie, and Apple crumble and custard for pudding."

Emily wiped a tear that was escaping rhe corner of her eye.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, concerned.

"Nothing, it's a happy tear. This is all so thoughtful. I love it Seb. Every little bit of it."  He smiled at her.

"You're worth it.  I've been so nervous all weekend in Baku. Then all week back home I was worrying something would go wrong."

"It's just perfect. I wouldn't change a thing."

Mandy soon appeared with their meals. They tucked in and talked away. Time just seemed to fly as they got to know each other all over again. Soon they were finishing off their pudding.

"So any idea when you're coming back to work?" Seb asked Emily.

"Not sure yet. I'll let you know when I know."  She had to keep the grin from off of her face. She was going back for the next race in Montreal. In fact she was flying out there in two days time. She was going to surprise him. She'd already arranged it with Otmar and Joe. She was going to keep out of his way until Fp1 and then speak on team radio before he headed out on track.

"Can't wait to have you back. Niall's good but you're better."

"Flattery will get you everywhere Herr Vettel."

"I hope so, " he said, winking at her.

Soon they were ready to head off. Mandy came to the door with them. Seb slipped her an envelope.

"Payment as agreed."

"Thanks ever so much Sebastian."

"No. Thank you for making this the perfect evening."

They walked back to the car hand in hand.

"What did you give her?"

"Signed photos from Fernando, Lewis and Daniel. Apparently her husband is a fan."

Emily laughed.

Seb opened the car door for her. She stood there not moving.

"Emily, are you getting  in the car or not?"

"You forgot something."

"What?" he asked, puzzled.

She leant back against the car and grabbed him by his blazer, pulling him towards her.

"This. There's no rain this time but it will do."

She kissed him passionately.  He returned the kiss eagerly. He ran his fingers through her hair, tilting her head giving his tongue a better angle to access her mouth. She moaned against his lips.

"God, I love you so much, you tease," he sighed. Finally he pulled back. "Emily, we need to stop before we go too far."

"I know, I just couldn't resist."

"Come on, let's get you home."

She got into the car, reluctantly,  and he went around and got in too. Soon they were well on their way back to Emily's house.


Seb pulled up outside.

"Did you want to come in for a drink?" Emily asked him.

"Baby, I don't think that's a good idea. I want you too much right now and I meant what I said about no sex. Plus I'm flying to Canada in the morning."

He leant over and kissed her thouroughly.

"I'll call you when I get there. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too. Have a safe flight."

"I love you."

He drove off into the night, leaving Emily with a massive grin on her face. It had been the best date ever. Simple, but thoughtful.  She couldn't wait to see him Friday in Montreal. He was going  to have the surprise of his life.


Seb climbed into bed smiling. What an amazing night. Everything had been perfect. He wished Emily was flying to Canada with him. He was going to miss her so much. He'd be away for two weeks as it was the race in Miami the week after. He couldn't wait for her to be back. It really wasn't the same without her. They were a team. On track and off. He fell asleep thinking of her and how much he wanted her. Soon she would be his again. This was just the start.


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