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Hello. By now, you probably know my story, as well as those of the most annoying two best friends a man could ever ask for. For those of you who do not, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Bruce Wayne, and my two best friends are what I can only describe as "gods among men".

Now to continue my brief story for those of you who don't know of me, I was born to Martha and Thomas Wayne, in Gotham City, and my father came from old money, even though he made his living as a medical doctor. So, we were pretty much set for life, right? Wrong. On my tenth birthday, we went to go see a movie, one that I had been dying to see, but we couldn't go see it until the evening time, because by that time, Dad's shift at the hospital would be over, and he'd have all the time in the world to spend with us. Or so I thought. When the movie was over, it was dark, and we were in an area of the city that was relatively dangerous, so we took a shortcut through an alley. That action would prove to be a life-shattering mistake, as we were followed by an armed robber, who, with us being held at gunpoint, demanded that we hand him everything of value, starting with Mom's pearl necklace. And even though Dad tried to talk this guy down, the man's first panicked shot pierced my father's pericardium. And as my mother held him in her arms, crying and screaming for somebody to help, with me standing shocked and helpless, the murdering thief then fired another round into my mother's heart, just to shut her up.

I don't know why he left me alive, in the care of my butler and only friend at the time, Alfred Pennyworth, but he would live to regret it. After years of training my body and mind to peak physical and mental perfection, and training in the art of fear and deception, as well as the art of investigation and over one hundred and twenty martial arts disciplines, I became a symbol of fear, myself. I hunted him down, found the gun he used to steal my parents away from me, and after I gave him a well-deserved beating that was a long time coming, brought him to justice, dropping him off at the police station with a note saying, "This man is responsible for the double homicide of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Enclosed in this envelope is the gun he used to commit the homicides. I hope justice will be served, here. Signed, Batman."

And ever since, I have waged a war on crime in Gotham for nearly a decade and a half. I don't really follow police procedures, but then again, the criminals don't, either.

Now, my first ever best friend for those of you who don't know of him, Clark Joseph Kent, isn't even a human. His birth name is Kal-El of the now-dead planet Krypton, but even though he's an alien, he's still the best man I've ever known. He was born to Chief Scientist Jor-El and Chief Historian Lara Lor-Van, and during a planetary civil war, he and his older cousin, Kara Zor-El, were sent here to Earth by escape pod literal moments before their planet exploded, killing everyone who was left on the planet. Sadly, this included Jor-El, Lara, his uncle Zor-El, and his aunt Allura In-Ze.

But even though Kara got stuck in stasis in the Phantom Zone, Kal made it safely here. He landed in a cornfield in Smallville, Kansas, where he was found and adopted by farmers Martha and Jonathan Kent. They ingrained in him humanity's best values, and encouraged him to keep the truth of his existence hidden while helping to teach him how to control the powers and abilities he gained as a result of his prolonged exposure to our system's main sequence yellow star.

But when he moved to Metropolis, there arose a threat that he knew only he alone could face, so he donned a caped uniform bearing his family's crest and saved the city, and quite possibly the whole world as the hero dubbed by the media, Superman. After that, he met me. We got off on the wrong foot, as he and I had different ideologies on how to fight crime effectively, but once we put our differences aside and worked a case together, we developed a mutual respect for each other and our friendship grew to the point it's at now.

Now, my other best friend, Princess Diana of Themyscira, I think might actually be a goddess. At least partially, anyway. Her mother, Hippolyta, the Queen of the Immortal Amazons, wanted a child. But that was pretty much next to impossible, as she was the ruler of an island isolated and hidden from the outside world, whose only inhabitants were women, and one of their most sacred laws was that no men were allowed to set foot on the island, at any time, for any reason. So, she sculpted a beautiful, life-sized baby girl--in detail--from sand-based modeling clay, and prayed to Zeus to breathe life into the child.

As a direct result of that prayer, that breath of life came in the form of a bolt of lightning, and instead of crystallizing the sand and turning it to glass, a beautiful, healthy baby girl named Diana was created, and imbued with most of Zeus' powers, as well as powers and attributes from other various gods.

The girl grew up, became even more beautiful, excelled at everything she did, had a genius-level intellect, and had an extreme aptitude for battle. But during World War II, the war accidentally landed on Themysciran soil, and she was sent out into man's world to end the war and save the world. She succeeded, but even though she didn't die, she also didn't return to the island because our world fascinated her. She used the name Diana Prince to get various high-end jobs over the years, and she made a name for herself as a heroine who the public came to regard as Wonder Woman.

As you read our stories, I want to make very clear that the lives that my friends and I lead may seem quite glamorous and fantastic, but please don't envy us. The things we've seen individually, the horrors that we've faced together, sometimes I'm still kept awake by them, when I'm trying to go to sleep. It takes a special kind of person to do what we do and still barely remain on top of it all, and an even more special individual to stay with people like us, who do what we do. People like Selina Kyle, Lois Lane, and Colonel Steve Trevor.

So without anything further, let's get into it.

- Bruce Wayne

The Chronicles of The Trinity on Earth-10: Part One - Supermanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें