Chapter 283

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At the same time, Shi Tie Nan of New Southwest is looking at his face-to-face with his silly son.

Shi Sanqing felt that his father ’s struggles were unreasonable, “Father, who asked you to provoke this kind of thing before, now okay, the cabinet master has come, if the cabinet master knows that you are doing these things in secret , He might cut your skin. "

Shi Tienan ’s chubby face was full of tangle and collapse, "Who knows that I helped the prince to hide the money because of the face of the first emperor, now okay, the second prince is now a wanted criminal. The first prince was enthroned, the first emperor died, and no one supported me. I am really worried that the captain ’s hat on my head will not be guaranteed. "

"Why don't you go and tell the patriarch now, while the patriarch hasn't received the news yet, and while the capital city hasn't found that the money is hidden here?" Shi Sanqing now He is the most sober person. He even dislikes Shi Tienan ’s stupidity. "Father, what was the use of pretending to be mad and stupid when you last met the cabinet master. The cabinet master did not know that you were guilty. The lord said the reason, the matter has not been resolved, but you still have a bad reputation in front of the lord, now it has been a long time, and I do n’t know if you can reuse it in front of the lord in the future. "

Shi Tienan felt that what his son said was a poker in his heart, "Can't you say something nice. Alas, I don't know when this thing is the head."

"While things aren't getting serious now, we'd better explain to the patriarch first, otherwise, if the patriarch knew about it from someone else's mouth, or if the officers and soldiers of the Imperial City caught the second prince, the second prince gave Out of us, then we ... that's not bad luck. "Shi Sanqing's voice was very sad, he was extremely worried about his future.

He didn't understand Shi Sanqing, his father usually saw so many movements when he saw someone honestly.

"If I talk to the patriarch at this time, will the patriarch really forgive us?" Shi Tienan was still impressed by his own son's words. Since the second prince's accident, Shi Tienan has been unable to sleep every day. It ’s good to know what to do, all day long dreaming about the treasury of the treasuries hidden in the New Southwest.

If it was known that the second prince's silver was hidden in the New Southwest, then he was not really finished.

Shi Tienan's hands were shaking, and his brain was constantly drifting past when the second prince was arrested, and he also followed the bad luck of the arrest.

What will he do then, this is a big crime for exterminating the nine races.

Shi Sanqing is calmer now, "Father, listen to me and tell you, I will accompany you to find the cabinet lord later. We'd better explain this to the cabinet lord now, otherwise, if we continue to drag on If the silver was found to be smuggled away by that time, it would n’t matter to us, but if the second prince broke up with an alien, or if the second prince was caught by His Majesty, Kubin ’s whereabouts would be Not a secret anymore. "

"It's still necessary to discuss with the cabinet owner what to do about this matter as soon as possible." Shi Sanqing said firmly, although the chubby face did not have the greasiness of Shi Tienan, it also shone with oil.

He ate too much braised pork at night.

Shi Tienan gritted his teeth and looked at Shi Sanqing's expression. The two looked at each other, and then Shi Tienan nodded firmly, "I'll follow you to the cabinet master now."

Shi Sanqing was finally relieved.

When Jiang Rongzhi was about to fall asleep, Cheng San pushed open the door from the outside and walked in, saying, "The patriarch, the patriarch's wife, and the city's lord came to find him.

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