Chapter 43

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"Kawaiii ... "

Beam blushed so hard. He just eat a cake and got a litlle cream of the cake on the corner of his lip, when suddenly Kenji starred on him and claps his hand.

Nina and Fame looked at Beam too and their eyes turn soft. Nina even pinched Beam's tip of nose and wiped the cream away with her tissue, while Fame got drink for Beam.

"Owh, Forth, your boyfriend make ours goin crazy," sighed Wine unumused.

"Didn't he cute, Babe?" Asked Nina while leaning on her husband  shoulder. Torn rolled his eyes and coughed.

"If I am you, Forth, I will cage him only for me," said Fame with tenderly smile. "Beam so flawless and adorable. I maybe can't stand anyone chek on him."

"No, Phi," Beam shook his head. He tapped lightly on Forth hand on the table and gazed lovingly to Forth. "Its me who want to caged him. He is so lovely and I can stopped worry about him being snatched from my life. I can't imagine how my life would stumbled down if I can't be with him."

Beam had teary eyes. Forth shook his head and leaned on Beam to give a pecked on his lip. "I won't ever leave you, Baby, no! You are mine and I am yours. Forever and ever."

Nina and Fame shared a starred and become emotional. Nina held Beam's hand and squezzed it softly.

"I don't know what make you fallin in love with Forth, but I will always beside you, Beam. Even if Torn doesn't agree, I will still be with you and Forth. And I will be the first beat on Forth if he hurt you or make you cry."

"Me, too," said Fame.

"Me, too, of course," added Kenji.

Three of Forth's brothers facepalmed themself. Beam smiled widely and his cheeks turn to pink. He squezzed Forth's hand.

"I will beat myself if I ever hurt him, Phi's," said Forth firmly. "You will have nothing left on me when I am done."

"And he is a bright doctor? Geezzz ... I don't know what Forth had been doing in his past to deserved Beam," Grant teased Forth. "Well, yeah, there nothing to wait, Forth. Bring him home. Soon."

"I will, Phi," Forth replied while smiled lovingly to Beam.

Forth and Beam decided to go to Forth's parents' house two days after meeting the Forth brothers. They would all be there too, as Grant would also be talking about his plans to marry Fame.

They drove for four hours and by late afternoon Forth's car stopped in front of a tall, sturdy iron gate. The gate opened when Forth pressed a remote that hung with his room key. The house behind the gate is simply amazing.

Beam gasped at the sight before his eyes. "Baby, is this... your house?"

Forth smiled and shook his head. "No, honey. This is my parents' house. Mine are only the apartments and villas you already know."

"Hm. You're so humble. After all, this doesn't deserve to be called home either."

"Uhm? Why?"

"It's a palace in its traditional form. To call it a home is an insult."

Forth laughed and led Beam's hand into the house. "Mom, I'm home," Forth yelled.

"I am here, Baby," a woman's voice greeted Forth from another room. Forth gently grabbed Beam's hand and led him to the back of the house.

Beam marveled at the spacious room where Forth took him, which turned out to be a large kitchen area joined by a dining area that opened directly onto a beautiful garden with a swimming pool and gazebo.

A beautiful woman, in an elegant summer dress, curvaceous and with brown hair in a bun on her head, stood behind the kitchen counter. The scent of raisins, cinnamon and vanilla fills the room. Beam licked his lower lip.

"Mom!" Said Forth. He approached the woman—his mother, Leah Jamorhnoom, and hugged her tightly.

The woman sank into Forth's arms. She laughed "Baby! How are you?"

Forth kissed Leah's cheek. "Never felt this good, Mom."

Leah let go of her arms and watched Forth. She reached out and stroked Forth's cheek. Her eyes glazed over. "I'm sorry, Baby. I have no idea what you've been through all this time. I'm really sad and hurt for that snake woman, and Stiff, Oh my God. I want to chop them up with my own hands."

"Don't cry, my beautiful lady, it's all my fault. I should have listened to you when you questioned my feelings for Rose. Your instincts are sharper and I'm an idiot for not trusting a mother's instincts. I'm sorry, Mom."

"No. It's the woman and Stiff to blame. They're greedy, cunning bad guys. Thank goodness it's over and you're all right."

Forth nodded and kissed Leah's forehead. He turned around and saw Beam standing, smiling at him. Forth reached out and brought Beam closer.

"Mom," Forth called. "Meet my boyfriend, doctor Beam Baramee Vongviphan."

Beam gave a wai while bowing his body. "Hello, madam. My name is Beam."

Leah was stunned. He approached Beam and touched Beam's cheek, then turned to Forth with a frown. "Forth! What are you doing? Boyfriend you say?"

Forth nodded in confusion. Beam also looked at him with concern.

Leah sighed. "You wait here. Don't move. Wait until your father finds out what you did."

Leah led Beam to the counter and gently sat him down on one of the chairs. "Wait here a minute, son."

Forth and Beam exchanged bewildered glances, watching Leah walk out of the room stomping fast and furiously. Forth raised an eyebrow. "What have I done?"


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