Chapter 26

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Forth kissed Beam's lips briefly and walked away, but then came back again and crushed his pink lips with exasperation.

Beam smiled a little to see his behavior. He pushed Forth's chest with a flushed face. "Foorth, Phana and Wayo look at us seductively. Go on. You'll make them miss their flight later."

Forth sighed and kissed Beam on the forehead before leaving and getting into the car.

"Beam, don't forget to eat before starting therapy," said Phana through the window. "We'll be back in three days."

Beam waved and entered the house after the car carrying Forth, Phana, and Wayo out of the villa gate. In the doorway he stood still for a moment.

"Beam? What's wrong?" asked Professor Razak who came out of his room. He was carrying a tablet and his glasses perched on his forehead.

"Nothing, Phi. I just feel like someone is watching," said Beam as he entered the villa.

"Don't worry, Beam, no one knows about this villa and Forth puts many invisible guards around here."

"Phi, what if there is one of the guards who betrayed?"

Professor Razak smiled. "Don't think about bad things, Beam, it's going to start a storm. Well, you better eat first. We'll start therapy in an hour. Now, I'm going to the gazeboo to finish my initial report first."

"Why don't you just eat with me, Phi?"

"No, Beam. I don't usually eat before work. It will make me sleepy and unfocused. You eat and drink lots of water. After that, rest for a while and wait for me."

Beam had just finished eating when the phone on the wall of the villa rang.

Beam picked up the phone and heard a loud children's screaming in the background. "Uncle Beam, uncle Beam, uncle Beam."

Beam laughed with amusement. He recognized the voice. The twins Leo and Loui, Kit and Ming's children. Beam heard Kit sigh.

"Kit? What happened? Are you sick?" asked Beam, worried.

"No, Beam. I'm just tired. These kids are really draining me."

"Aren't you done tidying up the apartment?"

"Oh, Beammie, I didn't know moving could be tiring like this, plus the two hyperactive kids running around. I've lost an antique jar that Ming bought in China, two cups and a ceramic bowl."

Beam laughed with amusement. "Where's Ming?"

"He has started working in Galaxi today and Tul is really firm. He doesn't want to accept any excuse for being late."

"Oh, pity you, Kitty. Can I help you keep the twins here? If Ming allows of course. Sometimes he's too possessive of you and the twins."

"Owh? Are you willing to look after them?" asked Kit happily.

"Sure. I'll have therapy in the next hour. You can send them here in two hours. If I'm not done, Bob III will take care of them for a while."

"I'll have Max send someone to take them to the villa. I'll have Ming pick them up tonight. Thank you, Beammie."

"Don't worry, Kit. You just clean up your apartment first. They're safe here. Don't forget to bring their clothes."

Forth has to return to Bangkok to sort out some company business that cannot be represented by Park, Lam, Max, or Tul. He will be gone for two days.

Beam feels that he's already feeling lonely. Phana and Wayo had to return to Australia to collect their belongings and documents there before moving to Thailand.

The presence of the twins will make the house atmosphere lonely, because only Beam, Professor Razak, and Bob III for a while, become warm and crowded.

Beam looks for Professor Razak on gazeebo and asks to start therapy sooner because he promised to look after the twins Leo and Loui while Kit tidy up their new apartment.

Professor Razak was delighted to see Beam's enthusiasm. He has only had three sessions of therapy but things are already beginning to be revealed.

Professor Razak tries to choose and arrange which parts he can report to Forth as Beam's guardian, which if it is safe only for Beam himself.

"So, Beam, do you recognize him as Stefan? Are you sure?"

"Absolutely sure. He is a demon that made me always have nightmares for one year after running away from him. I remember, for several months after living with grandpa Shawn Intochar, I never dared go out of the house alone because Stefan followed me several times."

"How did you feel when you saw him again? Did he also recognize you when you saw him?"

"I was shocked and ... scared. I don't know why he was next to Forth. I was trying to find out what their relationship was and the bad luck, because that too he finally even realized my existence."

"Is he trying to annoy you or get close to you again? "

"No. He acted as if he didn't know me. I stayed away from him and decided not to appear near Forth. At that time I felt very heartbroken and could only vent my longing for Forth by talking to Forth's photo on the inscription."

Professor Razak asked several other questions about Beam's life while in New York, to test the consistency of Beam's previous stories, then ended the therapy session feeling satisfied.

"After the count of three I'll snap my fingers and you'll wake up feeling refreshed. You'll be optimistic that your past memories will come back soon. One two three." Professor Razak snapped his finger.

Beam wakes up and stretches. He looked at the clock on the wall. "Ah, I have a little time to make some fresh drinks for the twins. They must be on their way here. Would you like that too, Phi?"

"If you don't mind, Beam."

"I'm going to have Bob III Bring the drink over here."

"Thank you, Beam. I will be here if you need me. I have some work to do. Call me if that twins arrive."

Beam into the kitchen and look for ingredients to make a fresh drink in the refrigerator. He also make a simple jelly with fruit.

He was so focused that he didn't pay attention to the time. When Beam came to his senses, he was shocked. The twins haven't arrived yet.

He took off his apron and called Kit. "Kit? Didn't you send the kids here?"

Kit sounded confused. "They left two hours ago, Beam. I drove them to the car myself."

Beam's heart was pounding. "They should have arrived an hour ago. I'll hang up the phone first. You try asking Max who the person driving them."

Beam was thinking about calling Forth when suddenly the phone rang again. Beam picked up the phone and heard a commotion in the background. The sound of children crying.

"He-hello? Leo? Loui?"

"Hello, little Beammie," a voice greeted Beam. A man. "Apparently you were there."


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