Chapter 18

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Beam's entire body trembled. His tears couldn't stop flowing and Forth had to carry him to another room.

Beam really sticks to Forth's body and refuses to let go of his grip on Forth's neck. He won't let Forth go.

Phana and Kit stare at the dead cockroach after being sprayed by an exterminator by Bob III. They stared at them with horror.

Park ordered Bob III to remove the bug carcass and clean the room, just in case there were other insects into the room.

"Park," Phana patted Park's shoulder softly. "Beam was locked up in a room full of cockroaches when he was a kid."

Park, Lam, Ming, and Wayo gasped. "So that's why he's so scared," muttered Lam.

"Who did it, Phi Pha?" asked Wayo, sobbing. Wayo was very close to Beam since they were together in college and then lived in New York. Beam thought of him as his little brother and indulged Wayo a lot. Seeing Beam's current condition broke Wayo's heart.

"It seems, one of his adoptive families. Both of Beam's adoptive families treat him badly. At first they were attracted because they saw Beam's handsome, but Beam's closed and quiet attitude made it difficult for them, so they began to dislike him. Besides the allowance money they got from adopting  Beam wasn't that big. "

"How did Beam finally get out of his adopted family? Did he run away?" asked Park.

"My grandfather found him scared and starving in the back of his supermarket," Kit replied quietly. "Beam is very thin and looks sick. My grandfather took him home, fed him and give a bed. Two days later the police came looking for and arresting Beam. His adoptive family accused Beam of stealing their money and reporting to the Police. My grandfather paid a sum of money his adopted family reported missing, then asked that they let go of the Beam. "

"Phi Kit's grandpa adopted Phi Beam after that," Ming continued.

Kit nodded. "Beam is a difficult child. He never talks and has problems with trust. I myself only got close to him after almost two years. My grandfather adopted him and sent Beam to school with me and Phana. He just trusted us and really hated being approached by other people. "

"His life story is truly extraordinary," muttered Lam. "Meeting Forth when he was in critical condition, must make Beam really believe him. And vice versa with Forth."

"Never mind. We have to rest tonight," said Park. "You can live comfortably here. We'll be home and come back tomorrow afternoon after cleaning up at the office. Two of our best friends will come to see you tomorrow."

"As Ming said before, maybe we should investigate Stiff a little deeper, because Beam appointed him as Stefan," added Lam.

"Tomorrow I will also try to contact Professor Razak," said Phana. "He's a great famous psychologist."

Phana knocked on the door of the room where Forth and Beam were after the incident with the cockroach. He entered after hearing Forth's voice inviting him to enter.

Forth is on the bed, hugging Beam who curled up to his body. Beam's hand gripped Forth's waist tightly, but his eyes were closed and his breathing was regular. Beam is asleep.

Phana reached out and touched Beam's damp forehead. "Thank God he's fine," Phana said relieved. "You take good care of it, Forth."

Forth nodded. He saw that the doubts in Phana's eyes had disappeared. "I don't know how, but Beam has caught my heart since I saw him for the first time," said Forth quietly. "At first I thought it was just because I was heartbroken after what Rose and Stiff did to me, but more and more I felt my feelings for Beam were different."

"I consider Beam and Kit as my own brothers. I guard them very tightly, especially Beam, because what he went through before we met was very hard. This incident also made me feel guilty. I hope that next time you will keep and protect Beam. I'll entrust him to you, just as I entrusted Kit to Ming. "

Forth nodded. "I will protect him, keep him save, healthy and happy, Pha. Trust me."

Phana  smiled and came out of the room and closed the door behind him. Forth let out a sigh of relief. He felt Beam writhing in his arms.

Forth kisses Beam's forehead and removes the bangs that fall into Beam's eyes. "These bangs are starting to bother you, honey. Tomorrow I'll help you tidy them up," whispered Forth. He tightened his embrace against Beam's slender body.

Beam opened his eyes slowly and looked up at Forth. "Forth ...," whispered Beam. "Are you sleeping?"

Forth stroked Beam's cheek and chuckled. "No, honey. Why are you awake? Are you thirsty?"

Beam wriggled again. "I feel sore."

Forth gently massaged Beam's body. He admired Beam's soft skin and felt warm in his hands. "Phana came to check on you earlier. He was very worried."

"I got everyone worried," muttered Beam. He sighed and buried his face in the niche of Forth's neck. "But, cockroach are very scary. It makes me remember an incident in my past."

Forth's hand massage stopped. "What do you remember? What's that got to do with the cockroach?"

"I've been locked up in a dark, smelly room. Don't know where, but it looks like a cellar. There are mice and insects there. I was completely helpless when two cockroaches crept up from my feet and creeping walking around my body. Their legs are sharp and their smell makes me nauseous. I passed out when one of them reached my chin. "

"Ssh ... ssh ... don't be afraid anymore, they are gone. Tomorrow I will have Bob III inspect all the rooms and houses, spraying pest control to make sure there are no more tiny insects in this house. This villa is rarely occupied, thus allowing insects like them to enter. " Forth stroked Beam's back to calmed him down.

"I remember," Beam held Forth's hand. "Someone threw a plastic bag filled with cockroaches recently."

"Who is that person? Can you see his face?"

"No," Beam shook his head. "But I believe, he is the same person who locked me in the cellar first. I remember the voice and only that guy who knew that I am scare to death of cockroaches."

"Who?" asked Forth carefully.

Beam's eyes looked blank and his lips trembled. "My adoptive brother."


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