Chapter 39

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Forth was preparing to return to the hospital when his cell phone rang. He picked it up and looked at the name on the screen. My lovely baby. "Ha-hello? Baby?"

Beam's voice sounded like music to Forth's ears. "D-darling? Where are you?"

"I'm at the apartment, preparing to go back to the hospital, if you'll let me."

Beam laughed shyly. "I'm sorry, Forth. I acted unreasonably and confused you. Are you mad at me?"

Forth clenched his fists. He wanted to scream to release the relief in his chest. So, Beam was not angry anymore. His longing swelled, until Forth felt his chest would explode.

"Hey, you were the one who was mad at me earlier. I could barely stand up for fear of seeing your anger, Beam."

"Sorry. I should have listened to your explanation before it exploded. You're not going to . . . leave me, are you, Forth?"

Forth sensed the worry in Beam's voice. He bit his lower lip, imagining Beam's worried face when he asked, making him half hard down there. He knew, in a situation like that, Beam would stare at him with bright puppy-like eyes, biting his red bottom lip and flushed cheeks.

"Baby, I'll be right there and you'll know the answer to your own question."

"Honey, thank you."

Forth hung up the phone and hurried off. He chose to ride his big motorbike to get there faster.

Beam was watching television when Forth entered his room. The room was quiet, there was only Beam alone. Beam looked at Forth. His eyes welled up with tears and he opened his arms wide, welcoming Forth into a hug.

"Baby, are you all right?" whispered Forth in the crook of Beam's neck. He took a sip of the sweet vanilla scent there. "I missed you, Beam."

Beam wept on Forth's shoulder. He squeezed Forth's jacket tight. "I'm sorry, Forth. I'm sorry, okay?"

"Ssh... stop apologizing, honey. I should be the one apologizing to you for making decisions on your life without your permission."

"I-I want to meet him," Beam said nervously. His knuckles gripped the hem of Forth's jacket tightly until they turned white. "Is that possible?"

Forth smiled. "Of course, baby."

"But . . . does he want to see me? And what should I say when I do meet him?"

"The first thing he asked me when he got to this hospital was, what room were you in? He wanted to see you, but he was scared. He was sure you would refuse. That's why he asked me to promise not to say anything about him donating his kidney for you. He said if only he could give him both kidneys he would give it too."

"That's why you've been gone for so long, Forth?" asked Beam softly. "You searched for and accompanied him to run the test?"

"Yes, Beam. I went to his residence and waited until he believed I was coming for you. I didn't want to risk him running away, so I never left his side, until he was ready for surgery."

"You were in this hospital too all this time?" asked Beam in disbelief.

"No. I didn't want to risk you catching us and all my plans canceled because I knew you would refuse. I took him to Ayuthya Center hospital and only brought him here after making sure you were also ready for surgery by Thitipat's team of doctors. That's when Lam saw me ."

"Oh, Forth ..." breathed Beam weakly.

"I'm sorry, Baby. I really wanted to spend more time in my life with you. It breaks my heart to see you sick and weak, especially because you were sick after saving my life,"

Forth kissed Beam's forehead gently. He stroked Beam's cheek gently, feeling the softness of the skin of the man he loved. "I'd love to give you my kidney, but mine doesn't match. I almost went crazy with anger when I found out the results of the test I was taking."

Beam hugged Forth tightly. "Don't say that again. Since the first time we met, when you gave me your shoes, I promised myself to give myself to you. If you were a straight man, I would be your employee, your slave, or whatever you wanted. I work It's hard to be a doctor so I have good enough reasons for you to look at. So that you won't be ashamed to know me, when we meet. Not just a kidney, I'll give you a life if need be. I love you so deeply, Forth."

Forth looked into Beam's gleaming eyes. He bent down and landed a kiss on Beam's lips. It was just a light peck at first, but Beam sighed and parted his lips, letting his tongue touch Forth's.

Forth cupped Beam's face with both hands and kissed Beam again, this time deeper. He stuck out his tongue, inviting Beam's tongue to dance together, exploring every corner of Beam's sweet mouth and sucking it passionately. The kiss was very intimate and after a while, they parted with a heavy heart, to catch their breath.

"Oh my God, Beam, I want to get you home soon," Forth muttered as he buried his face in Beam's hair.

“I promise to recover soon, Forth. I can't wait to…” Beam did not continue his words. He bit his lower lip with his face flushed like a boiled crab.

Forth raised his eyebrows. "To what, honey?"

"Feeling yourself again inside of me, Forth," Beam replied almost inaudibly. His chest felt like it was burning and he had to bite the inside of his cheek not to pull Forth up on him. Forth's masculine scent is very seductive and smells like dope.

Forth pulled Beam into his arms. "Oh Baby, you have no idea how hard I try to hold myself back from touching your body like I want to. My juniors are really hard right now and I might be cum if you kiss me again like that. You have no idea how crazy I am about you, Baby ."

Beam smiled seductively. "May I touch it?"

Forth laughed and held Beam's hand that was reaching his pants. He gripped Beam's hand tightly. "Not now, Baby. I'm not an immoral person who fucks someone who is sick."

Beam pouted. "But..."

"Behave, Baby. Come on, let's just go now. Your attention needs to be diverted first."

"Huh? Where?"

"Meet Bass Vongviphan, your father?"

Beam's face paled and he swallowed hard.


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