Chapter 13

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Ming rubbed Kit's back gently. His husband was still sobbing as he held Beam's hand, who looked at him with a gentle smile that never left his red lips.

"Doctor Kit, can we talk personally outside? There are some things I have to ask," asked Forth softly.

Kit looked at Forth with investigating eyes, then smiled and nodded. He squeezed Beam's hand. "I'll talk to Mr. Jaturapoom, you rest first, yes. I'll come back and accompany you again when finished."

"His name is Forth, Kit," Beam said cheerfully. "Don't be so formal with him."

Kit nodded and stroked Beam's hair gently, then walked out of the room followed by Ming and Lam.

"We'll be waiting outside, Phi," Ming told Forth and Beam.

"Do you remember him, Beam? Kit is your best friend since junior high, along with Phana Kongthanin. Your house and Kit used to be close together," said Forth while tidying up the blanket that covered part of Beam's body. "He may have some information that can help you recall what happened to you."

"I know he's no stranger to me, but I still don't remember what I've been through with him, nor with Phana. Ugh," Beam pressed his head with both hands. "I'm so frustrated."

Forth smiled and took Beam's hand. "It's all right, Beam, take it slow. Now, have a little sleep while I talk to Kit. He's staying over the night to keep you company. Tomorrow afternoon, Phana will arrive. Your reunion might bring back some memories."

Beam reached out and grabbed Forth's neck. He put his forehead on Forth's forehead and looked into his eyes softly. "I-I don't know if this is appropriate or not, b-but I feel like, after all this, I don't want to part with you. I-I don't want to lose you. If you don't mind making me your house staff, I will happily do it. I won't charge you, as long as you just let me be close to you. "

Forth was stunned. He stared at Beam without blinking. Their foreheads were still stuck together and Forth could feel the sweet vanilla scent of Beam, making his blood flow swift. Something in his lower body twitched as he stared at the red, wet lips in front of him.

Beam took a deep breath and pulled away. He threw himself on the pillow and closed his eyes with his arms. Forth saw a drop of water running down his cheek. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't say things like that. Very inappropriate. I'm like a selfless person. I ... I'm sorry. Forget what I said earlier."

"Beam," whispered Forth.

Beam sobbed and turned his back to Forth. He hugged himself. "Sorry, Forth, I'm sorry. You've helped me a lot and I don't even know if I can repay your kindness, even asking for more. I'll be leaving soon. Kit and Phana might want to accept me in this state and shelter me temporarily. I won't burden you. again. I may have gone crazy from before, when I talked to your picture on the hospital inscription, recounting the days I went through on your photo. I went too far and forgive me for that. "

Forth stared at Beam's back which was shaking softly because of his sobs.

He took his phone from above the nightstand and sent messages to Lam and Park via group chat.

[Please arrange a bed and dinner for Kit and Ming tonight. I can't leave Beam right now, he is in shock. Say sorry to them and tomorrow morning we'll talk.]

Forth turned off the phone, not waiting for a reply from his two friends. He lay down next to Beam and reached out, hugging Beam from behind. Beam's body stiffened.

Forth pulled Beam more attached to his body. He buried his face in Beam's nape and inhaled the sweet vanilla scent of Beam's neck. Beam's silky hair tickled his face.

Beam could feel Forth's body muscles hard against his back. Her blood was rushing and he sighed involuntarily when he felt something hard pressed against his buttocks.

Beam buried his face in Forth's arm that wrapped around his body and closed his eyes. If he could ask for time to be with Forth tonight, he doesn't care that tomorrow morning he dies.

Beam felt Forth's hot breath hit the skin of his neck.

"F-Forth ...," Beam sighed again. "I-I love you. I-I want to be with you. Just tonight. Tomorrow I will go with Kit and Ming and will no longer appear in front of you. Can I?"

Beam winced in pain when he felt Forth sink his teeth in the nape of him. Forth's arms hugged him tighter and before Beam realized, he felt his body turned around easily until now his face sank into Forth's chest.

"Why do you want to be with me tonight and then just leave tomorrow?" asked Forth huffily.

He grabbed Beam's chin and made him look up until their eyes met. Forth's lips were only three centimeters above Beam's slightly parted lips.

"I'm not someone who likes to be left out. You can't do that to me, Beam."

Beam doesn't understand Forth's words. He feels guilty for being greedy and shameless, taking advantage of Forth's kindness. He felt that he had to go so as not to continue to burden Forth with his feelings of unworthiness. Forth is a straight guy, and he's just been heartbroken over the betrayal of his ex-fiancé. How can Beam be used him?

Beam's tears rolled down his cheeks. "Don't be mad at me, Forth, I can't stand it. I-I'm sorry ...."

Forth can no longer hold back. He grabbed Beam's lips with his. He crushed the soft and warm lips with feeling. He sipped every point and corner on the surface of the lips and when Beam sighed softly, Forth stuck his tongue into Beam's mouth.

He looked for Beam's tongue and caught it immediately. Forth stroked every corner of Beam's sweet mouth, sucked his tongue, and licked his teeth and gums. After a while, Forth released Beam to take a breath.

Beam gasping with wide eyes. His lashes were still wet with tears and that made him look even more charming. Forth kissed Beam's eyes.

"I'll only say it once, Beam. Listen and pay attention to what I say," said Forth with a firm tone. He cupped Beam's face with both hands and stared deep into Beam's eyes. "Don't ever say that you're leaving me again. For whatever reason. Never say such a thing again. From now on and forever. Don't you dare say such thing about leaving me. Got that? DON'T! NEVER!"

Beam was stunned and blinked several times in confusion. Forth kissed Beam's forehead, nose, both cheeks and anchored another old kiss on his lips.

"You are mine, Doctor Baramee Vongviphan."


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