Chapter 36

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Beam gripped Lam's hand tightly. "Fort?"

Lam shook his head weakly and rubbed Beam's soft forehead. He felt guilty because he still couldn't give the good news to Beam.

Kit standing on the other side of the bed touched Beam's shoulder gently. "Beam, don't think about Forth just yet. You have to focus on your surgery today. You have to get back to normal."

"B-but, I can't lose Forth. Why am I healthy if I'm not with him? He's my life, Kit."

Kit tried to hold back the tears. He and Lam exchanged glances. Lam shook his head, hinting at his own confusion.

Kit's cell phone rang. Kit looked at the screen and showed it to Beam. "My father."

Beam took the phone from Kit's hand and spoke. "Uncle? This is Beam."

"Beammie, how are you feeling, kid?"

"I'm scared, Uncle," answered Beam in a trembling voice. "What if the operation fails? What if the donor's kidney doesn't match?"

"My child, you will be treated by the most reliable doctors and the most modern equipment. The donated kidney has also gone through a very accurate compatibility check process. Don't worry, son. Your health and safety is part of my responsibility as your family. Even though you are a child adopted by my father and then my brother, you are just like Kit, my own son. Ever since my brother died, I have promised to take care of you in his place."

Beam cries. Kit hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Uncle. I will be returning home after recovering to visit Grandpa and my father's graves, and also see you and Aunt May. Wish me all the best."

"Don't worry, son. You'll be healthy again. Oh well, I heard, there's someone with you now. Uncle is happy, you finally found your soulmate, like Kit and Ming. You're a good kid, and all the hard things you've been through will bring good for you from now on and forever."

Doctor Intochar hung up, just as a group of doctors and nurses entered. Doctor Shane Thitipoom greeted Beam with a gentle smile. "Doctor Beam, are you ready? We're about to start."

Beam nodded slowly. He still hoped Forth would come by then, walk through the door and hug him, giving him strength to undergo this kidney surgery.

Forth doesn't know about this operation yet. The last time they were together, Forth only knew that Beam needed kidney surgery, because his kidney which was hit by shrapnel when he was shot was no longer functioning properly and it affected the work of his other kidney.

The day after a thorough examination, Doctor Shane Thitipoom informed that there was already a donor who had a match with Beam's kidney so that he could be operated on immediately.

"You have to be strong, Beam," said Phana, hugging Beam gently. Max, Park, and Tul are still looking for Forth. Max even had time to meet Stiff and Rose in prison to question them, who knows if they were involved in Forth's disappearance. They are cunning people who can do anything, even kidnap Forth."

Max patted Beam's leg lightly. "Calm down, Beam. Your health is the most important right now. You sacrificed yourself to save Forth, so there's no way he would easily give up his life to whoever kidnapped him. After all, Forth has above average martial skills. Just matter of time, but he will definitely come back to you and explain everything."

The doctors and nurses took Beam to the operating room. Phana, Kit, Wayo, and Lam are waiting in the hospital room. Max, Tul, Park, and Ming returned to the office.

They are still trying to find out where Forth is. It had been five days since Forth was last with Beam. He was literally swallowed by the earth, just disappearing.

Forth's parents had been in London five months ago and obviously didn't know about Forth's disappearance. His twin brothers also mobilized many of their men to look for his brother, while Torn, Forth's eldest brother also didn't know anything, but he was sure that his brother would not just disappear for no reason.

"Phi Pha, do you think Forth changed his mind and left Phi Beam?" Wayo asked quietly while squeezing Phana's hand.

"No, honey. Forth isn't a deranged teenager who makes such dangerous decisions. He's a responsible man and Beam has saved his life before, costing his kidney by a bullet."

"I'm worried, Pha," Kit interrupted. "Beam will be destroyed if Forth doesn't come back."

"Forth will be back, Kit," Lam said calmly. "I've known Forth since I was a child and I've never seen him have such deep feelings for someone before as for Beam."

"You have absolutely no idea where or where Forth really is?" Phana asked curiously.

Lam shook his head. "No. Forth is a perfectionist in many ways, especially work. He always leaves important notes about work, whether he's on vacation or on leave, then double-checks everything he orders. He's not someone who can just leave, especially without news. and the phone is turned off too."

"Phi Max thought about the possibility of Phi Forth being kidnapped, could it be, Phi Lam?" Wayo asked.

"That was the first possibility we thought of," Lam replied. "We've all seen Stiff's recklessness when he's in a pinch. It's not impossible that Stiff or Rose still keeps their minions outside to harm Forth or those closest to him."

Lam's phone vibrates. He took it out of his jacket pocket and looked at the screen. Incoming message notification from Park.

[Baby, are you still with the others in Beam's room?]

[Yes. You need me at the office?]

[Not. It's not about work in the office. It's about Forth.]

[Fort? Have you found it? Where is he?]

[I'm not sure, but I think I saw him earlier, on my way back to the office.]

Lam was typing an answer for Park when the message from Park came again.

[Don't say anything to the others, I'm not sure yet that the person I saw was Forth.]

[I'm coming with you, if you're going to find out about Forth.]

[I'll get back to you soon. I'm currently on my way back to the hospital. Wait there and find an excuse to leave that room.]

Lam stared at the screen of her cell phone with a pounding heart.


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