Chapter 1

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"What the hell!" I yelled while I shot up from my 'mattress' out of breath and holding my throat with my hands, still coming to my senses and realising where I was.  I had no windows and had no idea of how late it could be. I always just had that one stupid light on the ceiling, with always the same stupid little amount of light it gave. So no biological clock for me.

"Next time could you please scream louder to wake me up?" It was the princess next to my room who spoke up. I really hated him, he gave me so much trauma's but somehow we still gave each other comfort.

"I'm sorry miss, did I interrupt your beauty sleep?" I spoke up irritated, I wasn't in the mood for his temper. "Just shut up," he responded, he wasn't in the mood as well, good.

Well, I did shut up after that, I didn't want to make him mad again, because last time he started choking me when he passed my room and right now I've had enough of that. You really learn how to handle someone when spending a few years with them in the same fucking building, although he was gone a lot, I wasn't allowed to leave anymore.

I was sitting on my mattress with my back against the wall in my cell staring into the distance listening to the noise from further away. Every person who worked here thought they were the shit, some superior human comparing themselves to god when I could kill them in seconds... if I was free.

I could think about killing them but in the end, I knew I had nowhere to go, and after years of being punished, and at least 20 tries to kill everyone and getting out, I knew it was pointless. All that was left to do for me was to irritate them, which I was very good at.

Every time they opened my room I was scared to death and all I wanted to do was die. My death wouldn't matter anymore. My life wasn't worth living. I could feel like I was dying during training, but they couldn't let me for more reasons than I can remember. If they hadn't fucked my brain up I could still remember it...

I begged them to overdose me, but it never killed me, I could be unconscious for 2 weeks but I would always wake up again. How bad could you be at dying? I started thinking about my dream, or nightmare when I started noticing how thirsty I was, but I needed to distract myself knowing I wouldn't get water until tomorrow. How nice of them.

'it didn't make any sense, why would I dream a memory in third person?' I thought to myself analysing the memory, going through the details in my head again and again.

But my thoughts were quickly interrupted as 2 of the shitheads that worked here came in, they stood still waiting for me to stand up but I wasn't that easy. I looked at them with teasing eyes telling them, no, I'm not easy today. They sighed annoyed but didn't even fight it and just dragged me from my bed, it was basically a sheet because it was too thin to be called a mattress. 

"How are you feeling today, Mori?" one of the guys said dryly. I hated that name with every inch of my body. It's what they called me here, that or mission impossible, I didn't know why they chose the second one because it's just... non-creative. 

I wasn't impossible. Just stubborn...

"You don't even care so why are you asking me that Kyle?"  I was already coughing because I didn't have a lot of energy from 1 week of no food and no moving, except in my cell of course. But standing up and talking was exhausting. I hated moving after sitting still for so long, it was like I kept forgetting how to walk properly.

"Well I needed to ask because they're doing something different today, and you might die. And my name is Barni," he answered and I kept my face straight but was wondering what he meant.

"Sounds fun Jeremy thanks for the warning," I said back without showing any sign of hesitation. I was actually starting to freak out but I didn't show it. I tried to make my breathing steady but the closer we got to that awful room, the more I started to lose my shit. 

"What are they going to do?..." I said finding myself losing the confidence I had everywhere but in there. "you'll find out Mori," he said and I could feel his smirk towards the other guy while they were still dragging me.

They basically threw me on the chair and strapped me down to the cold metal as I tried to throw some punches but failing miserably. Last week they had me training every day with the princess in the other room crossing my physical limits and it kept me in my bed aching for the whole week.

Before I knew it I was stuck on the stupid chair, and they killed the lights. I didn't see anything besides some light from behind the glass where scientists were standing. Observing me like crazy bitches.

I looked at the glass with dead eyes but I could feel the panic behind them, I was still trying to get out, afraid of what they were going to do to me. I thought they couldn't do worse but they crossed that off before in the past.

Before I could mentally prepare myself for what was happening the cold metal of the machine hit my skin piercing it with numerous needles on it.

My mind was going vague and I felt so strange. The liquids were cold. So cold. I could feel the serum flow through my veins. I could feel it reaching my neck and the back of my head but I started to feel light-headed.

Then suddenly the alarm lights turned on and the alarm went off. All I heard was the stupid alarm, peoples' screams and guns going off, but the needles didn't stop. I was looking at my arm with all the vision I had left, and the blue and purple liquids were almost completely drained.

I sighed and felt my muscles tense and release without me moving, the only thing that I could still move normally was my neck while I was looking around trying to think straight but everything was spinning.

My breathing was getting heavier and I saw the doctors running away from the glass behind my cell.  They were leaving me! I screamed as if it was the last thing I was able to, they sure as hell weren't allowing me to get killed...

"Fuckers, you forgot someone!" I yelled with everything that I had left.

But nobody came, and my voice was getting smaller every time I tried to yell for help. They're just letting me die. After 8 years of this shit, they're letting me die. I hate them. I was going to kill them. If I survived this.


Hi ya'll, this chapter is also rewritten, I hope you all read the trigger warnings in the description of the story, but if not just know that some serious topics will be told in here, it may not be triggering for all but there are some intense moments throughout the story.

I don't know if this is told anywhere else but this is the only book I'll be writing, no parts 2 and 3, it's going to be a fucking long book but I didn't even expect anyone to read this lmao.

So this is probably going to be a 120 chapters book but I don't care <3

Hope you're all well and have fun reading.

Hope you're all well and have fun reading

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