Chapter 43: House arrest

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the next morning, the three of us were woken up around 5 am to begin our punishment. Mr. Aizawa pointed us in the direction of the supply closet, filled with cleaning supplies. 

we each grabbed the supplies and started cleaning. 

later on as the sun started to rise, our classmates woke up and saw us there vacuuming the rug.

"what are you guys doing?" Jiro asks.

"uhm, well, me and Kacchan sort of fought last night at Ground Beta and we got in trouble..." Deku explains with an awkward laugh and Bakugo just stays silent.

"what! you guys threw down!" Mina exclaims sounding a little disappointed no one invited her to the fight. 

"wait why are you cleaning Maya? did you fight too?" Uraraka asks.

"oh uh, I was kind of stalking them and I also got caught. I didn't fight anyone though but I'm still under house arrest for sneaking out" I yawn

"dang you guys got house arrest?" Hagakure says feeling bad for us.

"this is hilarious!" Kaminari exclaims laughing at us. 

"tres tragic!" Aoyama adds.

"you guys are morons" Sero chuckles.

"the pinnacle of stupidity" Tokoyami mumbles causing Bakugo to flinch.

"so did you guys make up after? or...?" Uraraka asks walking up to Deku with Lida by her side.

"well it wasn't that we made up exactly. hm... it's kinda hard to put into words" he says putting his hand on his chin and thinking.

"you're lucky you two got away with house arrest, though this does mean you'll miss the opening ceremony we're going to right now." Lida says chopping the air.

"Bakugo, what about our extra classes?" Todoroki asks the already seething Bakugo.

"SHUT UP ICY HOT! this had nothing to do with you!" he explodes vacuuming even faster.

"'Kay well thanks for cleaning up I guess" Kaminari says smugly making a thumbs up.

"shut up" I mumble.

we continue cleaning all day, soon as the sun was starting to set, our classmates returned. 

we are almost finished cleaning, all that's left is to take out the trash. I walk over to where Deku is tying the three big black bags to get them.

"HEY! can't you even clean something right you idiot!?" Bakugo yells at Deku just as I'm walking over.

"right! sorry!" he apologizes despite not knowing what he's talking about.

he finishes tying the bags and then hands them over to me.

"here Maya" he says holding out the bag for me to make float. 

I pick up all three of the bags and as I'm walking out I over hear Jiro, Hagakure and Ojiro talking.

"about those work studies, I wasn't scouted so I wonder if I'll get to participate in one" Jiro says.

"maybe we can go to the places we did our internships. I'd be totally down with doing that." Hagakure exclaims.

"I hope I get to do one." Ojiro adds.

"'in just one day I've been left behind!'" Lida mocks in a girly voice.

"eh?" I say turning around.

"that's what you're thinking right house arrest?" he says in his normal voice.

"I didn't think you were capable of making fun of anyone Lida" I say back smirking.

"anyways what's this work study thing I heard people talking about?" I ask

"something I can't tell you about, the teachers have forbidden us from giving you any details about our classes." he barks.

"sorry but you'll just have to experience the same shock and surprise we went through" Lida continues straightening his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"did you catch that BAKUGO!" he mocks turning to the angry pomeranian. 

"shut your mouth! I heard you four eyes!" he screams.

"whatever I'll figure it out later." I mumble walking out the door with the trash bags floating around me.

I walk all the way out to the dumpsters thinking about what the hell a work study is when my thoughts are suddenly interrupted.

"heh trash amiright?" a face sticking out of the wall says.

I instinctively punch the face out of fear but my hand goes through it and I punch the cement wall.

I gawk at the face as it continues talking.

"why so violent? anyways what are you doing? you know you can throw the food trays away with the burnables right?" the face stays sticking an arm out of the wall and pointing at the dumpsters.

"u-uuhm, yeah?" I stutter still very confused.

the face goes back into the wall and I just stand there for a couple seconds collecting my thoughts.

what the hell was that? am I going insane?

I turn to go through out the trash bags but just as I do, the face comes out of the ground right in front of me scaring me so hard I drop all the bags.

"so you're that girl who got kidnapped aren't you? haha I bet that was a freaky surprise for ya, sorry about that. I gotta admit, I did pop up here cause I thought you'd be shocked though" the face says.

"you scared the s-shit outta me" I breath picking the bags up again.

"who are you?" I ask looking down at the blonde vacant looking face. he kinda looks like an emoji.

"not a bad question there my friend. I admit sometimes I even weird myself out! ya know once in a blue moon. but don't worry you're gonna find out who I am soon enough. I'm just glad it looks like you've got a fighting spirit. you see the truth is that people are talking about you so I came to see what the fuss was about" he says before sliding back through the ground.

"people are talking about me?" I say to myself still shaken.



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