Chapter 7: The Day off From Hell

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(edited June 2nd 2021)

Today is my day off from school, since the USJ attack they decided to give us a little break. most students would jump at a day off from school but me? no so much.

"wake up!!! we need to train!" my mom yells

"mom it's my day off!" I yell back half asleep.

 "I don't like your attitude lately. you should have been able to single handedly taken down those 'league of villains' guys, I would have been at least back in my day, you've grown lazy now let's get to work!" she scolds me.

I get up out of bed and get dressed, she's losing patience. 

"this room is a mess, clean it up!" she yells on her way out of my room. I use my power to pick up all the dirty laundry and shove it in a hamper, then I take all of the dishes and float them with me to the kitchen. 

I'm surprised she hasn't murdered me yet, these dishes are like weeks old. I scrub the dishes while my mom makes breakfast and blends my protein shake. I finish scrubbing the dishes and put them away, I then sit down at the table to see my mom has made some burnt eggs. she's not much of a cook. 

"thanks" I say scooping up the burnt mush and stomaching it. then I chug my protein shake.

not a very satisfying breakfast. we head down to the basement and begin training. we start with a warm up and then move on to a more hardcore training.

"I want you to hold these" she says handing me two 30 lb dumbells

"ok" I say floating them both in front of me.

"no I mean with your hands." I float them down towards my hands and get a tight grip on them.

"ok now hold these but with your powers" she says motioning towards the racks of different sized weights.

"ok" I pick each one up every weight making me more and more exhausted, soon there's weights floating all around the room. on top of this I'm still holding the other two dumbells with my hands.

"you must be able to endure physical exhaustion whilst also using your quirk. this type of training will help you build up that kind of endurance." my mom explains.

"makes sense" I say gritting my teeth, beads of sweat forming on my forehead

about ten minutes passes and I'm still holding the weights.

my powers start growing weary due to the stress on my body and the weights that are floating in the ari begin to lower. 

"pick them up don't let them touch the ground."

"mom... it's... too... heavy..." I say clenching the weights and trying my best to keep my composure. 

I'm so tired, I drop the two weights in my hands and collapse onto the floor wheezing all the other weights hit the ground making it feel like an earthquake.

I hear someone coming down the stairs, it's my dad.

"what the hell is going on down here?" he asks looking at the weights strewn about the floor.

"training" my mother says scowling at me.

"she failed."

"you're working her too hard! look at her she's exhausted!" he yells

"I'm... fine... really" I say through huffs

"she's grown too weak, she's getting lazy we need to be working her harder not softer." my mom holds her ground.

have a really gotten weaker? 

I push through the pain and slowly lift myself off the floor.

"I'm sorry mother I just needed a minute to breath." I say still gasping for air.

"I'm fine dad, you can go back upstairs" I say forcing a smile.

"you may get some water Maya, then come back down and we'll continue our training." My mother says.

I walk upstairs and get myself a glass of cold water from the fridge and chug it before heading back downstairs. 

"alright, I'm ready to continue" I say stretching my arms.

"good, next we'll be doing some mind training" my mother says popping the lid off of one of the barrels full of metallic balls.

she brings a line of them out using her quirk and I do the same.

"you need to practice more using your balls. they are a fairly new medium for you and we have to get your mind used to using them." she explains.

"each individual ball takes up headspace to manipulate, which is why you must act as if they are all the same entity. only then will you be able to use these like a pro." she continues whirling the balls around in the air to demonstrate.

I nod showing that I understand what she is saying and I begin playing around with my balls (that's what she said).

we continue training as usual and then I go to sleep, exhausted from the week I've had.


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