Chapter 19: The Camp Begins!

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I grab my duffle bag and sling it over my shoulder walking out of my room. 

"do you have everything" My mom asks not looking up fro her newspaper as she sips her coffee.

"yup" I exclaim excitedly 

"come and eat" My dad says pointing to the waffles sitting on the table.

"yum!" I exclaim rubbing my hands together preparing to feast.

I snarf down my waffles and slip my boots on.

"bye Maya have fun at camp!" My dad calls out as I leave the house.

"byeee" I say slipping out the door.

I take the train to the school and meet up with my classmate's along with class 1-B to wait for the busses.

"Hey Deku! are you excited for the trip?" I ask dropping my heavy bag to my feet and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"uHm. yeah-" he stutters his face going red.

"what's wrong? why is your face all red?" I ask pointing at his tomato face then I remember that thing Uraraka said about him liking me and I feel my face go red too.

"wow it sure is hot out here huh?" I say fanning my red face.

suddenly I see Tsu coming up to us.

"hey Maya wanna sit together on the bus?" she asks

"um sure..." I say my excitement fading from my face. how dare she invite me to sit with her after not inviting me to the pool.

she notices my uncomfortable face but doesn't say anything.

"now that you've officially completed your first semester at UA it's time for summer vacation to officially begin." I hear Mr. Aizawa announce.

"However... don't think these will be month of rest for you heroes-in-the-making. at this camp we'll push you to go beyond your limits."

"psh my my already makes me do that everyday" I mutter to Midoriya.

"you're aiming to become 'Plus Ultra'" he finishes his speech.

"yes sir!" the class acknowledges him.

"I'm so psyched!" Uraraka squeels running up to me Midoriya and Tsu.

"I've been looking forward to this camp all semester!" she exclaims. 

"let's hear it for camp!" she screams clapping in my ear and suddenly all the others in our class start doing the same. 

"wow they sure are excited huh?" I say my frown growing remembering that the camp is going to be ruined. it's too bad, they are all so excited but we are just going to be attacked.

"you ok?" Midoriya asks turning to me.

"huh? oh yea... just a little worried." I say forcing a smile.

"what are you worried about?" he asks.

"I just have a bad feeling... like the league might show up" I hint to him.

"I'm sure they won't UA took extra security precautions to make sure they wouldn't know where we are." he reassures me with a smile.

"yeah I guess..." I say even though I already know that they know where we are.

"hey look it's class 1-B!" I hear someone say.

we look over and see class 1-B, and with them of course comes that jerkwad Monoma.

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