Chapter 11: Internships part 3

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(edited June 8th 2021)

Deku literally bounces off the walls trying to land a hit on Stain while Todoroki continues shooting a mix of fire and ice at him.

I messed up, I shouldn't have run at him like this. that was so stupid. 

as they continue their brawl Stain slices Deku's leg and he falls back. Stain goes in for the kill.


I yell standing up, I'm no longer paralyzed. my back hurts like a bitch but I push through the pain and send Stain flying backward. 

"you guys.. need to run... I can't watch this." Lida says tears forming in his eyes.

"you want to make your brother proud? then stand up and be Ingenium, become the hero you want to be!" Todoroki yells at him while still fighting Stain.

Stain licks his sword freezing Deku in place again and Todoroki shoots more ice at him which he slices through like butter.

while Stain is distracted with Todoroki I run over to Deku and pick him up with my telekinesis.

"I'm sorry guys- I failed you" he whimpers.

"no we aren't finished, the battle isn't lost yet" I say with a smile.

his eyes widen as he looks behind me.

"TODOROKI!" he yells I whirl around to see Stain about to slice off Todoroki's arm and my face goes pale.

Lida suddenly stands up and blasts his engines running at the two of them yelling.


he kicks Stains sword away from Todoroki and then kicks him in the gut sending him backward but he lands on his feet. 

"Todoroki... Midoriya... Maya... this has nothing to do with you. I apologize" Lida says bowing.

"not this again" I say rolling my eyes.

"I'm ok and I won't let the three of you shed any more blood for me." he proclaims

"Lida, stop it. what kind of heroes would we be if we just left you here alone? we are you're friends so kindly shut the fuck up and let us help you." I say glaring at him slightly annoyed by his profuse apologies.

"it's no use pretending to be a hero now, a person's true nature doesn't just change in a few minutes. you'll never be anything but a fraud Maya." Stain monologues.

"wait what did he say?" Deku asks confused.

"He's a fundamentalist lunatic don't listen to a word of this murder's nonsense." I say trying to play it off.

Stain charges at us and is once again met with Todoroki's flames.

"idiots! that Hero Killer only wants me and the kid with white armor, get out of here!" the pro hero who is still paralyzed yells.

"I don't think he'd let us run even if I wanted to!" Todoroki grunts still shooting out fire.

Stain continues to jump around the walls of the alleyway, I keep trying to grab him with my quirk but he's too fast I can't focus on him.

"Todoroki! can you regulate temperatures?" Lida asks Todoroki

"not well with my left, but yeah" he replies.

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